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autobox::Core(3)      User Contributed Perl Documentation     autobox::Core(3)

       autobox::Core - Core functions exposed as methods in primitive types

	 use autobox::Core;

	 "Hello, World\n"->uc->print;

       The autobox module lets you call methods on primitive datatypes such as
       scalars and arrays.

       autobox::CORE defines methods for core operations such as "join",
       "print", most everything in perlfunc, some things from Scalar::Util and
       List::Util, and some Perl 5 versions of methods taken from Perl 6.

       These methods expose as methods the built-in functions for minipulating
       numbers, strings, arrays, hashes, and code references.

       It can be handy to use built-in functions as methods to avoid messy
       dereferencing syntaxes and parentheses pile ups.

       autobox::Core is what you'd call a stub module. It is mostly glue,
       presenting existing functions with a new interface. Most of the methods
       read like "sub hex ($) { hex($_[0]) }".	Besides built-ins that operate
       on hashes, arrays, scalars, and code references, some Perl 6-ish things
       were thrown in, and some keyword like "foreach" have been turned into

   What's Implemented?
       All of the functions listed in perldoc under the headings: "Functions
       for real @ARRAYs", "Functions for real %HASHes", "Functions for list
       data", and "Functions for SCALARs or strings", plus a few taken from
       other sections and documented below.  Methods from Scalar::Util and
       List::Util were thrown in.  Some things expected in Perl 6, such as
       "last" ("last_idx"), "elems", and "curry", have been thrown in.
       "flatten" explicitly flattens an array.	Functions such as "add" have
       been defined for numeric operations.

       Here's a small sample:

	 print [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]->pop, "\n";
	 print [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]->shift, "\n";

	 my $arrref = [10, 20, 30];

	 my $lala;
	 $lala = "Lalalalala\n"; print "chomp: ", $lala->chomp, ' ', $lala, "\n";
	 $lala = "Lalalalala\n"; print "lcfirst: ", $lala->lcfirst, ' ', $lala, "\n";

	 my $hashref = { foo => 10, bar => 20, baz => 30, qux => 40 };

	 print "hash keys: ", $hashref->keys->join(' '), "\n"; # or if you prefer...
	 print "hash keys: ", join ' ', $hashref->keys(), "\n";

       Of the built-in stuff, only a few stragglers such as "srand" were

       Scalar String Related Methods

       "concat" is the "." operator.

       "strip" is not a built-in operator or function but is instead one of a
       number of user-defined convinience methods.  "strip" strips out
       whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.  This is redundant
       and subtely different from "trim" XXX.

       "trim" strips out whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.

       "title_case", "center", "ltrim", "rtrim", and "trim" were taken from

       "split" is called on a non-reference scalar with the regular expression
       passed in. This is done for consistency with "m" and "s".

	 print "10, 20, 30, 40"->split(qr{, ?})->elements, "\n";

       "chomp", "chop", "chr", "crypt", "index", "lc", "lcfirst", "length",
       "ord", "pack", "reverse", "rindex", "sprintf", "substr", "uc",
       "ucfirst", "unpack", "quotemeta", "vec", "undef", "m", "nm", "s",
       "split".	 "eval", "system", and "backtick".

       "nm" corresponds to "!~".

       "m" is "m//". "$foo->m(/bar/)" corresponds to "$foo =~ m/bar/". "s" is
       "s///".	To use "m" and "s", pass a regular expression created with
       "qr//" and specify its flags as part of the regular expression using
       the "(?imsx-imsx)" syntax documented in perlre.	"m" returns an array
       reference so that things such as "map" and "grep" may be called on the

	 my ($street_number, $street_name, $apartment_number) =
	     "1234 Robin Drive #101"->m(qr{(\d+) (.*)(?: #(\d+))?})->elements;

	 print "$street_number $street_name $apartment_number\n";

       "undef" assigns "undef" to the value.  It is not a test.	 XXX for some
       reason, there's no "defined".


	   my $centered_string = $string->center($length);
	   my $centered_string = $string->center($length, $character);

       Centers $string between $character.  $centered_string will be of length

       $character defaults to " ".

	   say "Hello"->center(10);	   # "	 Hello	";
	   say "Hello"->center(10, '-');   # "---Hello--";

       "center()" will never truncate $string.	If $length is less than
       "$string->length" it will just return $string.

	   say "Hello"->center(4);	  # "Hello";


       "print" and "say".

