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bzw(5)				    BZFlag				bzw(5)

       bzw - BZFlag world file format

       The BZFlag world file format describes a world environment that is used
       by the BZFlag game server, bzfs.	 X BZW file format

       The BZFlag world file format describes and  environment	that  includes
       the  game  map, physical world attributes, and automatic world weapons.
       The map may contain a variety of "obstacles" like buildings,  pyramids,
       and  meshes.   These  obstacles make up the world that the BZFlag tanks
       will drive around in.  Map attributes may be set to  create  worlds  of
       various sizes, the default size is 800x800.

       Here is small example world:

       # simple world containing a box, pyramid, and mesh
	 name Simple World
	 size 100.0
	 position -20 -20 0
	 size 10 20 10
	 position 20 20 0
	 size 10 10 20
	 vertex -10 0 0
	 vertex 10 0 0
	 vertex 0 10 0
	   vertices 0 1 2

       The  .bzw  file is a plain text file with a relatively simple file for‐
       mat.  The format of this text file consists of any  number  of  objects
       listed  in any order (except that physics, textureMatrix, dynamicColor,
       and material must come before they are referenced)  separated  by  new‐
       lines  and  grouped  into blocks of types. The list of world types con‐
       sists of:

       Each object is described by placing the type on one line, the word  end
       on  a following line, and a list of attributes for that object, one per
       line, in between. The exceptions to the rule are define and face, which
       are concluded with enddef and endface.  Attributes may be listed in any
       order. Attributes have default values, and if that is good enough,  the
       attribute need not be listed.

       Words are always specified in lowercase. Line comments can be specified
       by placing a # sign at the start of the line.

       For documentation purposes, you can tag each object by  adding  a  name
       attribute. There is no set limit to the number of times you may use any
       of the objects except for the world, options, and  waterLevel  objects,
       they  can  only	be specified once. The options object contains command
       line arguments that are used to configure the server's game  mode,  but
       can not contain server specific options such as -p, -passwd, and -conf.

       In the following examples, the values are the defaults.

       The World object
       Header for the world.

	 name example_world
	 size 400.0
	 flagHeight 10.0

       The Options object
       A world file interface for setting command line options for BZFS.

	 -set _tankSpeed 36
	 -j +r -ms 3
	 +f GM{5} +f SW{5}

       The Water Level object
       Sets how high the water is, in a matter of units.

	 name example_waterlevel
	 height -1.0 # anything below 0 turns it off

       The Group Definition object
       Defines a group, which may include other group instances
       This  does  not place any objects into the world, a group instance must
       be used to generate world objects from a group definition.

       define <example_groupdef>
	 # You can add any object to a group definition,
	 # except for the following types:
	 #   textureMatrix
	 #   dynamicColor
	 #   material
	 #   physics
	 #   links
	 #   weapon
	 #   zone

       The Group Instantiation object
       Instantiates a group, and possibly modifies subobjects

       group <example_groupdef>	 # a valid group definition reference
	 shift 0 0 0	      # (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1	      # (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0	      # (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz  # (repeatable)
			      # angle degrees about vector n
	 team 0	       # change all base colors within group
	 tint 1 1 1 1  # hierarchically tints objects within this group
	 drivethrough  # make all subobjects drivethrough
	 shootthrough  # make all subobjects shootthrough
	 phydrv example_phydrv	   # reassign any valid physics drivers
	 matref example_material # set material properties
				   # (except for the color)

       The Dynamic Color object

	 name example_dyncol
	 # there are 4 channels that can be modified:
	 #   red, green, blue, alpha
	 # there are 5 types of commands per channel:
	 #   limits, sinusoid, clampUp, clampDown, sequence
	 # except for "limits" and "sequence", the commands are repeatable
	 # if a sequence is used, then clampUps and clampDowns have no effect
	 # sequences can use three states (0, 1, 2).
	 #   0 - equivalent to an active clampDown
	 #   1 - equivalent to no clamps
	 #   2 - equivalent to an active clampUp
	 # if both clampUp and clampDown are active, the value is (min+max)/2
	 # the sinusoid function starts at the max value
	 # the sum of a channel's sinusoids is clamped between 0 and 1
	 red limits 0 1		      # min/max limits
	 green sinusoid 0.1 0 0.25    # period, offset, weight
	 blue clampUp 0.1 0 0.75      # period, offset, width
	 alpha clampDown 0.2 0.5 0.5  # period, offset, width
	 red sequence 0.0 0.0 2 0 1 1 2 0 ... # period, offset, list of states

