sgpio man page on Pidora

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sgpio(1)			 USER COMMANDS			      sgpio(1)

       sgpio - captive backplane LED control utility

       sgpio   [-h]  [-V]  [[-d|--disk	<device>[,<device>...]]	 |  [-p|--port
       <port>[,<port>...]]] [-s|--status <status>] [-f|--freq <frequency>]

       Serial General Purpose Input Output (SGPIO) is a	 communication	method
       used  between  a main board and a variety of internal and external hard
       disk drive bay enclosures.  This utility can be used to control LEDs in
       an  enclosure.	For  more  information about SGPIO, please consult the
       SFF-8485 Specification.

       -h, --help
	      displays a short help text

       -V, --version
	      displays the utility and AHCI SGPIO specification

       -d, --disk
	      disk name of LED location.  Names are  sda,sdb,sdc,...  Multiple
	      names can be provided in a comma-delimited list.

       -p, --port
	      SATA  port number of LED location, can be used if a disk name is
	      no longer valid. 0,1,2,3,... Multiple ports can be provided in a
	      comma-delimited list.

       -s, --status
	      status  of  the  LED  to	set.   LED  status  is: locate, fault,
	      rebuild, off

       -f, --freq
	      Set the frequency at which the LED should blink  (in  Hz).  Fre‐
	      quency should be an integer between 1 and 10.

       Set the locate LED on SDA with an Intel Intelligent backplane:
	      sgpio -d sda -s locate

       Set  the	 locate	 LED on SDA to flash at 3 Hz for non-intelligent back‐
	      sgpio -d sda -s locate -f 3

       Set SATA port 2 with fault at a 3 Hz flash rate:
	      sgpio -p 2 -s fault -f 3

       Set disks sda through sdf to fault:
	      sgpio -d sda,sdb,sdc,sdd,sde,sdf -s fault

       sgpio should return zero when successful.  It will return with  a  non-
       zero value if there was a failure.

       Eric R. Hall <>

version 0.3			 December 2007			      sgpio(1)

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