mkcover man page on BSDi

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MKCOVER(8C)					      MKCOVER(8C)

       mkcover	- HylaFAX continuation cover page generation com-

       /var/spool/fax/bin/mkcover qfile template result

       bin/mkcover is the command invoked by the facsimile server
       when a continuation cover page is required for an outbound
       job that is about to be retried.	 It  generates	a  single
       POSTSCRIPT(R)  page that is imaged according to the remote
       capabilities and transmitted as the cover page.	The argu-
       ments are:

       qfile	 the job description file for the outbound job.

       template	 the  cover  page  template  file, as used by the
		 faxcover(1) program.

       result	 the filename where the resultant POSTSCRIPT doc-
		 ument should be written.

       The  default  mkcover  command is a shell script that uses
       awk(1) to parse the job description file and generate  the
       cover  page document.  The template file may be optionally
       compressed with	compress(1),  pack(1),	or  gzip(1);  the
       filename	 suffix is used to decide whether or not the tem-
       plate file contains compressed data.

       faxq(8C), config(5F), sendq(5F)

			  June 20, 1994				1


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