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MHSTORE(1)					       MHSTORE(1)

       mhstore - store contents of MIME messages into files

       mhstore [+folder] [msgs] [-file file]
	    [-part number]... [-type content]...
	    [-auto] [-noauto] [-check] [-nocheck]
	    [-rcache policy] [-wcache policy]
	    [-verbose] [-noverbose] [-version] [-help]

       The  mhstore command allows you to store the contents of a
       collection of MIME (multi-media) messages  into	files  or
       other messages.

       mhstore	manipulates  multi-media messages as specified in
       RFC-2045 thru RFC-2049.

       By default, mhstore will store all the parts of each  mes-
       sage.   Each  part  will be store in a separate file.  The
       header fields of the message are not stored.  By using the
       `-part'	and  `-type' switches, you may limit the scope of
       mhstore to particular subparts (of  a  multipart	 content)
       and/or particular content types.

       The  option `-file file' directs mhstore to use the speci-
       fied file as the source message,	 rather	 than  a  message
       from  a	folder.	  If  you  specify this file as "-", then
       mhstore will accept the source  message	on  the	 standard
       input.	Note  that the file, or input from standard input
       should be a validly formatted message, just like any other
       nmh  message.   It  should  NOT be in mail drop format (to
       convert a file in mail drop format to a folder of nmh mes-
       sages, see inc (1)).

       A part specification consists of a series of numbers sepa-
       rated by dots.  For example, in a multipart  content  con-
       taining	three parts, these would be named as 1, 2, and 3,
       respectively.  If part 2 was also a multipart content con-
       taining	two  parts,  these would be named as 2.1 and 2.2,
       respectively.  Note that the `-part' switch  is	effective
       for  only  messages  containing a multipart content.  If a
       message has some other kind of content, or if the part  is
       itself  another multipart content, the `-part' switch will
       not prevent the content from being acted upon.

       A content specification consists of a content type  and	a
       subtype.	 The initial list of "standard" content types and

[nmh-1.0.4]		      MH.6.8				1

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       subtypes can be found in RFC-2046.   A  list  of	 commonly
       used contents is briefly reproduced here:

	    Type	 Subtypes
	    ----	 --------
	    text	 plain, enriched
	    multipart	 mixed, alternative, digest, parallel
	    message	 rfc822, partial, external-body
	    application	 octet-stream, postscript
	    image	 jpeg, gif, png
	    audio	 basic
	    video	 mpeg

       A legal MIME message must contain a subtype specification.

       To specify a content, regardless of its subtype, just  use
       the name of the content, e.g., "audio".	To specify a spe-
       cific subtype,  separate	 the  two  with	 a  slash,  e.g.,
       "audio/basic".	Note  that regardless of the values given
       to the `-type' switch, a multipart content (of any subtype
       listed  above) is always acted upon.  Further note that if
       the `-type' switch is used, and it is desirable to act  on
       a  message/external-body	 content, then the `-type' switch
       must be used twice:  once  for  message/external-body  and
       once for the content externally referenced.

   Checking the Contents
       The  `-check'  switch  tells mhstore to check each content
       for an integrity checksum.  If a content has such a check-
       sum  (specified	as  a  Content-MD5  header  field),  then
       mhstore will attempt to verify the integrity of	the  con-

   Storing the Contents
       The  mhstore will store the contents of the named messages
       in "native" (decoded) format.  Two things must  be  deter-
       mined:  the  directory to store the content, and the file-
       names.  Files are written in the directory  given  by  the
       nmh-storage profile entry, e.g.,

	    nmh-storage: /tmp

       If this entry isn't present, the current working directory
       is used.

       If the `-auto' switch is given, then mhstore will check if
       the  message  contains information indicating the filename
       that should be used to store the content.   This	 informa-
       tion  should be specified as the attribute "name=filename"
       in the Content-Type header for the content you  are  stor-
       ing.   For security reasons, this filename will be ignored
       if it begins with the character '/',  '.',  '|',	 or  this

[nmh-1.0.4]		      MH.6.8				2

MHSTORE(1)					       MHSTORE(1)

       switch  is not the default, and it is recommended that you
       do NOT put the `-auto' switch in your .mh_profile file.