       The Texture Matrix object

	 name example_texmat
	 scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0	# u/v freqs, u/v scales
	 spin 0.0		# rotation freq
	 shift 0.0 0.0		# u/v freqs
	 center 0.5 0.5		# dynamic u/v center (for spin and scale)
	 fixedscale 0.0 0.0	# time invariant u/v scale
	 fixedspin 0.0		# time invariant rotation
	 fixedshift 0.0 0.0	# time invariant u/v shift

       Material Properties

       Material properties may be set on several types of  objects,  including
       meshes,	mesh  faces,  arcs,  cones,  spheres, and tetras. Here are the

	 name example_material
	 resetmat		   # restore default values
	 matref material_name	   # copy another material's properties
	 ambient  0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0  # ambient color
	 diffuse  1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0  # diffuse color (main color)
	 color	  1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0  # synonym for 'diffuse'
	 specular 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0  # specular color
	 emission 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0  # emission color
	 shininess 0.0		   # shininess (0.0 - 128.0)
	 texture filename     # set working texture
	 # - non-interlaced PNG
	 # - http:// or ftp:// hyperlinks can be used  (no spaces)
	 # - BZFlag default texture names can be used  (.png not required)
	 addtexture filename  # add texture
	 notextures	      # specify that no textures are to be used
	 notexalpha	      # don't use the texture's alpha channel
	 notexcolor	      # the color is not applied to the texture
	 # if a texture is specified, but not found, the default texture
	 # will be used. if the default texture is also not available, then
	 # the color will be used (untextured)
	 spheremap	      # use spherical texture coordinate mapping
	 texmat -1	      # texture matrix	(-1 for none)
	 dyncol -1	      # dynamic color  (-1 for none)
	 noradar	      # do not display on radar	 (except normal mode)
	 noshadow	      # do not render shadows
	 noculling	      # do not cull by face winding  (double-sided)
	 nosorting	      # do not do front-to-back alpha sorting
	 nolighting	      # disable lighting
	 alphathresh 0.0      # alpha thresholding value
	 groupalpha	      # sort translucent faces as a group
	 occluder	      # faces with this material will occlude

       The Physics Driver object

	 name example_phydrv
	 linear	 0.0 0.0 0.0  # x/y/z linear velocities
	 angular 0.0 0.0 0.0  # rotation freq, x/y coordinates
	 slide 0.0	      # time until max velocity	 (> 0.0 enables)
	 death Message goes here.
	 # the 'death' property requires a non-blank message

       The Mesh object

	 name example_mesh
	 # Material properties applied to a mesh apply to all faces
	 # that follow the setting. Mesh faces will alter their own
	 # properties without affecting the state of the mesh properties.
	 # The same pattern is used to apply physics drivers.
	 vertex 100 200 300  # add a vertex		 (repeatable)
	 normal 1.0 0 0	     # add a normal		 (repeatable)
	 texcoord 0.1 0.75   # add a texture coordinate	 (repeatable)
	 inside 5.5 4.5 1.2  # add an inside point	 (repeatable)
	 outside 0 0 1000    # add an outside point	 (repeatable)
	 shift 0 0 0	       # (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1	       # (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0	       # (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz   # (repeatable)
	 phydrv example_phydrv # assign a physics driver
	 smoothbounce	       # ricochets use normals
	 noclusters	       # render each mesh face individually
	 face  # start a face	(repeatable)
	   # the front-face winding is counter-clockwise
	   vertices 1 4 0 3 5	# list of vertices (requires at least three)
	   normals 2 6 0 4 7	# list of normals	       (optional)
	   texcoords 0 3 2 4 9	# list of texture coordinates  (optional)
	   phydrv example_phydrv  # assign a physics driver
	 endface  # end the face
	 #  This next element can be added to increase the rendering speed
	 #  of the mesh object. If the client is capable of using this data,
	 #  then it is used to draw the mesh instead of the face information.
	   dlist		      # display list for all material sets
	   decorative		      # older clients with not see this mesh
	   angvel <degrees/sec>	      # rotation about initial Z axis
	   extents <minX> <minY> <minZ> <maxX> <maxY> <maxZ>
	   sphere <x> <y> <z> <radiusSquared>
	   corner <v> <n> <t>	      (repeatable)
	   vertex 0.0 0.0 0.0	      (repeatable)
	   normal 0.0 0.0 0.0	      (repeatable)
	   texcoord 0.0 0.0	      (repeatable)
	   lod			      (repeatable)
	     lengthPerPixel <value>
	     matref <name>	      (repeatable)
	       dlist		      # display list for this material set
	       sphere <x> <y> <z> <radiusSquared>
	       points	 0	      (repeatable)
	       lines	 0 1	      (repeatable)
	       lineloop	 0 1	      (repeatable)
	       linestrip 0 1	      (repeatable)
	       tris	 0 1 2	      (repeatable)
	       tristrip	 0 1 2	      (repeatable)
	       trifan	 0 1 2	      (repeatable)
	       quads	 0 1 2 3      (repeatable)
	       quadstrip 0 1 2 3      (repeatable)
	       polygon	 0 1 2	      (repeatable)
	     end  # matref
	   end	  # lod
	 end	  # drawInfo
       end	  # mesh

