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MQ(3)			 BSD Library Functions Manual			 MQ(3)

     mq, mqueue — POSIX message queues (REALTIME)

     POSIX Real-time Library (librt, -lrt)

     #include <mqueue.h>

     The IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (“POSIX.1”) standard defines and NetBSD imple‐
     ments an interprocess communication (IPC) interface known as POSIX mes‐
     sage queues.  Although the basic functionality is similar, mq is distinct
     from the older AT&T System V UNIX message queues (see for example ipcs(1)
     or msgget(2)).

     The rationale behind mq is to provide an efficient, priority-driven asyn‐
     chronous IPC mechanism.  When the AT&T System V UNIX message queues were
     first implemented, the reasoning was similar: the only form of IPC was
     half-duplex pipes and message queues were seen to overcome the perfor‐
     mance limitations with these.

     But arguably in modern systems there is little difference between the
     efficiency of the System V message queues, pipes, and UNIX domain sockets
     (if anything, the AT&T System V UNIX message queues tend to be slower
     than the rest).  The fundamental performance bottleneck is however still
     there with mq as well: data must be first copied from the sender to the
     kernel and then from the kernel to the receiver.  The bigger the message,
     the higher the overhead.

     For realtime applications, mq offers some advantages:

       1.   Unlike the predecessors, mq provides an asynchronous notification

       2.   Messages are prioritized.  The queue always remains sorted such
	    that the oldest message of the highest priority is always received
	    first, regardless of the number of messages in the queue.

       3.   By default, the functions to send and receive messages are block‐
	    ing calls.	It is however possible to use non-blocking variants
	    with mq.  Furthermore, it is possible to specify timeouts to avoid
	    non-deterministic blocking.

       4.   Resource limits can be enforced -- or perhaps more importantly,
	    the availability of resources can be ensured as the internal data
	    structures are preallocated.

   Descriptors and Naming
     Comparable to pipes and FIFOs (a.k.a. named pipes), all POSIX message
     queue operations are performed by using a descriptor.  The used type is
     mqd_t, an abbreviation from a “message queue descriptor”.	In the NetBSD
     implementation this is actually an ordinary file descriptor.  This means
     that it is possible, but not portable, to monitor a message queue
     descriptor by using poll(2) or select(2).

     Message queues are named by character strings that represent (absolute)
     pathnames.	 The used interface is analogous to the conventional file con‐
     cepts.  But unlike FIFOs and pipes, neither POSIX nor System V message
     queues are accessed by using open(2), read(2), or write(2).  Instead,
     equivalents such as mq_open(), mq_close(), and mq_unlink() are used.

     The standard does not specify whether POSIX message queues are exposed at
     the file system level.  It can be argued that mq inherited an old problem
     with the System V message queues.	Even if an implementation would have
     support for it, it is not portable to view message queues by ls(1),
     remove these with rm(1), or adjust the permissions with chmod(1).

     When a new process is created or the program is terminated, message
     queues behave like files.	More specifically, when fork(2) is called,
     files and message queues are inherited, and when the program terminates
     by calling exit(3) or _exit(2), both file descriptors and message queues
     are closed.  However, the exec(3) family of functions behave somewhat
     differently for message queues and files: all message queues are closed
     when a process calls one of the exec() functions.	In this respect POSIX
     message queues are closer to FIFOs than normal pipes.

     All message queues have an attribute associated with them.	 This is rep‐
     resented by the mq_attr structure:

	   struct mq_attr {
		   long	   mq_flags;
		   long	   mq_maxmsg;
		   long	   mq_msgsize;
		   long	   mq_curmsgs;

     The members in the structure are: flags set for the message queue
     (mq_flags), the maximum number of messages in the queue (mq_maxmsg), the
     maximum size of each message (mq_msgsize), and the number of queued mes‐
     sages (mq_curmsgs).

     The overall resource requirements for a particular message queue are
     given by mq_maxmsg and mq_msgsize.	 These two can be specified when the
     queue is created by a call to mq_open().  The constraints are enforced
     through the lifetime of the queue: an error is returned if a message
     larger than mq_msgsize is sent, and if the message queue is already full,
     as determined by mq_maxmsg, the call to queue a message will either block
     or error out.

     Although there are two functions, mq_getattr() and mq_setattr(), to
     retrieve and set attributes, resource limits cannot be changed once the
     queue has been created.  In NetBSD the super user may however control the
     global resource limits by using few sysctl(7) variables.

   Asynchronous Notification
     Instead of blocking in the functions that receive messages, mq offers an
     asynchronous mechanism for a process to receive notifications that mes‐
     sages are available in the message queue.	The function mq_notify() is
     used to register for notification.	 Either a signal or a thread can be
     used as the type of notification; see sigevent(3) for details.

     Bear in mind that no notification is sent for an arrival of a message to
     a non-empty message queue.	 In other words, mq_notify() does not by
     itself ensure that a process will be notified every time a message
     arrives.  Thus, after having called mq_notify(), an application may need
     to repeatedly call mq_receive() until the queue is empty.	This requires
     that the message queue was created with the O_NONBLOCK flag; otherwise
     mq_receive() blocks until a message is again queued or the call is inter‐
     rupted by a signal.  This may be a limitation for some realtime applica‐

     Each message has a priority, ranging from 0 to the implementation-defined
     MQ_PRIO_MAX.  The POSIX standard enforces the minimum value of the maxi‐
     mum priority to be 32.  All messages are inserted into a message queue
     according to the specified priority.  High priority messages are sent
     before low priority messages.  If the used priority is constant, mq fol‐
     lows the FIFO (First In, First Out) principle.

     The basic rule of thumb with realtime prioritization is that low priority
     tasks should never unnecessarily delay high priority tasks.  Priority
     inheritance is not however part of the provided API; the receiver process
     may run at low priority even when receiving high priority messages.  To
     address this limitation and other potential realtime problems, the user
     may consider other functions from the POSIX Real-time Library (librt,
     -lrt).  The process scheduling interface described in sched(3) can be
     mentioned as an example.

     The following functions are available in the API.

	   Function	       Description
	   mq_open(3)	       open a message queue
	   mq_close(3)	       close a message queue
	   mq_unlink(3)	       remove a message queue
	   mq_send(3)	       send a message
	   mq_receive(3)       receive a message
	   mq_timedsend(3)     send a message with a timeout
	   mq_timedreceive(3)  receive a message with a timeout
	   mq_getattr(3)       get message queue attributes
	   mq_setattr(3)       set message queue attributes
	   mq_notify(3)	       register asynchronous notify

     Despite of some early fears, the POSIX message queue implementations are
     fairly compatible with each other.	 Nevertheless, few points can be noted
     for portable applications.

     ·	 It is not portable to use functions external to the API with message
	 queue descriptors.

     ·	 The standard leaves the rules loose with respect to the message queue
	 names.	 Only the interpretation of the first slash character is con‐
	 sistent; the following slash characters may or may not follow the
	 conventional construction rules for a pathname.

     ·	 The length limits for a message queue name are implementation-
	 defined.  These may or may not follow the conventional pathname lim‐
	 its PATH_MAX and NAME_MAX.

     Bill O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4: Programming for the Real World, O'Reilly
     and Associates, 1995.

     Richard W. Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess
     Communications, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 1998.

     The POSIX message queue implementation is expected to conform to IEEE Std
     1003.1-2001 (“POSIX.1”).

     The POSIX message queue API first appeared in NetBSD 5.0.

     User should be careful to unlink message queues at the program termina‐
     tion.  Otherwise it is possible to leave them lying around.

BSD				 July 28, 2010				   BSD
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