XmCommand man page on Ultrix

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XmCommand(3X)			   OSF/Motif			 XmCommand(3X)

       XmCommand - The Command widget class

       #include <Xm/Command.h>

       Command	is  a  special-purpose composite widget for command entry that
       provides a built-in command-history mechanism.  Command includes a com‐
       mand-line  text-input  field, a command-line prompt, and a command-his‐
       tory list region.

       One additional WorkArea child may be added to the  Command  after  cre‐

       Whenever	 a command is entered, it is automatically added to the end of
       the command-history list and made visible.  This does  not  change  the
       selected item in the list, if there is one.

       Many of the new resources specified for Command are actually Selection‐
       Box resources that have been renamed for clarity and ease of use.

       Command inherits behavior and  resources	 from  Core,  Composite,  Con‐
       straint, XmManager, XmBulletinBoard, and XmSelectionBox classes.

       The class pointer is xmCommandWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmCommand.

   New Resources
       The  following table defines a set of widget resources used by the pro‐
       grammer to specify data.	 The programmer can also set the resource val‐
       ues  for	 the  inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.  To
       reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults	 file,	remove
       the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters.  To specify one of
       the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove  the  Xm
       prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase,
       but include any underscores between words).  The codes  in  the	access
       column  indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C),
       set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
       not applicable (N/A).

			       XmCommand Resource Set
	     Name			  Default		  Access
		   Class			Type
	     XmNcommand			  ""			  CSG
		   XmCTextString		 XmString
	     XmNcommandChangedCallback	  NULL			  C
		   XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	     XmNcommandEnteredCallback	  NULL			  C
		   XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	     XmNhistoryItems		  NULL			  CSG
		   XmCItems			 XmStringTable

	     XmNhistoryItemCount	  0			  CSG
		   XmCItemCount			 int
	     XmNhistoryMaxItems		  100			  CSG
		   XmCMaxItems			 int
	     XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount	  dynamic		  CSG
		   XmCVisibleItemCount		 int
	     XmNpromptString		  dynamic		  CSG
		   XmCPromptString		 XmString
       Contains	 the  current  command-line  text.   This is the XmNtextString
       resource in SelectionBox, renamed for Command.  This resource can  also
       be  modified  via XmCommandSetValue and XmCommandAppendValue functions.
       The command area is a Text widget.  Specifies  the  list	 of  callbacks
       that  is	 called	 when  the value of the command changes.  The callback
       reason is XmCR_COMMAND_CHANGED.	This  is  equivalent  to  the  XmNval‐
       ueChangedCallback  of  the  Text	 widget,  except  that a pointer to an
       XmCommandCallbackStructure is passed, and the structure's value	member
       contains	 the XmString.	Specifies the list of callbacks that is called
       when a command is entered in  the  Command.   The  callback  reason  is
       XmCR_COMMAND_ENTERED.   A  pointer to an XmCommandCallback structure is
       passed.	Lists XmString items that make up the contents of the  history
       list.   This  is the XmNlistItems resource in SelectionBox, renamed for
       Command.	 XtGetValues for this resource returns the  list  items	 them‐
       selves,	not  a	copy of the list items.	 The application must not free
       the returned items.  Specifies the number  of  XmStrings	 in  XmNhisto‐
       ryItems.	  This	is  the	 XmNlistItemCount  resource  in	 SelectionBox,
       renamed for Command.  The value must not be  negative.	Specifies  the
       maximum	number of items allowed in the history list.  Once this number
       is reached, an existing list item must be removed before a new item can
       be added to the list.  For each command entered, the first list item is
       removed from the list, so the new command can be	 added	to  the	 list.
       The value must be greater than 0.  Specifies the number of items in the
       history list that should be visible at one time.	 In  effect,  it  sets
       the  height  (in	 lines)	 of the history list window.  This is the XmN‐
       listVisibleItemCount resource in	 SelectionBox,	renamed	 for  Command.
       The  value must be greater than 0.  The default is dynamic based on the
       height of the list.  Specifies a prompt for the command line.  This  is
       the  XmNselectionLabelString resource in SelectionBox, renamed for Com‐
       mand.  The default may vary depending on the value of the  XmNstringDi‐
       rection resource and the locale.	 In the C locale the default is ">".

   Inherited Resources
       Command	inherits  behavior  and	 resources  from  the following super‐
       classes.	 For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man
       page for that superclass.