       The Arc object

	 name example_arc
	 divisions 16	# number of subdivisions
	 flatshading	# flat shading	(smooth is default)
	 angle 360	# the sweep angle
	 ratio 1	# (outrad - inrad) / outrad
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 10 10 10
	 rotation 0.0
	 shift 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1		# (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz	# (repeatable)
	 phydrv example_phydrv	# assign a physics driver
	 smoothbounce		# ricochets use normals

       The Cone object

	 name example_cone
	 divisions 16	# number of subdivisions
	 flatshading	# flat shading	(smooth is default)
	 angle 360	# the sweep angle
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 10 10 10
	 rotation 0.0
	 shift 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1		# (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz	# (repeatable)
	 phydrv example_phydrv	# assign a physics driver
	 smoothbounce		# ricochets use normals

       The Sphere object

	 name example_sphere
	 divisions 4	# number of subdivisions
	 flatshading	# flat shading	(smooth is default)
	 position 0.0 0.0 10.0
	 size 10 10 10
	 radius 10	#  sets all size values to this value
	 rotation 0.0
	 shift 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1		# (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz	# (repeatable)
	 phydrv example_phydrv	# assign a physics driver
	 smoothbounce		# ricochets use normals

       The Tetrahedron object

	 name example_tetra
       # there must always be 4 vertices
	 vertex -10.0 -5.0 0.0
	 vertex +10.0 -5.0 0.0
	 vertex 0.0 10.0 0.0
	 vertex 0.0 5.0 10.0
	 shift 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 scale 1 1 1		# (repeatable)
	 shear 0 0 0		# (repeatable)
	 spin angle nx ny nz	# (repeatable)

       The Box object
       Adds a simple block.

	 name example_box
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 30.0 30.0 9.42
	 rotation 0.0

       The Pyramid object
       Adds a triangular shaped object.

	 name example_pyramid
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 8.2 8.2 10.25
	 rotation 0.0

       The Teleporter object
       Adds an object that places a tank at another teleporter in a  different
       area when ran through.

       teleporter [name]
       # the [name] tag is used for linkage
	 name example_teleporter
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 5.06 4.48 20.16
	 rotation 0.0
	 border 1.12

       The Link object
       Adds a route to teleport a tank between two teleporters.

       # Teleporter names are terminated with either :f (forward)
       # or :b (backwards). The forwards link points to 0 degrees,
       # and the backwards link points to 180. Links are made by
       # pattern matching the teleporter names. The '*' and '?'
       # globbing characters can be used to make multiple matches.
       # If there are multiple matches for the "to" link, then the
       # destination will be selected randomly between the matches.
       # in-game.

       # NOTE: bzfs -d -d -d -d will print the linkage table.

	 name example_link
       # this will link all teleporters randomly to all other teleporters
	 from *
	 to   *

       #  or,  to  link	  between  known  teleporters  examp_tele1(front)  and

	 name  example_realLink
	 from examp_tele1:f
	 to examp_tele2:b

       The Base object
       Creates a team base where the corresponding team's flag is stored.  The
       oncap  option  will  fire a world weapon of the specified type when the
       team flag for this base is captured.

	 name example_base
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 60.0 60.0 0.0
	 rotation 0.0
	 color 0
	 oncap V

       The Weapon object
       Creates a world weapon, or a weapon fired automatically by  the	world.
       The  weapon  can	 either	 be  timed  or be event driven.	 Timed weapons
       should use the initdelay and delay fields.  Event driven	 weapons  need
       to  use	the trigger option to define what the trigger event is.	 Valid
       trigger events are; OnCap,  for	flag  capture  events.	 OnSpawn,  for
       player spawn events.  OnDie, for player death events.  If the weapon is
       to be triggered only for a specific  team  then	the  eventteam	option
       should  be  used	 with a team number (1 to 4).  A eventteam value of -1
       will trigger this weapon for any team.  -1  is  the  default  eventteam

	 name example_weapon
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 rotation 0.0
	 tilt 0.0
	 initdelay 10.0
	 delay 10.0 3.0 5.0 3.0
	 type V
	 trigger flagcap
	 eventteam V