       If the `-auto' switch is not given (or  is  being  ignored
       for security reasons) then mhstore will look in the user's
       profile for a "formatting string"  to  determine	 how  the
       different  contents should be stored.  First, mhstore will
       look for an entry of the form:


       to determine the formatting string.  If this isn't  found,
       mhstore will look for an entry of the form:


       to determine the formatting string.

       If the formatting string starts with a "+" character, then
       content is stored  in  the  named  folder.   A  formatting
       string consisting solely of a "+" character is interpreted
       to be the current folder.

       If the formatting string consists solely of a "-"  charac-
       ter, then the content is sent to the standard output.

       If  the formatting string starts with a '|', then the dis-
       play string will represent a command for mhstore	 to  exe-
       cute  which should ultimately store the content.	 The con-
       tent will be passed to the standard input of the	 command.
       Before the command is executed, mhstore will change to the
       appropriate directory, and any escapes  (given  below)  in
       the display string will be expanded.

       Otherwise  the formatting string will represent a pathname
       in which to store the content.  If the  formatting  string
       starts  with a '/', then the content will be stored in the
       full path given, else the file name will	 be  relative  to
       the value of nmh-storage or the current working directory.
       Any escapes (given below) will be expanded, except for the

       A  command  or  pathname formatting string may contain the
       following escapes.  If the content isn't part of a  multi-
       part  (of any subtype listed above) content, the p-escapes
       are ignored.

	    %a	Parameters from Content-type  (only valid with command)
	    %m	Insert message number
	    %P	Insert part number with leading dot
	    %p	Insert part number without leading dot
	    %t	Insert content type
	    %s	Insert content subtype
	    %%	Insert character %

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       If no formatting string is found, mhstore  will	check  to
       see if the content is application/octet-stream with param-
       eter "type=tar".	 If so, mhstore will choose an	appropri-
       ate  filename.	If  the content is not application/octet-
       stream, then mhstore will check to see if the content is a
       message.	  If  so,  mhstore  will use the value "+".  As a
       last resort, mhstore will use the value "%m%P.%s".

       Example profile entries might be:

	    mhstore-store-text: %m%P.txt
	    mhstore-store-text: +inbox
	    mhstore-store-message/partial: +
	    mhstore-store-audio/basic: | raw2audio -e ulaw -s 8000 -c 1 >
	    mhstore-store-image/jpeg: %m%P.jpg

   Reassembling Messages of Type message/partial
       mhstore is also able to reassemble messages that have been
       split into multiple messages of type "message/partial".

       When  asked  to	store a content containing a partial mes-
       sage, mhstore will try to locate all of the  portions  and
       combine	them  accordingly.   The  default is to store the
       combined parts as a new message	in  the	 current  folder,
       although	 this  can be changed using formatting strings as
       discussed above.	 Thus, if someone has sent you a  message
       in  several parts (such as the output from sendfiles), you
       can easily reassemble them all into a  single  message  in
       the following fashion:

	    % mhlist 5-8
	     msg part  type/subtype		size description
	       5       message/partial		 47K part 1 of 4
	       6       message/partial		 47K part 2 of 4
	       7       message/partial		 47K part 3 of 4
	       8       message/partial		 18K part 4 of 4
	    % mhstore 5-8
	    reassembling partials 5,6,7,8 to folder inbox as message 9
	    % mhlist -verbose 9
	     msg part  type/subtype		size description
	       9       application/octet-stream 118K
			 (extract with uncompress | tar xvpf -)

       This will store exactly one message, containing the sum of
       the parts.  It doesn't matter  whether  the  partials  are
       specified  in order, since mhstore will sort the partials,
       so that they are combined in the correct	 order.	  But  if
       mhstore can not locate every partial necessary to reassem-
       ble the message, it will not store anything.

