PTOGET man page on Pidora

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PTOGET(1)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	     PTOGET(1)

       ptoget - query a pto project

       ptoget [options] project.pto

	 -p | --panorama   query 'p' panorama lines
	 -m | --mode	   query 'm' mode lines
	 -i | --image	   query 'i' image lines
	 -v | --variable   query 'v' optimisation variable lines
	 -o | --option	   query '#hugin_' option lines
	 -h | --help	   Outputs help documentation

       ptoget queries global parameters from a hugin .pto project.  Only one
       parameter can be queried at once.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
       Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       <> ptoset

       Bruno Postle - November 2008.

perl v5.14.1			  2009-12-19			     PTOGET(1)

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