       Number Related Methods

       "abs", "atan2", "cos", "exp", "int", "log", "oct", "hex", "rand",
       "sin", and "sqrt" are named after the built-in functions of the same

       Operators were given names as follows:  "add", "and", "band", "bor",
       "bxor", "cmp", "dec", "div", "eq", "flip", "ge", "gt", "inc", "le",
       "lshift", "lt", "mod", "mult", "mcmp", "ne", "neg", "meq", "mge",
       "mgt", "mle", "mlt", "mne", "not", "or", "pow", "rpt", "rshift", "sub",

       "flip" is "~" which is the binary (rather than boolean) "not".

       "lshift" is "<<" and "rshift" is ">>".

       "mge" is ">=".  "<mle"> is "<=".	 I'm not sure where the "m" came from.

       "sub" is subtract, I think, but it should not be named the same as the
       anonymous subroutine constructor XXX.


	   $is_a_number = $thing->is_number;

       Returns true if $thing is a number understood by Perl.

	   12.34->is_number;	       # true
	   "12.34"->is_number;	       # also true


	   $is_positive = $thing->is_positive;

       Returns true if $thing is a positive number.

       0 is not positive.


	   $is_negative = $thing->is_negative;

       Returns true if $thing is a negative number.

       0 is not negative.


	   $is_an_integer = $thing->is_integer;

       Returns true if $thing is an integer.

	   12->is_integer;	       # true
	   12.34->is_integer;	       # false


       A synonym for is_integer


	   $is_a_decimal_number = $thing->is_decimal;

       Returns true if $thing is a decimal number.

	   12->is_decimal;	       # false
	   12.34->is_decimal;	       # true
	   ".34"->is_decimal;	       # true

       That's it.

       Reference Related Methods

       Besides the "Functions for SCALARs" section of perlfunc, the following
       were implemented, where they make sense: "tie", "tied", "ref", "undef",
       "bless", and "vec".  "tie", "tied", and "undef" don't work on code
       references, and "bless" doesn't work on non-reference scalars (okay,
       that's no longer true).	"quotemeta" works on non-reference scalars,
       along with "split", "m", and "s" for regular expression operations.
       "ref" is the same as the "ref" keyword in that it tells you what kind
       of a reference something is if it's a reference; XXX there's currently
       no counterpart to the "\" operator, which takes something and gives you
       a reference to it.

       Array Methods

       Array methods work on both arrays and array references:

	 my $arr = [ 1 .. 10 ];


	 my @arr = [ 1 .. 10 ];

       Arrays can tell you how many elements they contain and the index of
       their last element:

	 my $arr = [ 1 .. 10 ];
	 print '$arr contains ', $arr->size,
	       ' elements, the last having an index of ', $arr->last_index, "\n";

       Array references have a "flatten" method to dump their elements.	 This
       is the same as "@{$array_ref}".

	 my $arr = [ 1 .. 10 ];
	 print join ' -- ', $arr->flatten, "\n";

       List context forces methods to return a list:

	 my @arr = ( 1 .. 10 );
	 print join ' -- ', @arr->grep(sub { $_ > 3 }), "\n";

       Methods may be chained; scalar context forces methods to return a

	 my @arr = ( 1 .. 10 );
	 print @arr->grep(sub { $_ > 3 })->min, "\n";

       Arrays can be iterated on using "for" and "foreach". Both take a code
       reference as the body of the for statement.  "foreach" passes the
       current element itself in each pass.  "for" passes the index of the
       current element in to that code block, and then the current element,
       and then a reference to the array itself.

	 my $arr = [ 1 .. 10 ];
	 $arr->foreach(sub { print $_[0], "\n" });
	 $arr->for(sub { die unless $_[1] == $_[2]->[$_[0]] });

       "sum" is a toy poke at doing Language::Functional-like stuff:

	 print $arrref->sum, "\n";

       Methods for array creation:  "to", "upto", and "downto".

