gets man page on BSDi

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gets(n)		      Tcl Built-In Commands		  gets(n)


       gets - Read a line from a channel

       gets channelId ?varName?

       This  command  reads the next line from channelId, returns
       everything in the line up to (but not including) the  end-
       of-line character(s), and discards the end-of-line charac-
       ter(s).	If varName is omitted the line is returned as the
       result  of  the command.	 If varName is specified then the
       line is placed in the variable by that name and the return
       value is a count of the number of characters returned.

       If  end	of file occurs while scanning for an end of line,
       the command returns whatever input is available up to  the
       end  of	file.	If  channelId  is in nonblocking mode and
       there is not a full line of input available,  the  command
       returns	an  empty  string and does not consume any input.
       If varName is specified and an empty string is returned in
       varName	because of end-of-file or because of insufficient
       data in nonblocking mode, then the  return  count  is  -1.
       Note that if varName is not specified then the end-of-file
       and no-full-line-available  cases  can  produce	the  same
       results	as if there were an input line consisting only of
       the end-of-line character(s).  The eof and  fblocked  com-
       mands can be used to distinguish these three cases.

       eof(n), fblocked(n)

       blocking,  channel,  end	 of file, end of line, line, non-
       blocking, read

Tcl			       7.5				1


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