       The Zone object
       Specifies  a certain range in the world, and what attributes that range

	 name example_zone
	 position 0.0 0.0 0.0
	 size 1.0 1.0 1.0
	 rotation 0.0
       # where players may spawn
	 team 0 1 2 3 4
       # where flag may spawn
	 flag GM SW good bad
       # dropped team flags will fly to the closest safety zone
	 safety 1 2 3 4
       # attach a flag to this zone (always spawn in this zone)
	 zoneflag GM 3	# type, count (type can be a team flag, ex: R*)

       The symbol '?' means that the item is optional.

       The notation {a..b} means that the number of  times  the	 item  can  be
       present	must  be between 'a' and 'b', where '*' mean infinity. ('?' is
       equivalent to {0..1})

       angle := <float>

       2dpoint := <float> <float>

       3dpoint := <float> <float> <float>

       rgbColor := <float> <float> <float>

       alpha := <float>

       rgbaColor := rgbColor alpha? | <color_name> alpha?

       channel := "red" | "green" | "blue" | "alpha"


       allObjects :=
		   | "pyramid"
		   | "base"
		   | "link"
		   | "teleporter"
		   | "mesh"
		   | "arc"
		   | "meshbox"
		   | "cone"
		   | "meshpyr"
		   | "sphere"
		   | "tetra"
		   | "weapon"
		   | "zone"
		   | "waterLevel"
		   | "dynamicColor"
		   | "textureMatrix"
		   | "material"
		   | "physics"
		   | "transform"

	      Note: Blank lines and lines starting with # are discarded.

       worldStream :=
		   | allObjects
		   | "define" <group_name>
		   | "enddef"
		   | "group" <group_name>
		   | "teleporter" <name>?
		   | "options"
		   | "include" <filename>
		   | "world"


       material :=
		   | "matref" <material_name>
		   | "resetmat"
		   | "dyncol" <dynamic_color_name>
		   | "ambient" rgbaColor
		   | ("diffuse" | "color") rgbaColor
		   | "specular" rgbaColor
		   | "emission" rgbaColor
		   | "shininess" <float>
		   | "texture <texture_name>
		   | "notextures"
		   | "addtexture" <texture_name>
		   | "texmat" <matrix_name>
		   | "notexalpha"
		   | "notexcolor"
		   | "spheremap"
		   | "noradar"
		   | "noshadow"
		   | "noculling"
		   | "nosorting"
		   | "nolighting"
		   | "alphathresh" <value>
		   | "groupalpha"
		   | "occluder"
		   | "shader" <shader_name>  # NOT IMPLEMENTED
		   | "addshader" <shader_name>	# NOT IMPLEMENTED
		   | "noshaders"  # NOT IMPLEMENTED


       object := "name" <name>


       location :=
		     ("pos" | "position") 3dpoint
		   | "size" 3dpoint
		   | ("rot" | "rotation") <float>
		   | "shift" 3dpoint
		   | "scale" 3dpoint
		   | "shear" 3dpoint
		   | "spin" angle 3dpoint
		   | "xform" <transform_name>
		   | object


       obstacle :=
		   | "shootthrough"
		   | "passable"
		   | location


       meshbox :=
		     "divisions" <integer>
		   | "angle" angle
		   | "ratio" <float>
		   | "texsize" <float> <float> <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "flatshading"
		   | material
		   | ("top" | "bottom" | "inside" | "outside" | "startside"  |
	      "endside") material
		   | obstacle

       arc :=
		     "divisions" <integer>
		   | "angle" angle
		   | "ratio" <float>
		   | "texsize" <float> <float> <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "flatshading"
		   | material
		   |  ("top" | "bottom" | "inside" | "outside" | "startside" |
	      "endside") material
		   | obstacle


       base :=
		     "color" <integer>
		   | obstacle


       box := obstacle


       meshpyr :=
		     "divisions" <integer>
		   | "angle" <float>
		   | "texsize" <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "flatshading"
		   | material
		   | ("edge" | "bottom" | "startside" | "endside") material
		   | "flipz"
		   | obstacle

       cone :=
		     "divisions" <integer>
		   | "angle" <float>
		   | "texsize" <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "flatshading"
		   | material
		   | ("edge" | "bottom" | "startside" | "endside") material
		   | obstacle


       dynamicColor :=
		   | channel "limits" <float> <float>
		   | channel "sinusoid" <float> <float> <float>
		   | channel "clampup" <float> <float> <float>
		   | channel "clampdown" <float> <float> <float>
		   | channel "sequence" <float> <float> ("0" "1" "2"){1..*}


       teleporter :=
		     "border" <float>
		   | "horizontal"  # NOT IMPLEMENTED
		   | obstacle


       group :=
		     "team" <integer>
		   | "tint" rgbaColor
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "matref" <material_name>
		   | obstacle


       teleporter_spec :=
		   | <teleporter_name_with_wilcards> (":f" | ":b")?

