notify man page on BSDi

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NOTIFY(8C)					       NOTIFY(8C)

       notify - HylaFAX user notification script

       /var/spool/fax/bin/notify qfile why jobtime commid [ next-
       Try ]

       bin/notify is the command script invoked by the	facsimile
       server  to  notify  a user about the status of an outbound
       job.  The default notification script sends the user elec-
       tronic mail describing the event or action.  The arguments

       qfile	 the pathname of the job description file.

       why	 a string that specifies why the  user	is  being
		 notified; one of:
		 Why		     Notes    Meaning
		 done			      job was completed successfully
		 failed		      1	      job was not completed
		 rejected		      job was rejected for specified reasons
		 blocked		      job is blocked by concurrent jobs
		 requeued	     1	      job was not completed, but was requeued for retry
		 removed		      job was deleted from the queue
		 killed			      job was deleted from the queue
		 timedout		      job could not be sent before kill time expired
		 format_failed		      document conversion failed
		 no_formatter		      the document conversion program was not found
		 poll_rejected	     1	      a polling request was rejected by the remote side
		 poll_no_document    1	      a polling request failed because nothing was available
		 poll_failed	     1	      a polling request failed for an unknown reason
		 1  A  transcript  of the failed communication is
		 returned to the sender.

       jobtime	 the total transmission time of a successful  job
		 or  the connect time of a failed request (passed
		 as a string).

       commid	 the communication identifier of the HylaFAX pro-
		 cess  that  processed the job (used for locating
		 communication transcripts).

       nextTry	 the time (passed as a string) at which the  next
		 attempt  will be made to complete the job.  This
		 parameter is passed only if why is ``requeued''.

       /var/spool/fax	    spooling area
       /usr/lib/sendmail    for delivering mail

       faxq(8C), hylafax-server(5F), sendq(5F)

			   May 8, 1996				1


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