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       dictionary  -  dictionary  translations for parsing RADIUS


       The dictionary file resides in the Merit AAA  server  con-
       figuration directory (named .../raddb somewhere).  It con-
       tains a list of dictionary translations	which  the  Merit
       AAA server will use to parse incoming requests and to gen-
       erate outgoing responses.  Comments are indicated by lead-
       ing  pound  sign ('#') characters.  All such comment lines
       are ignored (as are blank lines).

       All transactions are composed  of  Attribute/Value  Pairs.
       The  value  of  each attribute is specified as one of four
       data <type>s.

       Valid <types> include:

       ; l l.  string	 - 0-253 octets vendor	  - octet  #0  is
       zero,  then three octets IANA #, then the rest octets	-
       0-253  undistinguished  octets  abinary	 -  0-254  Ascend
       binary  filter octets ipaddr    - 4 octets in network byte
       order octet     - 8 bit integer value short     -  16  bit
       integer	value  in  big	endian	order  (high  byte first)
       integer	 - 32 bit integer value in big endian order (high
       byte first) date - 32 bit value in big endian order - sec-
       onds since 00:00:00 GMT,	 Jan.  1,  1970

       The ATTRIBUTE entries consist of four required fields  and
       one optional fifth field:

		      ATTRIBUTE	    <attribute-name>	<integer-
	      encoding>	   <type>   <pruning>

       The VALUE entries consist of four fields:

		     VALUE	    <attribute-name>	  <value-
	      name>	     <integer-encoding>

       For example:

	      ATTRIBUTE		   Framed-Protocol		7
	      integer  (1,0)


	      VALUE		Framed-Protocol		PPP    1

       The optional <pruning> field on attribute  lines	 controls
       two features of the Merit AAA server:

			 9 December 1997			1


	    a)	      whether  the  attribute is ever sent to the

	    b)	      how the NAS reacts to a  reply  which  con-
		      tains the attribute

       The syntax of the <pruning> expressions is as folows:

	      [	 ( [<ack>] [ [ [,] [<nak>] ] [ [,] [ MAY | MUST |
	      CONFIG ] ] ] ) ]
		  \__feature 'a)' above__/	\__feature 'b)' above__/

       In 'a)' above, <ack> and <nak> are one of '0', '1' or '*'.
       The  <ack>  and	<nak>  values  affect  Access-Accept  and
       Access-Reject replies, respectively.  These values  repre-

	    0	      no  attributes of this kind are part of the
		      final reply (DEFAULT)

	    1	      at most, one attribute of this kind may  be
		      part of the final reply

	    *	      any  number  of attributes of this kind may
		      be part of the final reply

       The default values for both <ack> and <nak> are '0'!  Keep
       this  in mind when adding vendor specific attributes since
       they will not be returned to the NAS in any replies unless
       this expression exists.

       In  'b)'	 above, the keywords define how the NAS reacts to
       the attribute:

	    MUST      the NAS must reject the request if it  does
		      not recognize this attribute

	    MAY	      the  NAS	may  ignore  the attribute if not
		      recognized (DEFAULT)

	    CONFIG    the attribute is a configuration item

       The CONFIG keyword is only for the internal  use	 of  this
       Merit  AAA server and must be given by itself (i.e., (con-
       fig) at the end of the attribute line).

       If any value is omitted, but the comma is present for that
       value,  then  just  that	 value takes on the default.  The
       keywords MAY and MUST only are meaningful for RADIUS  ver-
       sion two.

       A  new  syntax  for handling vendor specific attributes is

			 9 December 1997			2



       where <vendor> is the vendor's name and <attribute-string>
       is  a unique string (for that vendor).  This syntax may be
       used here and in the users file.	 There	is  an	alternate
       syntax available for specifying vendor specific attributes
       and values.  Vendor specific attribute and  value  identi-
       fier  strings may be defined in the vendors file which may
       be used in place of  the	 default  strings  ATTRIBUTE  and

       The  dictionary	file  is  read	by radiusd at startup and
       whenever a HUP signal is received by radiusd.   The  Merit
       AAA  server  detects  any  out-of-date configuration files
       upon  receipt  of  a  Status-Server  (or	 Management-Poll)
       request	and  re-reads  all the configuration files.  This
       file is maintained by the  system  administrator	 using	a
       text editor.


       signal(3),  users(5), vendors(5), radiusd(8), radcheck(8),

			 9 December 1997			3


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