       link :=
		     "from" <teleporter_spec>
		   | "to" <teleporter_spec>
		   | object


       drawInfoCmd :=
		     "points"	 <integer>+
		   | "lines"	 <integer> <integer> <integer>{2}*
		   | "lineloop"	 <integer> <integer>+
		   | "linestrip" <integer> <integer> <integer{2}*
		   | "tris"	 <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>{3}*
		   | "tristrip"	 <integer> <integer> <integer>+
		   | "trifan"	 <integer> <integer> <integer>+
		   |  "quads"	   <integer>  <integer>	 <integer>   <integer>
		   | "quadstrip" <integer> <integer> <integer>{2}+
		   | "polygon"	 <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>{3}*


       drawInfoSet :=
		     "matref" <material_name>
		   | "dlist"
		   | "sphere" 3dpoint <float>
		   | drawInfoCmd


       drawInfoLod :=
		   | "lengthPerPixel" <float>
		   | drawInfoSet


       drawInfo :=
		   | "dlist"
		   | "decorative"
		   | "angvel" <float>
		   | "extents" 3dpoint 3dpoint
		   | "sphere" 3dpoint <float>
		   | "corner" <integer> <integer> <integer>
		   | "vertex" 3dpoint
		   | "normal" 3dpoint
		   | "texcoord" <float> <float>
		   | drawInfoLod


       mesh :=
		   | face
		   | "endface"
		   | "inside" 3dpoint
		   | "outside" 3dpoint
		   | "vertex" 3dpoint
		   | "normal" 3dpoint
		   | "texcoord" <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "noclusters"
		   | drawInfo
		   | material
		   | obstacle


       face :=
		     "vertices" <integer>{3..*}
		   | "normals" <integer>{3..*}
		   | "texcoords" <integer>{3..*}
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "noclusters"
		   | "drivethrough"
		   | "shootthrough"
		   | "passable"
		   | material


       transform :=
		     "shift" 3dpoint
		   | "scale" 3dpoint
		   | "shear" 3dpoint
		   | "spin" angle 3dpoint
		   | "xform" <transform_name>
		   | object


       physics :=
		     "linear" 3dpoint
		   | "angular" <float> 2dpoint
		   | "radial" <float> 2dpoint  # NOT IMPLEMENTED
		   | "slide" <float>
		   | "death" <string>
		   | object


       pyramid :=
		   | obstacle


       sphere :=
		     "divisions" <integer>
		   | "radius" <float>
		   | ("hemi" | "hemisphere")
		   | "texsize" <float> <float>
		   | "phydrv" <physics_driver_name>
		   | "smoothbounce"
		   | "flatshading"
		   | material
		   | ("edge" | "bottom") material
		   | obstacle

	      Note: At most 4 vertices can be specified.
	      Note2: material will apply to all vertices when specified first,
	      otherwise like "normals" and "texcoords" they apply to the  pre‐
	      vious vertex.

       tetra :=
		     "vertex" 3dpoint
		   | "normals" 3dpoint
		   | "texcoords" 2dpoint
		   | material
		   | obstacle


       textureMatrix :=
		     "fixedshift" 2dpoint
		   | "fixedscale" 2dpoint
		   | "fixedspin" angle
		   | "fixedcenter" 2dpoint
		   | "shift" <float> <float>
		   | "spin" <float>
		   | "scale" <float> <float> <float> <float>
		   | "center" 2dpoint
		   | object


       waterLevel :=
		     "height" <float>
		   | material
		   | object


       weapon :=
		     "initdelay" <float>
		   | "delay" <float>{1..*}
		   | "type" <flag_short_name>
		   | location


       world :=
		     "size" <float>
		   | "flagHeight" <float>
		   | object


       zone :=
		     "team" <integer>{1..*}
		     "flag" ("good" | "bad" | <flag_short_name>){1..*}
		   | "safety" <integer>{1..*}
		   | "zoneflag" <flag_short_name> <integer>?
		   | location

       bzflag(6), bzadmin(6), bzfs(6)

bzw-2.0.16			  2010-04-24				bzw(5)

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Member of Polarhome portal.
Based on Fawad Halim's script.
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