toe man page on Syllable

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toe(1M)								       toe(1M)

       toe - table of (terminfo) entries

       toe [-v[n]] [-ahuUV] file...

       With no options, toe lists all available terminal types by primary name
       with descriptions.   File  arguments  specify  the  directories	to  be
       scanned;	 if  no such arguments are given, your default terminfo direc‐
       tory is scanned.	 If you also specify the -h option, a directory header
       will be issued as each directory is entered.

       There are other options intended for use by terminfo file maintainers:

       -a     report  on  all  of  the	terminal databases which ncurses would
	      search, rather than only the first one that it finds.

       -u file
	      says to write a report to the standard output, listing dependen‐
	      cies in the given terminfo/termcap source file.  The report con‐
	      denses the `use' relation: each line  consists  of  the  primary
	      name  of	a  terminal  that  has use capabilities, followed by a
	      colon, followed by the whitespace-separated primary names of all
	      terminals	 which	occur in those use capabilities, followed by a

       -U file
	      says to write a report to the standard output,  listing  reverse
	      dependencies  in	the  given  terminfo/termcap source file.  The
	      report reverses the `use' relation: each line  consists  of  the
	      primary name of a terminal that occurs in use capabilities, fol‐
	      lowed by a colon, followed by the	 whitespace-separated  primary
	      names  of	 all  terminals which depend on it, followed by a new‐

       -vn    specifies that (verbose) output be written  to  standard	error,
	      showing  toe's  progress.	  The optional parameter n is a number
	      from 1 to 10, interpreted as for tic(1M).

       -V     reports the version of ncurses which was used in	this  program,
	      and exits.

	    Compiled terminal description database.

       tic(1M),	 infocmp(1M),  captoinfo(1M),  infotocap(1M), curses(3X), ter‐

       This describes ncurses version 5.7 (patch 20081102).

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