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LOGIN.CONF(5)		    BSD Programmer's Manual		 LOGIN.CONF(5)

     login.conf - login class capability data base


     The login.conf file describes the various attributes of login classes.  A
     login class determines what styles of authentication are available as
     well as session resource limits and environment setup.  While designed
     primarily for the login(8) program, it is also used by other programs,
     e.g., ftpd(8),  to determine what means of authentication are available.
     It is also used by programs, e.g., rexecd(8),  which need to set up a us-
     er environment.

     Refer to getcap(3) for a description of the file layout.  All entries in
     the login.conf file are either boolean or use a `=' to separate the capa-
     bility from the value.  The types are described after the capability

     Name		Type	     Default	     Description
     alwaysuseklogin	bool	     false	     Always check the .klogin
						     file for kerberos style
						     authentication.  Normally
						     this file is only checked
						     if a non-null kerberos
						     instance is provided
						     (e.g., user.root).

     approve		program			     Default program to ap-
						     prove login.

     approve-service	program			     Program to approve login
						     for service.

     auth		list	     passwd	     Allowed authentication
						     styles.  The first value
						     is the default styles.

     auth-type		list			     Allowed authentication
						     styles for the authenti-
						     cation type type.

     classify		program			     Classify type of login.

     copyright		file			     File containing addition-
						     al copyright information.

     coredumpsize	size			     Maximum coredump size

     cputime		time			     CPU usage limit.

     datasize		size			     Maximum data size limit.

     filesize		size			     Maximum file size limit.

     harduserlimit	bool	     false	     Do not allow the user to
						     log in if this session
						     will be beyond the li-
						     censed number of simulta-
						     neous users.

     hushlogin		bool	     false	     Same as having a
						     $HOME/.hushlogin file.
						     See login(8).

     ignorenologin	bool	     false	     Not affected by nologin
						     files.  See login(8).

     stacksize		size			     Maximum stack size limit.

     maxproc		number			     Maximum number of pro-

     memorylocked	size			     Maximum locked in core
						     memory size limit.

     memoryuse		size			     Maximum in core memoryuse
						     size limit.

     minpasswordlen	number	     6		     The minimum length a lo-
						     cal password may be.
						     Used by the passwd(1)

     nologin		file			     If the file exists it
						     will be displayed and the
						     login session will be

     openfiles		number			     Maximum number of open
						     files per process.

     password-dead	time	     0		     Length of time a password
						     may be expired but not
						     quite dead yet.  When set
						     (for both the client and
						     remote server machine
						     when doing remote authen-
						     tication), a user is al-
						     lowed to log in just one
						     more time after their
						     password (but not ac-
						     count) has expired.  This
						     allows a grace period for
						     updating their password.

     password-warn	time	     2w		     If the user's password
						     will expire within this
						     length of time then warn
						     the user of this.

     path		path	     /bin /usr/bin
						     Default search path.

     priority		number			     Initial priority (nice)

     requirehome	bool	     false	     Require home directory to

     shell		program			     Session shell to execute
						     rather than the shell
						     specified in the password
						     file.  The SHELL environ-
						     ment variable will con-
						     tain the shell specified
						     in the password file.

     term		string	     su		     Default terminal type if
						     not able to determine
						     from other means.

     umask		number	     022	     Initial umask.  Should
						     always have a leading 0
						     to assure octal interpre-
						     tation.  See umask(2).

     welcome		file	     /etc/motd	     File containing welcome

     widepasswords	bool	     false	     Use the new wide password
						     format when using the
						     passwd(1) utility.	 The
						     wide password format al-
						     lows up to 128 signifi-
						     cant characters in the

     The resource limit entries (cputime, filesize, datasize, memoryuse,
     memorylocked, maxproc, and openfiles) actually specify both the maximum
     and current limits (see getrlimit(2)).  The current limit is the one nor-
     mally used, although the user is permitted to increase the current limit
     to the maximum limit.  The maximum and current limits may be specified
     individually by appending a -max or -cur to the capability name (e.g.,
     openfiles-max and openfiles-cur).

     BSDI BSD/OS will never define capabilities which start with x- or X-,
     these are reserved for external use (unless included through contributed

     The argument types are defined as:

     file	Path name to a text file.

     list	A comma separated list of values.

     number	A number.  A leading 0x implies the number is expressed in
		hexadecimal.  A leading 0 implies the number is expressed in
		octal.	Any other number is treated as decimal.

     path	A space separated list of path names.  If a ~ is the first
		character in the path name, the ~ is expanded to the user's
		home directory.

     program	A path name to program.

     size	A number which expresses a size in bytes.  It may have a
		trailing b to multiply the value by 512, a k to multiply the
		value by 1 K (1024), and a m to multiply the value by 1 M

     time	A time in seconds.  A time may be expressed as a series of
		numbers which are added together.  Each number may have a
		trailing character to represent time units:

		y    Indicates a number of 365 day years.

		w    Indicates a number of 7 day weeks.

		d    Indicates a number of 24 hour days.

		h    Indicates a number of 60 minute hours.

		m    Indicates a number of 60 second minutes.

		s    Indicates a number of seconds.

