TIFFCMP man page on Cygwin

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TIFFCMP(1)							    TIFFCMP(1)

       tiffcmp - compare two TIFF files

       tiffcmp [ options ] file1.tif file2.tif

       Tiffcmp	compares  the  tags and data in two files created according to
       the Tagged Image File Format, Revision 6.0.  The schemes used for  com‐
       pressing	 data  in each file are immaterial when data are compared-data
       are compared on a scanline-by-scanline basis after decompression.  Most
       directory  tags are checked; notable exceptions are: GrayResponseCurve,
       ColorResponseCurve, and ColorMap tags.  Data will not  be  compared  if
       any of the BitsPerSample, SamplesPerPixel, or ImageWidth values are not
       equal.  By default, tiffcmp will terminate if it encounters any differ‐

       -l     List each byte of image data that differs between the files.

       -z number
	      List  specified  number of image data bytes that differs between
	      the files.

       -t     Ignore any differences in directory tags.

       Tags that are not recognized by the library are not compared; they  may
       also generate spurious diagnostics.

       The  image data of tiled files is not compared, since the TIFFReadScan‐
       line() function is used.	 An error will be reported for tiled files.

       The pixel and/or sample number reported in differences may  be  off  in
       some exotic cases.

       pal2rgb(1), tiffinfo(1), tiffcp(1), tiffmedian(1), libtiff(3TIFF)

       Libtiff library home page: http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/

libtiff			       November 2, 2005			    TIFFCMP(1)

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