ftpconfig man page on BSDi

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FTPCONFIG(5)		    BSD Programmer's Manual		  FTPCONFIG(5)

     ftpconfig - ftpd configuration file


     The /etc/ftpd/config file contains the configuration parameters for use
     by the ftpd(8) daemon.  It consists of lines which contain a parameter
     and its value:

	   parameter value

     (Except where noted below.)

     Comments are denoted by the `#' character and any text following a `#' is
     ignored.  Some parameters may be specified differently for guest sessions
     (anonymous ftp) and normal user sessions.	All parameters may be speci-
     fied per virtual host.  When the same parameter is specified more than
     once, the final setting found will be used.

Guest Sessions
     To specify parameters which are to be applied for guest sessions they
     must be within a guest block.  A guest block is started with the line:


     and concludes with:


     There may be multiple guest blocks.

Virtual Hosts
     A virtual host is defined by a line of the form:

	   <VirtualHost hostname>

     All parameters specified following this line are specific to the virtual
     host hostname. A virtual host definition is concluded with:


     Multiple definitions for the same hostname are allowed and are all merged
     together.	Note that only the first Internet address found for hostname
     will be listened to.  Guest blocks may be contained in a virtual host
     definition, but virtual host definitions may not be nested.

     A virtual host starts with a copy of the global values so all global val-
     ues must be specified prior to defining any virtual hosts.	 Specifing a
     global value after a virtual host has been defined produces an error.

     There are four types of parameters:

     o	 Variables which contain values, such as pathnames, hostnames, or num-
	 bers.	These may not appear within a guest block, but may be virtual
	 host specific.

     o	 Flags which determine availability of certain features.  These may
	 both appear in a guest block and be virtual host specific.

     o	 Commands to disable (or enable).  These make specific FTP commands
	 appear to be unimplemented.  They may be within a guest block as well
	 as virtual host specific.

     o	 Incoming (upload) directory definitions.  These only apply to guest

     The following variables may be set:

     AnonymousDir    The directory to which guest sessions initially are
		     chdir(1)'d	 and limited to.  This defaults to the home
		     directory of AnonymousUser.

     AnonymousUser   The account name which implies guest sessions.  By de-
		     fault this is the account ``ftp''.

     BannedUserList  A filename containing users or groups that are not al-
		     lowed to use FTP.	Groups are denoted by a leading `@'.
		     This defaults to /etc/ftpd/banned.

     ChrootUserList  A filename containing users or groups that will be ch-
		     rooted to their home directory.  Groups are denoted by a
		     leading `@'. This defaults to /etc/ftpd/chroot.

     GroupFile	     Specifies a filename which contains a mapping of ftp
		     group names (specified with SITE GROUP) to real group
		     names.  The file also contains the encrypted password
		     (see passwd(5)) needed for access to the group.  the syn-
		     tax of:


		     where groupname is the name specified to the SITE GROUP
		     command, password is the encrypted version of the pass-
		     word supplied to the SITE GPASS command, and realgroup is
		     the group name in the /etc/group file that this group is
		     mapped to.	 Specifying a group by SITE GROUP and SITE
		     GPASS gives the user access to files readable to

     LogFormat	     Specify the format to be used in the statistics file.
		     This format string is similar to a printf(3) format
		     string with the exception that the conversions must be
		     one of the following:

		     {time}	  The 20 character string representing the
				  current time.	 (e.g., ``Jan 5 10:02:41

		     {duration}	  The duration of the transfer, in seconds.

		     {remote}	  The remote host names.

		     {size}	  The number of bytes transfered.

		     {path}	  The pathname retrieved or stored.

		     {type}	  The type of transfer, `a' for ASCII and `b'
				  for binary.

		     {action}	  For compatability with wu-ftpd. This cur-
				  rently always is always printed as `_'.

		     {direction}  The direction of the transfer, `i' for in-

				  coming and `o' for outgoing.

		     {session}	  The type of session, `a' for guest sessions
				  (anonymous) and `r' for registered users.

		     {user}	  The registered user name for normal sessions
				  or the password provided for guest sessions.

		     {authtype}	  If UseRFC931 (see below) has been turned on
				  and RFC 931 authentication (ident) was suc-
				  cessful this is printed as `1', else it is
				  printed as `0'.

		     {authuser}	  If UseRFC931 (see below) has been turned on
				  and RFC 931 authentication (ident) was suc-
				  cessful this prints the authenticated name,
				  otherwise a `*' is printed.

		     The default format, which produces the same results as
		     wu-ftpd, is:

		     %{time} %{duration} %{remote} %{size} %{path} %{type}
		     %{action} %{direction} %{session} %{user} %{authtype}

		     Since all white space between LogFormat and the start of
		     the format are stripped, a leading `\' will be stripped,
		     allowing the format to start with a white space.

     LoginMessage    Specifies a filename to display to the client after the
		     client has logged in to the server.  Note that this is
		     read after the user has been chrooted so it must exist
		     within the chrooted environment.  This defaults to

     MaxTimeout	     The maximum value the user may increase the idle timeout
		     value to.	Defaults to 7200 seconds.

