size man page on BSDi

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SIZE(1)			     BSD Reference Manual		       SIZE(1)

     size - display object file segment sizes (text, data and bss)

     size [file ...]

     The size utility displays the text, data and bss segment sizes of the
     specified files in bytes (in decimal), and the sum of the three segments
     (in both decimal and hexadecimal).	 `Text' is the part of a file that be-
     comes resident in memory with read-only protection; `data' is the part of
     a file that becomes resident in memory with writable protection; and
     `bss' is zero-filled space in memory that has been reserved by the file
     format.  The sum of the aggregate sizes of these regions provides an idea
     of how much memory a program will initially use, or how much an object
     file will contribute to memory usage in a program that links with it.

     Either executable machine code binaries or library archives may be speci-

     If no file is specified size attempts to report on the file named a.out.

     ar(1),  a.out(5),	elf(5)

     A size command appeared in Version 6 AT&T Unix.

BSDI BSD/OS		       November 3, 1997				     1

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