RADIUSC(8)RADIUSC(8)NAMEradiusc - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service dae-
mon control program
SYNOPSISradiusc install|kill|start|stop
The radiusc control program controls the radiusd server.
The following commands may be given:
Installs the generic configuration files in
kill Kills the current running radius server as speci-
fied by the /etc/raddb/radiusd.pid file.
start Enables the radius server by adding (or uncomment-
ing) the radius line in /etc/inetd.conf and then
sending inetd a SIGHUP.
stop Disables the radius server by commenting out the
radius line in /etc/inetd.conf and then sending
inetd a SIGHUP. This does not kill the current
running radius server.
SEE ALSOclients(5), dictionary(5), users(5), inetd.conf(5),
inetd(8), radiusd(8)
20 May 1998 1