	 1->to(5);	# creates [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
	 1->upto(5);	# creates [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
	 5->downto(5);	# creates [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

       These wrap the ".." operator.

	 $arr->first(sub { /5/ });


	   my $first = @list->head;

       Returns the first element from @list.


	   my @list = qw(foo bar baz quux);
	   my @rest = @list->tail;  # [ 'bar', 'baz', 'quux' ]

       Returns all but the first element from @list. In scalar context returns
       an array reference.

       Optionally, you can pass a number as argument to ask for the last $n

	   @rest = @list->tail(2); # [ 'baz', 'quux' ]


	   my @sublist = @list->slice(@indexes);

       Returns a list containing the elements from @list at the indices
       @indices. In scalar context, returns an array reference.


	   my @sublist = @list->range( $lower_idx, $upper_idx );

       Returns a list containing the elements from @list with indices ranging
       from $lower_idx to $upper_idx. Returns an array reference in scalar


	   my $last_index = @array->last_index

       Returns @array's last index. Optionally, takes a Coderef or a Regexp,
       in which case it will return the index of the last element that matches
       such regex or makes the code reference return true. Example:

	   my @things = qw(pear poll potato tomato);

	   my $last_p = @things->last_index(qr/^p/); # 2


	   my $first_index = @array->first_index; # 0

       For simmetry, returns the first index of @array. If passed a Coderef or
       Regexp, it will return the index of the first element that matches.

	   my @things = qw(pear poll potato tomato);

	   my $last_p = @things->first_index(qr/^t/); # 3

       Hash Methods

       "each" is like "foreach" but for hash references. For each key in the
       hash, the code reference is invoked with the key and the corresponding
       value as arguments:

	 my $hashref = { foo => 10, bar => 20, baz => 30, quux => 40 };
	 $hashref->each(sub { print $_[0], ' is ', $_[1], "\n" });

       There is currently no way to have the elements sorted before they are
       handed to the code block. If someone requests a way of passing in a
       sort criteria, I'll implement it.

       "slice" takes a list of hash keys and returns the corresponding values

	 my %hash = (
	     one   => 'two',
	     three => 'four',
	     five  => 'six'

	 print %hash->slice(qw(one five))->join(' and '); # prints "two and six"


       Exchanges values for keys in a hash.

	   my %things = ( foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => 5 );
	   my %flipped = %things->flip; # { 1 => foo, 2 => bar, 5 => baz }

       If there is more than one occurence of a certain value, any one of the
       keys may end up as the value.  This is because of the random ordering
       of hash keys.

	   # Could be { 1 => foo }, { 1 => bar }, or { 1 => baz }
	   { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1 }->flip;

       Because hash references cannot usefully be keys, it will not work on
       nested hashes.

	   { foo => [ 'bar', 'baz' ] }->flip; # dies

       Code Methods

       You may "curry" code references:

	 $adding_up_numbers = sub {
	     my $first_number = shift;
	     my $second_number = shift;
	     return $first_number + $second_number;

	 my $adding_five_to_numbers = $adding_up_numbers->curry(5);

	 $adding_five_to_numbers->(20)->print; "\n"->print;

       "times" executes a coderef a given number of times:

	 5->times(sub { print "hi\n"});	  # XXX likely to change but it's in the code so bloody doc it so I have incentive to rethink it

       XXX round this out

   What's Missing?
       Many operators.	I'm tired.  I'll do it in the morning.	Maybe.	Send
       me a patch.  Update:  Someone sent me a patch for numeric operations.

       File and socket operations are already implemented in an object-
       oriented fashion care of IO::Handle, IO::Socket::INET, and IO::Any.

       Functions listed in the perlfunc headings "System V interprocess
       communication functions", "Fetching user and group info", "Fetching
       network info", "Keywords related to perl modules", "Functions for
       processes and process groups", "Keywords related to scoping", "Time-
       related functions", "Keywords related to the control flow of your perl
       program", "Functions for filehandles, files, or directories", and
       "Input and output functions".  These things are likely implemented in
       an object oriented fashion by other CPAN modules, are keywords and not
       functions, take no arguments, or don't make sense as part of the
       string, number, array, hash, or code API.  "srand" because you probably
       shouldn't be using it.

       "each" on hashes. There is no good reason it is missing.	 XXX.