		For example, to indicate 1 and 1/2 hours, the following string
		could be used: 1h30m.

     BSDI BSD/OS uses BSD Authentication, which is made up of a variety of au-
     thentication styles. The authentication styles currently provided are:

     activ	 Authenticate using an ActivCard token.	 See login_activ(8).

     auth	 Authenticate using the remote authentication protocol.	 Nor-
		 mally linked to another authentication type.  See

     chpass	 Change user's password.  See login_chpass(8).

     crypto	 Authenticate using a CRYPTOCard token.	 See login_crypto(8).

     kerberos	 Request a password and use it to request a ticket from the
		 kerberos server.  See kerberos(1).

     krb-or-pwd	 Request a password and first try the kerberos authentication
		 style and if that fails use the same password with the passwd
		 authentication style.	See kerberos(1).

     lchpass	 Change user's local password.	See login_chpass(8).

     passwd	 Request a password and check it against the password in the
		 master.passwd file.

     radius	 Normally linked to another authentication type, contact the
		 radius server to do authentication.  See login_radius(8).

     rchpass	 Change user's rpasswd password.  See login_rchpass(8).

     reject	 Request a password and reject any request.  See

     rpasswd	 Request a password and check it against the password in the
		 rpasswd.db file.

     skey	 Send a challenge and request a response, checking it with
		 S/Keytm authentication.  See skey(1).

     snk	 Authenticate using a SecureNet Key token.  See login_snk(8).

     token	 Authenticate using a generic X9.9 token.  See login_token(8).

     Local authentication styles may be added by creating the login script for
     the style (see below).  To prevent collisions with future official BSD
     Authentication style names all local style names should start with a dash
     (-).  Current plans are for all official BSD Authentication style names
     to begin with a lower case alphabetic character.  For example, if you
     have a new style you refer to as slick then you should create an authen-
     tication script named /usr/libexec/login_-slick using the style name
     -slick. When logging in via the login(8) program, the syntax user:-slick
     would be used.

     Authentication requires several pieces of information:

     class	 The login class being used.

     service	 The type of service requesting authentication.	 The service
		 type is used to determine what information the authentication
		 program can provide to the user and what information the user
		 can provide to the authentication program.

		 The service type login is appropriate for most situations.
		 Two other service types, challenge and response, are provided
		 for use by programs like ftpd(8) and radiusd(8).  If no ser-
		 vice type is specified, login is used.

     style	 The authentication style being used.

     type	 The authentication type, used to determine the available au-
		 thentication styles.

     username	 The name of the user to authenticate.	The name may contain
		 an instance, e.g.  ``user.root'', as used by Kerberos authen-
		 tication.  If the authentication style being used does not
		 support such instances, the request will fail.

     The program requesting authentication must specify a username and an au-
     thentication style.  (For example, login(8) requests a username from the
     user.  Users may enter usernames of the form ``user:style'' to optionally
     specify the authentication style.)	 The requesting program may also spec-
     ify the type of authentication that will be done.	Most programs will on-
     ly have a single type, if any at all, i.e.	 ftpd(8) will always request
     the ftp type authentication, and su(1) will always request the su type
     authentication.  The login(8) utility is special in that it may select an
     authentication type based on information found in the /etc/ttys file for
     the appropriate tty (see ttys(5)).

     The class to be used is normally determined by the class field in the
     password file (see passwd(5)).

     The class is used to look up a corresponding entry in the login.conf
     file.  If an authentication type is defined and a value for auth-type ex-
     ists in that entry, it will be used as a list of potential authentication
     styles.  If an authentication type is not defined, or auth-type is not
     specified for the class, the value of auth is used as the list of avail-
     able authentication styles.

     If the user did not specify an authentication style the first style in
     the list of available styles is used.  If the user did specify an authen-
     tication style and the style is in the list of available styles it will
     be used, otherwise the request is rejected.

     For any given style, the program /usr/libexec/login_style is used to per-
     form the authentication.  The synopsis of this program is:

	  /usr/libexec/login_style [-v name=value] [-s service] username class

     The -v option is used to specify arbitrary information to the authentica-
     tion programs.  Any number of -v options may be used.  The login(8) pro-
     gram provides the following through the -v option:

     auth_type	     The type of authentication to use.

     fqdn	     The hostname provided to login by the -h option.

     hostname	     The name login(8) will place in the utmp file for the re-

		     mote hostname.

     local_addr	     The local ip address given to login(8) by the -L option.

     remote_addr     The remote ip address given to login(8) by the -R option.

     style	     The style of authentication used for this user (see ap-
		     proval scripts below).

