XvSelectVideoNotify(3X)XvSelectVideoNotify(3X)NameXvSelectVideoNotify - enable or disable VideoNotify events
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>
XvSelectVideoNotify(dpy, drawable, onoff)
register Display *dpy;
Drawable drawable;
Bool onoff;
dpy Specifies the display screen on which the
Xv Server is to accept requests from Xv
clients. If the display option is not
specified, Xv uses the display screen spec-
ified by your DISPLAY environment variable.
The display option has the format host-
name:number. Using two colons (::) instead
of one (:) indicates that DECnet is to be
used for transport.
drawable Defines the drawable in which video activ-
ity is to be reported.
onoff Selects whether video notification is
enabled or disabled.
DescriptionXvSelectVideoNotify(3X) enables or disables events to be
reported for video activity in a drawable.
Returned Values
Returns True if XvSelectVideoNotify(3X) completed
Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable.
Returned if XvSelectVideoNotify(3X) failed to
allocate memory to process the request.
Generated if the requested drawable does not
See Also