initlocation man page on BSDi

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INITLOCATION(1)		PostgreSQL Server Applications	       INITLOCATION(1)

       initlocation - Create a secondary Postgres database storage area

       initlocation directory

       initlocation  creates  a	 new Postgres secondary database storage area.
       See the discussion under CREATE DATABASE [create_database(l)] about how
       to  manage  and	use  secondary storage areas. If the argument does not
       contain a slash and is not valid as a path, it  is  assumed  to	be  an
       environment variable, which is referenced. See the examples at the end.

       In  order  to  use  this command you must be logged in (using 'su', for
       example) as the database superuser.

       To create a database in an alternate  location,	using  an  environment

       $ export PGDATA2=/opt/postgres/data

       Stop  and start postmaster so it sees the PGDATA2 environment variable.
       The system must be configured so the postmaster sees PGDATA2 every time
       it starts. Finally:

       $ initlocation PGDATA2
       $ createdb -D PGDATA2 testdb

       Alternatively, if you allow absolute paths you could write:

       $ initlocation /opt/postgres/data
       $ createdb -D /opt/postgres/data/testdb testdb

Application			  2000-11-11		       INITLOCATION(1)

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