       This section quotes four pages from the manuscript of Perl 6 Now: The
       Core Ideas Illustrated with Perl 5 by myself, Scott Walters. The text
       appears in the book starting at page 248. This copy lacks the benefit
       of copyedit - the finished product is of higher quality. See the
       shameless plug in the SEE ALSO section for information on ordering Perl
       6 Now.

       A box is an object that contains a primitive variable.  Boxes are used
       to endow primitive types with the capabilities of objects.  This is
       essential in strongly typed languages but never strictly required in
       Perl.  Programmers might write something like "my $number =
       Int->new(5)".  This is manual boxing.  To autobox is to convert a
       simple type into an object type automatically, or only conceptually.
       This is done by the language.  It makes a language look to programmers
       as if everything is an object while the interpreter is free to
       implement data storage however it pleases.  Autoboxing is really making
       simple types such as numbers, strings, and arrays appear to be objects.

       "int", "num", "bit", "str", and other types with lower case names, are
       primitives.  They're fast to operate on, and require no more memory to
       store than the data held strictly requires.  "Int", "Num", "Bit",
       "Str", and other types with an initial capital letter, are objects.
       These may be subclassed (inherited from) and accept traits, among other
       things.	These objects are provided by the system for the sole purpose
       of representing primitive types as objects, though this has many
       ancillary benefits such as making "is" and "has" work.  Perl provides
       "Int" to encapsulate an "int", "Num" to encapsulate a "num", "Bit" to
       encapsulate a "bit", and so on.	As Perl's implementations of hashes
       and dynamically expandable arrays store any type, not just objects,
       Perl programmers almost never are required to box primitive types in
       objects.	 Perl's power makes this feature less essential than it is in
       other languages.

       ing makes primitive objects and they're boxed versions equivalent.  An
       "int" may be used as an "Int" with no constructor call, no passing,
       nothing.	 This applies to constants too, not just variables:

	 # Perl 6 - autoboxing associates classes with primitives types:

	 print 4.sqrt, "\n";

       This is perfectly valid Perl 6.

       All of this applies to hashes and arrays, as well:

	 # Perl 6 - autoboxing associates classes with primitive types:

	 print [ 1 .. 20 ].elems, "\n";

       The language is free to implement data storage however it wishes but
       the programmer sees the variables as objects.

       Expressions using autoboxing read somewhat like Latin suffixes.	In the
       autoboxing mind-set, you might not say that something is "made more
       mnemonic", but has been "mnemonicified".

       Autoboxing may be mixed with normal function calls.  In the case where
       the methods are available as functions and the functions are available
       as methods, it is only a matter of personal taste how the expression
       should be written:

	 # Calling methods on numbers and strings, these three lines are equivalent
	 # Perl 6

	 print sqrt 4;
	 print 4.sqrt;

       The first of these three equivalents assumes that a global "sqrt()"
       function exists.	 This first example would fail to operate if this
       global function were removed and only a method in the "Num" package was

       Perl 5 had the beginnings of autoboxing with filehandles:

	 use IO::Handle;
	 open my $file, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;
	 $file->read(my $data, -s $file);

       Here, "read" is a method on a filehandle we opened but never blessed.
       This lets us say things like "$file->print(...)" rather than the often

       "print $file ...".  To many people, much of the time, it makes more
       conceptual sense as well.

       Reasons to Box Primitive Types

       What good is all of this?

       Makes conceptual sense to programmers used to object interfaces as the
       way to perform options.
       Alternative idiom. Doesn't require the programmer to write or read
       expressions with complex precedence rules or strange operators.
       Many times that parenthesis would otherwise have to span a large
       expression, the expression may be rewritten such that the parenthesis
       span only a few primitive types.
       Code may often be written with fewer temporary variables.
       Autoboxing provides the benefits of boxed types without the memory
       bloat of actually using objects to represent primitives. Autoboxing
       "fakes it".
       Strings, numbers, arrays, hashes, and so on, each have their own API.
       Documentation for an "exists" method for arrays doesn't have to explain
       how hashes are handled and vice versa.
       Perl tries to accommodate the notion that the "subject" of a statement
       should be the first thing on the line, and autoboxing furthers this

       Perl is an idiomatic language and this is an important idiom.

