Tk::Dial man page on BSDi

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Dial(3)		      perl/Tk Documentation		  Dial(3)

       Dial - an alternative to the scale widget

	use Tk::Dial;

	$dial = $top->Dial(-margin =>  20,
			   -radius =>  48,
			   -min	   =>	0,
			   -max	   => 100,
			   -value  =>	0,
			   -format => '%d');

	margin - blank space to leave around dial
	radius - radius of dial
	min, max - range of possible values
	value  - current value
	format - printf-style format for displaying format

       Values shown above are defaults.

       A dial looks like a speedometer: a 3/4 circle with a
       needle indicating the current value.  Below the graphical
       dial is an entry that displays the current value, and
       which can be used to enter a value by hand.

       The needle is moved by pressing button 1 in the canvas and
       dragging. The needle will follow the mouse, even if the
       mouse leaves the canvas, which allows for high precision.
       Alternatively, the user can enter a value in the entry
       space and press Return to set the value; the needle will
       be set accordingly.

	Tick marks
	Step size

       Roy Johnson,

       Based on a similar widget in XV, a program by John

HISTORY	   August 1995: Released for critique by pTk mailing list

25/Aug/1997		    Tk400.202				1


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