EUI64 man page on FreeBSD

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EUI64(5)		    BSD File Formats Manual		      EUI64(5)

     eui64 — IEEE EUI-64 address database

     The eui64 database contains information regarding known IEEE EUI-64s of
     hosts.  The data is stored in a file called /etc/eui64 in the following

	   EUI-64 host-name

     Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters.	 A ‘#’
     at the start of a line indicates the beginning of a comment that extends
     to the end of the line.  Valid lines may also contain comments.  A ‘+’ at
     the start of a line will cause the eui64(3) library functions to use data
     stored in the NIS eui64.byname and eui64.byid maps in addition to the
     data in the /etc/eui64 file.

     An EUI-64 is expressed in ASCII form as "x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x" where x is a
     hexadecimal value between 0x00 and 0xFF.  The address values should be in
     network order.  Hostnames specified in the /etc/eui64 database should
     correspond to entries in the hosts(5) file.

     /etc/eui64	 The eui64 file resides in /etc.

     eui64(3), yp(8)

     The eui64 format is based on the ethers(5) format.

BSD				 May 11, 2004				   BSD

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