     The su(1) program provides the following through the -v option:

     wheel	     Set to either ``yes'' or ``no'' to indicate if the user
		     is in group wheel when they are trying to become root.
		     Some authentication types require the user to be in group
		     wheel when using the su(1) program to become super user.

     When the authentication program is executed, the environment will only
     contain the values PATH=/bin:/usr/bin and SHELL=/bin/sh. File descriptor
     3 will be open for reading and writing.  The authentication program
     should write one or more of the following strings to this file descrip-

     authorize	The user has been authorized.

     authorize secure
		The user has been authorized and root should be allowed to lo-
		gin even if this is not a secure terminal.  This should only
		be sent by authentication styles that are secure over insecure

     reject	Authorization is rejected.  This overrides any indication that
		the user was authorized (though one would question the wisdom
		in sending both a reject and an authorize command).

     reject challenge
		Authorization was rejected and a challenge has been made
		available via the value challenge.

     reject silent
		Authorization is rejected, but no error messages should be

     remove file
		If the login session fails for any reason, remove file before
		termination (a kerberos ticket file, for example).

     setenv name value
		If the login session succeeds, the environment variable name
		should be set to the specified value.

     unsetenv name
		If the login session succeeds, the environment variable name
		should be removed.

     value name value
		Set the internal variable name to the specified value. The
		value should only contain printable characters.	 Several \ se-
		quences may be used to introduce non printing characters.
		These are:

		\n	A newline

		\r	A carriage return

		\t	A tab

		\xxx	The character represented by the octal value xxx. The
			value may be one, two, or three octal digits.

		\c	The string is replaced by the value of c. This allows
			quoting an initial space or the \ character itself.

		The following values are currently defined:

			See section on challenges below.

			If set, the value is the reason authentication failed.
			The calling program may choose to display this when
			rejecting the user, but display is not required.

     In order for authentication to be successful, the authentication program
     must exit with a value of 0 as well as provide an authorize or authorize
     root statement on file descriptor 3.

     An authentication program must not assume it will be called as root, nor
     must it assume it will not be called as root.  If it needs special per-
     missions to access files it should be setuid or setgid to the appropriate
     user/group.  See chmod(1).

     When an authentication program is called with a service of challenge it
     should do one of three things:

     If this style of authentication supports challenge response it should set
     the internal variable challenge to be the appropriate challenge for the
     user.  This is done by the value command listed above.  The program
     should also issue a reject challenge and then exit with a 0 status.  See
     the section on responses below.

     If this style of authentication does not support challenge response, but
     does support the response service (described below) it should issue
     reject silent and then exit with a 0 status.

     If this style of authentication does not support the response service it
     should simply fail, complaining about an unknown service type.  It should
     exit with a non-zero status.

     When an authentication program is called with a service of response, and
     this style supports this mode of authentication, it should read two null
     terminated strings from file descriptor 3.	 The first string is a chal-
     lenge that was issued to the user (obtained from the challenge service
     above).  The second string is the response the user gave (i.e., the pass-
     word).  If the response is correct for the specified challenge, the au-
     thentication should be accepted, else it should be rejected.  It is pos-
     sible for the challenge to be any empty string, which implies the calling
     program did first obtain a challenge prior to getting a response from the
     user.  Not all authentication styles support empty challenges.

     An approval program has the synopsis of:

	  approve [-v name=value] username class service

     Just as with an authentication program, file descriptor 3 will be open
     for writing when the approval program is executed.	 The -v option is the
     same as in the authentication program.  Unlike an authentication program,
     the approval program need not explicitly send an authorize or authorize
     root statement, it only need exit with a value of 0 or non-zero.  An exit
     value of 0 is equivalent to an authorize statement, and non-zero to a
     reject statement.	This allows for simple programs which have no informa-
     tion to provide other than approval or denial.

     A classify program has the synopsis of:

	  classify [-v name=value] [-f] [user]

     See login(8) for a description of the -f, option.	The -v option is the
     same as for the authentication programs.  The user is the username passed
     to login(8) login, if any.

     The typical job of the classify program is to determine what authentica-
     tion type should actually be used, presumably based on the remote IP ad-
     dress.  It might also re-specify the hostname to be included in the
     utmp(5) file, reject the login attempt out right, or even print an addi-
     tional login banner (e.g., /etc/issue).

     The classify entry is only valid for the default class as it is used pri-
     or to knowing who the user is.  The classify script may pass environment
     variables or other commands back to login(8) on file descriptor 3, just
     as an authentication program does.	 The two variables AUTH_TYPE and
     REMOTE_NAME are used to specify a new authentication type (the type must
     have the form auth- Na type) and override the -h option to login, respec-

     authenticate(3),  bsd_auth(3),  getcap(3),	 login_cap(3),	ttys(5),
     ftpd(8),  login(8)

BSDI BSD/OS		       February 23, 1995			     8

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