     MaxUsers	     This parameter is only settable for guest sessions and
		     only has effect if ftpd(8) is run in daemon mode.	When
		     set to a positive value it limits the number of guest
		     sessions allowed.	If the current total number of ses-
		     sions for a particular virtual host (including both guest
		     and non-guest sessions) is greater than or equal to this
		     value then only non-guest sessions are allowed.

     MessageFile     This parameter is only settable for guest sessions.  Af-
		     ter a successful CWD request, the contents of this file
		     are printed.  The file name must not contain a `/' (that
		     is, it is a file name in the new directory).  By default
		     this is ``.message''.

     PathFilter	     This parameter is only settable for guest sessions.  It
		     limits the file names allowed for storing or the names of
		     directories that may be created.  The value is a series
		     of strings, each being a regular expression (see
		     re_format(7)).  The first regular expression must match
		     the last component of the file or directory name.	The
		     following regular expressions must not match.  A common
		     invocation might be:

			   PathFilter ^[-A-Za-z0-9._]*$ ^\. ^-

		     This limits files to the character set of the alphanumer-
		     ic characters, `-', `.', and `_'. The second and third
		     regular expressions prohibit names that start with a `.'

		     or `-'.

		     A filename containing users or groups that are allowed to
		     use FTP.  If the specified file exists, only users or
		     users in the groups listed in that file are allowed to
		     connect, but are still subject to rejection by the
		     BannedUserList file.  Groups are denoted by a leading

     ServerName	     The name to use in the initial banner instead of the
		     standard hostname.	 For virtual hosts this defaults to
		     the hostname specified on the <VirtualHost ...> line.

     StatFile	     The file to keep track of file transfer statistics.  You
		     must also turn on the Stats flag, below.  This defaults
		     to /var/log/ftpd/xferlog.

     Timeout	     The inactivity timeout value, in seconds.	Defaults to
		     900 seconds.

     Umask	     The default umask to use for creating files.  This de-
		     faults to 027.  The user's login.conf entry may override
		     this value.

     WelcomeMessage  Specifies a filename to display to the client when they
		     first contact this server.	 This defaults to

     The value for variable parameters is taken as is and should not be en-
     closed in quotation marks.	 I.e., use

	   LoginMessage /etc/welcome

     rather than

	   LoginMessage ``/etc/welcome''

     Flags may have either the value of ``On'' or ``Off''. When inside of a
     guest block the setting will only be for guest sessions.  When outside of
     a guest block the definition will be for both normal user sessions and
     for guest sessions.  (You should first set all the global settings out-
     side of a guest block and then make any alterations needed within the
     guest block.)  The following flags are available:

     AllowAnonymous	  Defaults to on.  If turned off then guest sessions
			  are not allowed.

     AnonymousOnly	  Defaults to off.  If turned on then only guest ses-
			  sions are allowed.

     BuiltinLS		  Defaults to on.  If specified then a builtin version
			  of ls(1) is used rather than /bin/ls for listing
			  files.  This allows chrooted environment (including
			  guest sessions) to not require a /bin or /shlib di-

     Debug		  Defaults to off.  When turned on detailed informa-
			  tion about the session is sent to syslog.

     ExtraLogging	  Defaults to off.  When turned on the retrieve (get),
			  store (put), append, delete, make directory, remove
			  directory and rename operations and their filename

			  arguments using syslog.

     KeepAlive		  Defaults to off.  When turned on the SO_KEEPALIVE
			  option is turned on for all data connections.	 This
			  will cause data connections to eventually timeout if
			  the remote client disappears.

     Logging		  Defaults to off.  When turned on, each successful
			  and failed ftp(1) session is logged using syslog
			  with a facility of LOG_FTP.

     Proxy		  Defaults to off for guest sessions and on for normal
			  sessions.  When on it allows third party transfers.
			  This is required to be on for RFC 959 conformance.
			  Please see RFC 959 COMPLIANCE below.

     RestrictedDataPorts  Defaults to on.  When on, outgoing port requests to
			  ports under 1024 are not allowed.  This must be off
			  to be RFC 959 compliant.  Please see RFC 959 COMPLI-
			  ANCE below.

     Stats		  Defaults to off.  When on, ftpd logs all transfers
			  to the statistics file defined above, if it already
			  exists.  This file will not be created if it does
			  not already exist.

     UseHighPorts	  Defaults to on.  When on, the system uses data ports
			  in the range of 40000..44999.	 If turned off, and
			  the operating system supports turning it off, the
			  traditional range of 1024..4999 is used.  This op-
			  tion is not needed and is ignored under BSD/OS.

     UseRFC931		  Defaults to off.  When on, ftpd uses RFC 931 authen-
			  tication protocol (ident) to try and establish the
			  identification of the remote user.  Note that this
			  information cannot be trusted and can only be cor-
			  rectly interpreted by the remote system administra-

     VirtualOnly	  Defaults to off.  When on, only requests to defined
			  virtual hosts are allowed.