       Subject First: An Aside

       Perl's design philosophy promotes the idea that the language should be
       flexible enough to allow programmers to place the  of a statement
       first.  For example, "die $! unless read $file, 60" looks like the
       primary purpose of the statement is to "die".  While that might be the
       programmers primary goal, when it isn't, the programmer can communicate
       his real primary intention to programmers by reversing the order of
       clauses while keeping the exact same logic: "read $file, 60 or die $!".
       Autoboxing is another way of putting the subject first.	Nouns make
       good subjects, and in programming, variables, constants, and object
       names are the nouns.  Function and method names are verbs.
       "$noun->verb()" focuses the readers attention on the thing being acted
       on rather than the action being performed.  Compare to "$verb($noun)".

       Autoboxing and Method Results

       In Chapter 11 [Subroutines], we had examples of ways an expression
       could be written.  Here it is again:

	 # Various ways to do the same thing:

	 print(reverse(sort(keys(%hash))));	     # Perl 5 - pathological parenthetic
	 print reverse sort keys %hash;		     # Perl 5 - no unneeded parenthesis

	 print(reverse(sort(%hash,keys))));	     # Perl 6 - pathological
	 print reverse sort %hash.keys;		     # Perl 6 - no unneeded parenthesis

	 %hash.keys ==> sort ==> reverse ==> print;  # Perl 6 - pipeline operator

	 %hash.keys.sort.reverse.print;		     # Perl 6 - autobox

	 %hash->keys->sort->reverse->print;	     # Perl 5 - autobox

       This section deals with the last two of these equivalents.  These are
       method calls
	 use autobox::Core;
	 use Perl6::Contexts;

	 my %hash = (foo => 'bar', baz => 'quux');

	 %hash->keys->sort->reverse->print;	     # Perl 5 - autobox

	 # prints "foo baz"

       Each method call returns an array reference, in this example.  Another
       method call is immediately performed on this value.  This feeding of
       the next method call with the result of the previous call is the common
       mode of use of autoboxing.  Providing no other arguments to the method
       calls, however, is not common.

       Perl6::Contexts recognizes object context as provided by "->" and
       coerces %hash and @array into references, suitable for use with
       autobox.	 (Note that autobox also does this automatically as of version
       2.40.)  autobox associates primitive types, such as references of
       various sorts, with classes.  autobox::Core throws into those classes
       methods wrapping Perl's built-in functions.  In the interest of full
       disclosure, Perl6::Contexts and autobox::Core are my creations.

       Autobox to Simplify Expressions

       One of my pet peeves in programming is parenthesis that span large
       expression.  It seems like about the time I'm getting ready to close
       the parenthesis I opened on the other side of the line, I realize that
       I've forgotten something, and I have to arrow back over or grab the
       mouse.  When the expression is too long to fit on a single line, it
       gets broken up, then I must decide how to indent it if it grows to 3 or
       more lines.

	 # Perl 5 - a somewhat complex expression

	 print join("\n", map { CGI::param($_) } @cgi_vars), "\n";
	 # Perl 5 - again, using autobox:

	 @cgi_vars->map(sub { CGI::param($_[0]) })->join("\n")->concat("\n")->print;

       The autoboxed version isn't shorter, but it reads from left to right,
       and the parenthesis from the "join()" don't span nearly as many
       characters.  The complex expression serving as the value being
       "join()"ed in the non-autoboxed version becomes, in the autoboxed
       version, a value to call the "join()" method on.

       This "print" statement takes a list of CGI parameter names, reads the
       values for each parameter, joins them together with newlines, and
       prints them with a newline after the last one.

       Pretending that this expression were much larger and it had to be
       broken to span several lines, or pretending that comments are to be
       placed after each part of the expression, you might reformat it as

	 @cgi_vars->map(sub { CGI::param($_[0]) })  # turn CGI arg names into values
		  ->join("\n")			    # join with newlines
		  ->concat("\n")		    # give it a trailing newline
		  ->print;			    # print them all out

       This could also have been written:

	 sub { CGI::param($_[0]) }->map(@cgi_vars)  # turn CGI arg names into values
		  ->join("\n")			    # join with newlines
		  ->concat("\n")		    # give it a trailing newline
		  ->print;			    # print them all out

       "map()" is .  The "map()" method defined in the "autobox::Core::CODE"
       package takes for its arguments the things to map.  The "map()" method
       defined in the "autobox::Core::ARRAY" package takes for its argument a
       code reference to apply to each element of the array.

