radiusc man page on BSDi

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RADIUSC(8)					       RADIUSC(8)

       radiusc	- Remote Authentication Dial In User Service dae-
       mon control program

       radiusc install|kill|start|stop

       The radiusc control program controls the	 radiusd  server.
       The following commands may be given:

	      Installs	 the   generic	 configuration	files  in

       kill   Kills the current running radius server  as  speci-
	      fied by the /etc/raddb/radiusd.pid file.

       start  Enables  the radius server by adding (or uncomment-
	      ing) the radius line in  /etc/inetd.conf	and  then
	      sending inetd a SIGHUP.

       stop   Disables	the  radius  server by commenting out the
	      radius line in  /etc/inetd.conf  and  then  sending
	      inetd  a	SIGHUP.	  This	does not kill the current
	      running radius server.

       clients(5),   dictionary(5),   users(5),	   inetd.conf(5),
       inetd(8), radiusd(8)

			   20 May 1998				1


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