			    XmSelectionBox Resource Set
	  Name				  Default		    Access
		Class				Type
	  XmNapplyCallback		  NULL			    N/A
		XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	  XmNapplyLabelString		  dynamic		    N/A
		XmCApplyLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNcancelCallback		  NULL			    N/A
		XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	  XmNcancelLabelString		  dynamic		    N/A

		XmCCancelLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNchildPlacement		  XmPLACE_ABOVE_SELECTION   CSG
		XmCChildPlacement		 unsigned char
	  XmNdialogType			  XmDIALOG_COMMAND	    G
		XmCDialogType			 unsigned char
	  XmNhelpLabelString		  dynamic		    N/A
		XmCHelpLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNlistItemCount		  0			    CSG
		XmCItemCount			 int
	  XmNlistItems			  NULL			    CSG
		XmCItems			 XmStringTable
	  XmNlistLabelString		  NULL			    N/A
		XmCListLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNlistVisibleItemCount	  dynamic		    CSG
		XmCVisibleItemCount		 int
	  XmNminimizeButtons		  False			    N/A
		XmCMinimizeButtons		 Boolean
	  XmNmustMatch			  False			    N/A
		XmCMustMatch			 Boolean
	  XmNnoMatchCallback		  NULL			    N/A
		XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	  XmNokCallback			  NULL			    N/A
		XmCCallback			 XtCallbackList
	  XmNokLabelString		  dynamic		    N/A
		XmCOkLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNselectionLabelString	  dynamic		    CSG
		XmCSelectionLabelString		 XmString
	  XmNtextAccelerators		  default		    C
		XmCTextAccelerators		 XtAccelerators
	  XmNtextColumns		  dynamic		    CSG
		XmCColumns			 short
	  XmNtextString			  ""			    CSG
		XmCTextString			 XmString

			    XmBulletinBoard Resource Set
	      Name			 Default		 Access
		    Class		       Type
	      XmNallowOverlap		 True			 CSG
		    XmCAllowOverlap		Boolean
	      XmNautoUnmanage		 False			 N/A
		    XmCAutoUnmanage		Boolean
	      XmNbuttonFontList		 dynamic		 N/A

		    XmCButtonFontList		XmFontList
	      XmNcancelButton		 NULL			 N/A
		    XmCWidget			Widget
	      XmNdefaultButton		 NULL			 N/A
		    XmCWidget			Widget
	      XmNdefaultPosition	 False			 CSG
		    XmCDefaultPosition		Boolean
	      XmNdialogStyle		 dynamic		 CSG
		    XmCDialogStyle		unsigned char
	      XmNdialogTitle		 NULL			 CSG
		    XmCDialogTitle		XmString
	      XmNfocusCallback		 NULL			 C
		    XmCCallback			XtCallbackList
	      XmNlabelFontList		 dynamic		 CSG
		    XmCLabelFontList		XmFontList
	      XmNmapCallback		 NULL			 C
		    XmCCallback			XtCallbackList
	      XmNmarginHeight		 10			 CSG
		    XmCMarginHeight		Dimension
	      XmNmarginWidth		 10			 CSG
		    XmCMarginWidth		Dimension
	      XmNnoResize		 False			 CSG
		    XmCNoResize			Boolean
	      XmNresizePolicy		 XmRESIZE_NONE		 CSG
		    XmCResizePolicy		unsigned char
	      XmNshadowType		 XmSHADOW_OUT		 CSG
		    XmCShadowType		unsigned char
	      XmNtextFontList		 dynamic		 CSG
		    XmCTextFontList		XmFontList
	      XmNtextTranslations	 NULL			 C
		    XmCTranslations		XtTranslations
	      XmNunmapCallback		 NULL			 C
		    XmCCallback			XtCallbackList

			       XmManager Resource Set
	   Name				 Default		    Access
		 Class			       Type
	   XmNbottomShadowColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCBottomShadowColor		Pixel
	   XmNbottomShadowPixmap	 XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP	    CSG
		 XmCBottomShadowPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNforeground		 dynamic		    CSG

		 XmCForeground			Pixel
	   XmNhelpCallback		 NULL			    C
		 XmCCallback			XtCallbackList
	   XmNhighlightColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCHighlightColor		Pixel
	   XmNhighlightPixmap		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCHighlightPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNinitialFocus		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCInitialFocus		Widget
	   XmNnavigationType		 XmTAB_GROUP		    CSG
		 XmCNavigationType		XmNavigationType
	   XmNshadowThickness		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCShadowThickness		Dimension
	   XmNstringDirection		 dynamic		    CG
		 XmCStringDirection		XmStringDirection
	   XmNtopShadowColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCTopShadowColor		Pixel
	   XmNtopShadowPixmap		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCTopShadowPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNtraversalOn		 True			    CSG
		 XmCTraversalOn			Boolean
	   XmNunitType			 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCUnitType			unsigned char
	   XmNuserData			 NULL			    CSG
		 XmCUserData			XtPointer

