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NEWSLOG(5)					       NEWSLOG(5)

       newslog - description of Usenet log files

       Most  log  files	 created by Usenet programs reside in the
       <pathlog in inn.conf> directory and have a ``.log'' exten-
       sion.   Several	versions  are  usually kept with an addi-
       tional extension such  as  ``.1'',  ``.2'',  etc.  --  the
       higher  the number, the older the log.  The older versions
       are compressed.

       The scanlogs script and related utilities (see newslog(8))
       are  responsible for rotating and compressing these files.

       Some log files always have data, others only have data  if
       there  is a problem, and others are only created if a par-
       ticular program is used or configuration parameter is set.
       The  innstat  script (see newslog(8)) monitors the size of
       all log files.

       The following files will only accumulate	 data  under  the
       direction of control.ctl(5):
	      control.log  miscctl.log	newgroup.log  rmgroup.log
       In order	 to  create  these  files,  the	 ``message''  and
       ``action'' fields of control.ctl should be chosen from the
       following table:
	      Message	  Action	 Meaning
	      all	  log=miscctl	 Log all messages by default
	      default	  log=miscctl	 Log unknown messages
	      newgroup	  doit=newgroup	 Create group and log message
	      newgroup	  log=newgroup	 Log message
	      rmgroup	  doit=rmgroup	 Remove group and log message
	      rmgroup	  log=rmgroup	 Log message
	      ``other''	  doit=miscctl	 log and process the message
	      ``other''	  log=miscctl	 Log message
       Here, ``other'' refers to any other control  message  such
	      checkgroups ihave sendme sendsys senduuname version

       The following is a list of log files.

	      This file maintains a count of the number	 of  new-
	      group  and  rmgroup  control messages seen for each
	      newsgroup.  The count is of the number  of  control
	      messages	with  identical	 arguments, regardless if
	      they were actually processed.   All  control  argu-
	      ments,  including	 invalid ones, are counted.  This
	      file is updated by tally.control, which is  invoked
	      by  scanlogs if either the newgroup or rmgroup logs
	      exist.  This file is not rotated.

       errlog This file contains the standard output and standard


NEWSLOG(5)					       NEWSLOG(5)

	      error  of any program spawned by innd(8).	 The most
	      common programs are  the	control-message	 handlers
	      found   in  <pathcontrol in inn.conf>.   This  file
	      should be empty.	Scanlogs will  print  the  entire
	      contents of this log file if it is non-empty.

	      By  default, when news.daily is going to expire old
	      news articles, it writes the  date  to  this  file,
	      followed	by any output from expire(8) and the end-
	      ing date.	 All lines but	the  first  are	 indented
	      four spaces.

	      When  control.ctl is configured as described above,
	      all control messages except  newgroup  and  rmgroup
	      are  appended to this file by writelog.  There will
	      be a summary line describing the	message	 and  the
	      action  taken,  followed by the article indented by
	      four spaces, and a blank line.

	      When control.ctl is configured as described  above,
	      all  newgroup  messages  are  appended to this file
	      using the same format as for miscctl.log.

       news   This file logs articles received by innd.	 Scanlogs
	      summarizes  the  rejected articles reported in this

	      All critical error  messages  issued  by	innd  are
	      appended to this file via syslog(3).  This log file
	      should be empty.	Scanlogs will  print  the  entire
	      contents	of this log file if it is non-empty.  You
	      should  have  the	 following  line  in  your   sys-
	      log.conf(5)  file.   (A  typical entry is shown; it
	      should agree with <pathlog in inn.conf>)
		     news.crit	<pathlog in inn.conf>/news.crit

	      All  major  error	 messages  issued  by  innd   are
	      appended to this file via syslog(3).  This log file
	      should be empty.	Scanlogs will  print  the  entire
	      contents	of this log file if it is non-empty.  You
	      should  have  the	 following  line  in  your   sys-
	      log.conf(5)  file:  (A  typical  entry is shown; it
	      should agree with <pathlog in inn.conf>)
		     news.err  <pathlog in inn.conf>/news.err

	      All standard error  messages  and	 status	 messages
	      issued  by  innd are appended to this file via sys-
	      log(3).	 Scanlogs   uses   the	 perl(1)   script


NEWSLOG(5)					       NEWSLOG(5)

	      innreport(8)  to	summarize  this file.  You should
	      have the	following  line	 in  your  syslog.conf(5)
	      file:  (A	 typical  entry is shown; it should agree
	      with <pathlog in inn.conf>)
		     news.notice	    <pathlog	       in

	      The  nntpsend(8)	programs  appends all status mes-
	      sages to this file.

	      When control.ctl is configured as described  above,
	      all  rmgroup  messages  are  appended  to this file
	      using the same format as for miscctl.log.

	      This log maintains a count of the number	of  arti-
	      cles that were rejected because they were posted to
	      newsgroups that do not exist  at	the  local  site.
	      This  file  is  updated by tally.unwanted and main-
	      tained in reverse numeric order (the  most  popular
	      rejected group first).  This file is not rotated.

       Written	by  Landon  Curt  Noll <> and Rich
       $alz <> for InterNetNews.  This is revi-
       sion, dated 1999/06/12.

       control.ctl(5),	   ctlinnd(8),	   expire(8),	 innd(8),
       news.daily(8), nntpsend(8), newslog(8).



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