       Here ends the text quoted from the Perl 6 Now manuscript.

       Yes. Report them to the author,  The API is not yet
       stable -- Perl 6-ish things and local extensions are still being

       Version 1.3 fixes version 1.2 losing the MANIFEST and being essentially
       a null upload.  Bah!

       Version 1.2 merges in brunov's "flip", "center", "last_index", "slice",
       "range", documentation, and various bug fixes.

       Version 1.1 actually adds the tests to the MANIFEST so they get
       bundled.	 Thanks to <> daxim/Lars DIECKOW for
       clearing out the RT queue (which I didn't know existed), merging in the
       fixes and features that still applied, which were several.

       Version 1.0 is identical to 0.9.	 PAUSE tells me 0.9 already exists so
       bumping the number.  *^%$!

       Version 0.9 is identical to 0.8.	 PAUSE tells me 0.8 already exists so
       bumping the number.

       Version 0.8 fixes "unshift" and "pop" to again return the value removed
       (oops, thanks brunov) and adds many, many more tests (wow, thanks

       Version 0.7 uses autobox itself so you don't have to, as requested, and
       ... oh hell.  I started editing this to fix Schwern's reported v-string
       warning, but I'm not seeing it.	Use "~~" on "@array->grep" if we're
       using 5.10 or newer.  Add an explicit LICENSE section per request.
       Took many tests and utility functions from perl5i.  Pays attention to
       "wantarray" and returns a list or the reference, as dictated by
       context.	 "flatten" should rarely if ever be needed any more.

       Version 0.6 propogates arguments to "autobox" and doesn't require you
       to use "autobox".  I still can't test it and am applying patches
       blindly.	 Maybe I'll drop the Hash::Util dep in the next version since
       it and Scalar::Util are constantly wedging on my system.	 The
       documentation needs to be updated and mention of Perl6::Contexts mostly
       removed.	 Also, JJ contributed a "strip" method for scalars - thanks

       Version 0.5 has an $arrayref->unshift bug fix and and a new flatten
       method for hashes.  Also, this version is untested because my
       Hash::Util stopped working, dammit.

       Version 0.4 got numeric operations, if I remember.

       Version 0.3 fixes a problem where "unpack" wasn't sure it had enough
       arguments according to a test introduced in Perl 5.8.6 or perhaps
       5.8.5.  This problem was reported by Ron Reidy - thanks Ron!  Version
       0.3 also added the references to Perl 6 Now and the excerpt.

       Version 0.2 rounded out the API and introduced the beginnings of
       functional-ish methods.

       Version 0.1 was woefully incomplete.

       Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 by Scott Walters and various contributors
       listed (and unlisted) below

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.9 or, at
       your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

       This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
       without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
       merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

       Perl 6: <>.
       (Shameless plug:) Perl 6 Now: The Core Ideas Illustrated with Perl 5
       dedicates a sizable portion of Chapter 14, Objects, to autoboxing and
       the idea is used heavily throughout the book. Chapter 8, Data
       Structures, also has numerous examples. See <> or
       look for ISBN 1-59059-395-2 at your favorite bookstore for more

       Scott Walters,

       Michael Schwern and the perl5i contributors for tests, code, and

       JJ contributed a "strip" method for scalars - thanks JJ!

       Ricardo SIGNES contributed patches.

       Thanks to Matt Spear, who contributed tests and definitions for numeric

       Mitchell N Charity reported a bug and sent a fix.

       Thanks to chocolateboy for autobox and for the encouragement.

       Thanks to Bruno Vecchi for bug fixes and many, many new tests going
       into version 0.8.

       Thanks to <> daxim/Lars DIECKOW pushing in fixes
       and patches from the RT queue along with fixes to build and additional
       doc examples.

perl v5.14.1			  2010-03-19		      autobox::Core(3)

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Based on Fawad Halim's script.
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