move man page on BSDi

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MOVE()				 SQL Commands				MOVE()

       MOVE - Moves cursor position

       MOVE [ direction ] [ count ]
	   { IN | FROM } cursor

       MOVE  allows a user to move cursor position a specified number of rows.
       MOVE works like the FETCH command, but only positions  the  cursor  and
       does not return rows.

       Refer to FETCH [fetch(l)] for details on syntax and usage.

       MOVE is a Postgres language extension.

       Refer  to FETCH [fetch(l)] for a description of valid arguments.	 Refer
       to DECLARE [declare(l)] to define a cursor.  Refer to BEGIN [begin(l)],
       COMMIT  [commit(l)], and ROLLBACK [rollback(l)] for further information
       about transactions.

       Set up and use a cursor:

       BEGIN WORK;
       DECLARE liahona CURSOR  FOR SELECT * FROM films;
       -- Skip first 5 rows:
       MOVE FORWARD 5 IN liahona;
       -- Fetch 6th row in the cursor liahona:
       FETCH 1 IN liahona;

	code  | title  | did | date_prod | kind	  | len
	P_303 | 48 Hrs | 103 | 1982-10-22| Action | 01:37
       (1 row)
       -- close the cursor liahona and commit work:
       CLOSE liahona;

       There is no SQL92 MOVE statement.  Instead, SQL92 allows one  to	 FETCH
       rows  from an absolute cursor position, implicitly moving the cursor to
       the correct position.

SQL - Language Statements	 29 March 2001				MOVE()

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