synctex man page on Cygwin

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synctex(1)		  BSD General Commands Manual		    synctex(1)

     synctex — command line client tool to support the Synchronize TeXnology
     available in recent TeX engines.

     synctex command [options] [args]

     The Synchronization TeXnology is a new feature of recent TeX engines.  It
     allows to synchronize between input and output, which means to navigate
     from the source document to the typeset material and vice versa.

     Run `synctex help' to access the built-in tool documentation.

     synctex(5) tex(1)

     The Synchronize TeXnology is essentially due to Jerome Laurens, with use‐
     ful suggestions by some well known actors of the TeX world.

     This document has never been updated.

			      September 21, 2024

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