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xpaint(l)						xpaint(l)

       xpaint - Simple Paint program

       xpaint  [  -size WIDTHxHEIGHT ] [ -12 ] [ -24 ] [ -rcFile
       file ] [ -popped ] [ -nowarn ] [ -help ] [ filenames... ]

       XPaint is a color image editing tool which  features  most
       standard paint	program options, as well as advanced fea-
       tures such as image processing algorithms.  It allows  for
       the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports
       various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

       The functionality of XPaint is divided into a toolbox area
       for  selecting  the current paint operation and paint win-
       dows for modifying/creating images.  Each paint window has
       access  to  its	own  color  palette  and set of patterns,
       although the paint operation in use is  globally selected
       for all windows.

       XPaint  runs on a variety of displays.  It should be noted
       that saving images will adapt them to the current  display
       type (i.e. a color image loaded on a greyscale screen will
       be saved as a grey image).

       There is also an extensive on-line help system  available.

       In  addition to being able to specify image files to open,
       the following options are available on the command line:

	    -size wxh Default width and height for new images.

	    -12 Use a 12 bit PseudoColor visual.

	    -24 Use a 24 bit TrueColor visual.

	    -rcFile file
		      Load file instead of the	default RC  file
		      specified at  compile  time.  See also the
		      section RC FILE FORMAT below.

	    -popped   Popup an empty canvas on startup.

	    -nowarn   Do not emit warnings  about  possible  data
		      loss  due to different depth of display and

	    -help     Give a summary of the available options.

       The toolbox window is displayed when  XPaint  is started.
       The  toolbox is used to select an operation which can then

			  Release 2.4.7				1

xpaint(l)						xpaint(l)

       be applied to any image area presented  (painting  window,
       fat  bits, pattern editor, etc.).  The window has a selec-
       tion of painting operations (as icons)  and  several  pull
       down menus.

       The  painting  window holds a canvas area for painting the
       displayed image, menus for performing operations on  this
       image,  and  primary  and secondary color/pattern palettes
       along with buttons for adding to these.

       The RC file can be used	to  customize  the  color/pattern
       palettes.   If a system-wide RC file is specified with the
       -rcFile option, that file is read  first;  otherwise,  the
       defaults specified at compile time are loaded.	Then, the
       file .XPaintrc is searched for first in	the  user's  home
       directory  and then in the current directory. Any settings
       specified here are appended to the one in the  system-wide
       RC file.

       Any  time  a  new canvas is created, the .XPaintrc file is
       read again if it has changed.

       The RC file can contain any of the following  entries,  in
       any order:

	    #	 or

	    !	 at the start of a line initiates a comment.
		      The rest of the line is ignored.

	    solid color
		      where color is a color in standard X11 for-
		      mat  (eg. GoldenRod1,  #a2b5cd - see also
		      X(1)) adds a solid color to the palette.

	    pattern BeginData bitmap EndData
		      where bitmap is a bitmap	specification  in
		      XBM  or  XPM format, adds a fill pattern to
		      the palette.

		      Note that there must  be	a  newline  after
		      BeginData,  and that EndData must appear on
		      a line by itself.

	    pattern filename
		      where  filename  is  a  file  containing	a
		      bitmap  in  XBM  or XPM format, also adds a
		      pattern to the palette.

			  Release 2.4.7				2

xpaint(l)						xpaint(l)

       The squares in the palette have a default size of 24 by 24
       pixels. This can be changed by setting the XPaint.pattern-
       size resource to a number between 4 and 64.

       David Koblas, koblas@netcom.com. I am interested	 in  how
       this program is used, if you find any bugs, I'll fix them.
       If you notice any rough spots, or think	of  some  way  in
       which  it could be better, feel free to drop me a message.

       Torsten Martinsen, bullestock@dk-online.dk,  is	to  blame
       for any (mis)features added in XPaint release 2.2 and fol-
       lowing releases.

       Many people, too numerous to mention, have contributed  to
       the development of XPaint. See the file Doc/CHANGES in the
       source distribution for details.

			  Release 2.4.7				3


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