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2.5    SysMan Tools

SysMan lets you run commands at intervals, using Display Window.

You can add any output-only command to the Display Window, which already provides the following tools:


The iostat command reports the following:

  • For terminals (collectively): The number of characters read and written per second

  • For each disk: The number of transfers per second, bytes transferred per second (in kilobytes), and the average number of milliseconds per seek (not all disk drives report seek times)

  • For the system: The percentage of time the system was in user mode, user mode running low-priority (niced) processes, system mode, and idling

For additional information, see the iostat(1) reference page.


The netstat command displays network-related data in various formats.

For additional information, see the netstat(1) reference page.


The vmstat command displays system statistics for virtual memory, processes, trap, and CPU activity.

For additional information, see the vmstat(1) reference page.


The who command displays information about currently logged-in users and processes on the local system.

For additional information, see the w(1) reference page.


The systemmessages command provides a repeating display of the system log, which is in the /var/adm/messages file.

The systemmessages command uses tail -f, resulting in a continuing display of the system log.