			       Composite Resource Set
		Name			  Default	       Access
		      Class			Type
		XmNchildren		  NULL		       G
		      XmCReadOnly		 WidgetList
		XmNinsertPosition	  NULL		       CSG
		      XmCInsertPosition		 XtOrderProc
		XmNnumChildren		  0		       G
		      XmCReadOnly		 Cardinal

				 Core Resource Set
	Name				      Default		      Access
	      Class				    Type
	XmNaccelerators			      dynamic		      N/A
	      XmCAccelerators			     XtAccelerators
	XmNancestorSensitive		      dynamic		      G

	      XmCSensitive			     Boolean
	XmNbackground			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCBackground			     Pixel
	XmNbackgroundPixmap		      XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP    CSG
	      XmCPixmap				     Pixmap
	XmNborderColor			      XtDefaultForeground     CSG
	      XmCBorderColor			     Pixel
	XmNborderPixmap			      XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP    CSG
	      XmCPixmap				     Pixmap
	XmNborderWidth			      0			      CSG
	      XmCBorderWidth			     Dimension
	XmNcolormap			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCColormap			     Colormap
	XmNdepth			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCDepth				     int
	XmNdestroyCallback		      NULL		      C
	      XmCCallback			     XtCallbackList
	XmNheight			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCHeight				     Dimension
	XmNinitialResourcesPersistent	      True		      C
	      XmCInitialResourcesPersistent	     Boolean
	XmNmappedWhenManaged		      True		      CSG
	      XmCMappedWhenManaged		     Boolean
	XmNscreen			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCScreen				     Screen *
	XmNsensitive			      True		      CSG
	      XmCSensitive			     Boolean
	XmNtranslations			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCTranslations			     XtTranslations
	XmNwidth			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCWidth				     Dimension
	XmNx				      0			      CSG
	      XmCPosition			     Position
	XmNy				      0			      CSG
	      XmCPosition			     Position

   Callback Information
       A  pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback: type‐
       def struct {   int      reason;	 XEvent	  *  event;    XmString value;
	 int	  length;  }  XmCommandCallbackStruct; Indicates why the call‐
       back was invoked Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback Spec‐
       ifies the XmString in the CommandArea Specifies the size of the command
       in XmString

       XmCommand inherits translations from XmSelectionBox.

       The XmNtextAccelerators from  XmSelectionBox  are  added	 to  the  Text
       descendant of XmCommand.

   Action Routines
       The XmCommand action routines are described below: When called with a 0
       argument, selects the previous item in the history  list	 and  replaces
       the text with that item.

       When  called  with  a  1 argument, selects the next item in the history
       list and replaces the text with that item.

       When called with a 2 argument, selects the first item  in  the  history
       list and replaces the text with that item.

       When  called  with  a  3 argument, selects the last item in the history
       list and replaces the text with that item.

       Calls the callbacks for XmNcommandChangedCallback.

   Additional Behavior
       The Command widget has the additional behavior described below: If  the
       parent  of the Command is a manager, the event is passed to the parent.
       Calls the Text widget's XmNactivateCallback callbacks.  If the text  is
       empty,  this  action  then returns.  Otherwise, if the history list has
       XmNhistoryMaxItems items, it removes the first item in  the  list.   It
       adds  the  text	to the history list as the last item, clears the text,
       and calls the XmNcommandEnteredCallback callbacks.  When any change  is
       made  to the text edit widget, this action calls the callbacks for XmN‐
       commandChangedCallback.	Calls the List widget's	 XmNdefaultActionCall‐
       back callbacks.	If the history list has XmNhistoryMaxItems items, this
       action removes the first item in the list.  It adds the	selected  List
       item  to	 the history list as the last item, clears the text, and calls
       the XmNcommandEnteredCallback callbacks.	 Calls the callbacks for  XmN‐
       focusCallback.	When  a	 Command that is the child of a DialogShell is
       mapped, this action calls the callbacks	for  XmNmapCallback.   When  a
       Command	that  is  the  child of a DialogShell is unmapped, this action
       calls the callbacks for XmNunmapCallback.

   Virtual Bindings
       The bindings for virtual keys are  vendor  specific.   For  information
       about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3X).

       Composite(3X), Constraint(3X), Core(3X), XmBulletinBoard(3X), XmComman‐
       dAppendValue(3X), XmCommandError(3X), XmCommandGetChild(3X), XmCommand‐
       SetValue(3X), XmCreateCommand(3X), XmManager(3X), and XmSelection‐


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