     In addition to the above parameters, individual FTP commands may be en-
     abled or disabled for all sessions, or just for guest sessions.  This may
     be virtual host specific.	By default, all implemented commands are
     available to normal sessions.  Guest sessions, by default, have the fol-
     lowing commands disabled:

	   Request    Description
	   APPE	      append to a file
	   DELE	      delete a file
	   MKD	      make a directory
	   RMD	      remove a directory
	   RNFR	      specify rename-from file name
	   RNTO	      specify rename-to file name
	   XMKD	      make a directory (deprecated)
	   XRMD	      remove a directory (deprecated)
	   SITE-UMASK change umask, e.g. ``SITE UMASK 002''
	   SITE-IDLE  set idle-timer, e.g. ``SITE IDLE 60''
	   SITE-CHMOD change mode of a file, e.g. ``SITE CHMOD 755 filename''

     Commands are enabled with the value ``On'' and disabled with the the val-
     ue ``Off''. The complete list of commands can be found in ftpd(8).	 Note
     that SITE commands are specified as SITE-CMD and are not as SITE CMD.

     For guest sessions, stores (uploads) are only possible into directories
     that have been explicitly allowed to have stores.	The Incoming directive
     is used to specify a directory for stores.	 It must exist within a guest
     block, though it can be virtual host specific.

     The incoming directive takes the form:

	   Incoming path user group mode [dmode]

     The arguments are defined as:

	   path	   The full pathname to the directory which allows stores.
		   This pathname is always relative to AnonymousDir.  Stores
		   may also be made into sub-directories, up to 7 levels deep,
		   from this directory.

	   user	   Name of the user in the /etc/passwd file who should own all
		   files stored into this directory.

	   group   Name of the group in the /etc/group file which should be
		   used for all files stored into this directory.

	   mode	   The octal mode bits that should be set for all files stored
		   into this directory.	 Typically this should be something
		   like 600 (only readable and writable by user.)

	   dmode   If specified, the octal mode bits that should be set for
		   all directories created in this directory.  Typically this
		   should be something like 733.  Directories can only be cre-
		   ated when dmode is specified.

     Typically the directory specified by path should be owned by user / group
     and be mode 733 (u+rwx g+wx o+wx) or 773 (u+rwx g+rwx o+wx).

     Due to misconfigurations of some sites, ftpd(8) is configured by default
     to try and protect against an attack against misconfigured machines.
     This attack is only possible when other machines trust the ftp host for
     rhosts(5) authentication and also allow connections from the ftp data
     port, 20.	The protection is to both disable third party transfers as
     well as limit the the ports to which the FTP server is allowed to connect
     to at the request of the client.

     To be compliant with RFC 959 you must set the following flags:

	   Flag			  Value	    Description
	   RestrictedDataPorts	  Off	    allow PORT requests from any port
	   Proxy		  On	    allow third party transfers

     The following sample /etc/ftpd/config file sets up two virtual hosts
     (ftp.mycompany.com and ftp.yourcompany.com) and does not allow ftp ses-
     sions to any other host.

	   # Turn on some standard options we desire for all servers
	   # BuiltinLS is required to allow listing in chrooted environments
	   # We keep logs and statistics
	   # Timeout dead connections
	   # We only allow virtual hosts to run
	   # We specify a shorter format string for the logfile
	   BuiltinLS On
	   Logging On
	   ExtraLogging On
	   Stats On
	   KeepAlive On
	   VirtualOnly On
	   LogFormat %{time} %{remote} %{user} %{direction} %{path} %{size} %{duration}

	   # Make sure we use the account "ftp" for guest sessions
	   # Set up for a welcome banner once they get logged in
	   AnonymousUser ftp
	   LoginMessage /etc/welcome

	   # These are turned off by default, but lets be
	   # paranoid and make sure they are off for guests.
	   # Also add in a filter on the path names.
	       APPE Off
	       RNFR Off
	       RNTO Off
	       DELE Off
	       MKD Off
	       XMKD Off
	       RMD Off
	       XRMD Off
	       SITE-UMASK Off
	       SITE-IDLE Off
	       SITE-CHMOD Off
	       PathFilter ^[-A-Za-z0-9._]*$ ^\. ^-

	   # Define mycompany's ftp server
	   # We have a list of users we don't want to allow
	   # access to our server.
	   <VirtualHost ftp.mycompany.com>
	       AnonymousDir /var/spool/ftp.mycompany.com
	       StatFile /var/log/ftpd/ftp.mycompany.com
	       BannedUserList /etc/ftpd/banned.mycompany.com
		   Incoming /incoming bob user 600

	   # Define yourcompany's ftp server
	   # They have a special welcome message they want displayed.
	   # They also have their own ls command for guest sessions
	   # so we cannot use the builtin version.
	   # We also disable the ability of guest to store any files
	   <VirtualHost ftp.yourcompany.com>
	       AnonymousDir /var/spool/ftp.yourcompany.com
	       StatFile /var/log/ftpd/ftp.yourcompany.com
	       WelcomeMessage /etc/ftpd/welcome.yourcompany.com
		   BuiltinLS Off
		   ALLO Off
		   STOR Off
		   STOU Off

     ls(1),  ftp(1),  login.conf(5),  ftpd(8)

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