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   External Access
       For contents of type message/external-body,  mhstore  sup-
       ports these access-types:


       For  the	 "anon-ftp"  and "ftp" access types, mhstore will
       look for the nmh-access-ftp profile entry, e.g.,


       to determine the pathname of a program to perform the  FTP
       retrieval.  This program is invoked with these arguments:

	    domain name of FTP-site
	    remote directory
	    remote filename
	    local filename
	    "ascii" or "binary"

       The  program  should terminate with an exit status of zero
       if the retrieval is successful, and a non-zero exit status

       If  this	 entry	is  not provided, then mhstore will use a
       simple built-in FTP client to perform the retrieval.

   The Content Cache
       When mhstore encounters an external content  containing	a
       "Content-ID:"  field,  and  if the content allows caching,
       then depending on the caching  behavior	of  mhstore,  the
       content might be read from or written to a cache.

       The  caching  behavior  of  mhstore is controlled with the
       `-rcache' and `-wcache' switches, which define the  policy
       for reading from, and writing to, the cache, respectively.
       One of four policies may be specified: "public",	 indicat-
       ing  that mhstore should make use of a publically-accessi-
       ble content  cache;  "private",	indicating  that  mhstore
       should  make  use  of  the  user's  private content cache;
       "never", indicating that mhstore should never make use  of
       caching;	 and,  "ask",  indicating that mhstore should ask
       the user.

       There are two directories where contents	 may  be  cached:
       the  profile  entry nmh-cache names a directory containing
       world-readable  contents,  and,	the  profile  entry  nmh-

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       private-cache  names  a	directory containing private con-
       tents.  The former should be an absolute	 (rooted)  direc-
       tory name.  For example,

	    nmh-cache: /tmp

       might  be used if you didn't care that the cache got wiped
       after each reboot of the system.	  The  latter  is  inter-
       preted  relative	 to  the  user's  nmh  directory,  if not
       rooted, e.g.,

	    nmh-private-cache: .cache

       (which is the default value).

   User Environment
       Because the environment in which mhstore operates may vary
       for different machines, mhstore will look for the environ-
       ment variable $MHSTORE.	If present,  this  specifies  the
       name  of	 an additional user profile which should be read.
       Hence, when a user logs in on a machine, this  environment
       variable should be set to refer to a file containing defi-
       nitions useful for that machine.	  Finally,  mhstore  will
       attempt	to  consult  one  other	 additional user profile,


       which is created automatically during nmh installation.

       $HOME/.mh_profile		    The user profile
       $MHSTORE				    Additional profile entries
       /usr/contrib/mh/etc/mhn.defaults	    System default MIME profile entries

       Path:		    To determine the user's nmh directory
       Current-Folder:	    To find the default current folder
       nmh-access-ftp:	    Program to retrieve contents via FTP
       nmh-cache	    Public directory to store cached external contents
       nmh-private-cache    Personal directory to store cached external contents
       nmh-storage	    Directory to store contents
       mhstore-store-<type>*Template for storing contents

       mhbuild(1), mhlist(1), mhshow(1), sendfiles(1)
	  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One:
	  Format of Internet Message Bodies,
	  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two:
	  Media Types,

[nmh-1.0.4]		      MH.6.8				6

MHSTORE(1)					       MHSTORE(1)

	  Multipurpose	Internet  Mail	Extensions  (MIME)   Part
	  Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text,
	  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four:
	  Registration Procedures,
	  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five:
	  Conformance Criteria and Examples.

       `+folder' defaults to the current folder
       `msgs' defaults to cur
       `-rcache ask'
       `-wcache ask'

       If  a  folder is given, it will become the current folder.
       The last message selected will become the current message.

       Partial	messages contained within a multipart content are
       not reassembled.

[nmh-1.0.4]		      MH.6.8				7


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