PKGBUILD man page on Archlinux

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PKGBUILD(5)			 Pacman Manual			   PKGBUILD(5)

       PKGBUILD - Arch Linux package build description file


       This manual page describes general rules about PKGBUILDs. Once a
       PKGBUILD is written, the actual package is built using makepkg and
       installed with pacman.

	   An example PKGBUILD, useful for reference, is located in
	   /usr/share/pacman along with other example files such as a
	   ChangeLog and an install script. You can copy the provided
	   PKGBUILD.proto file to a new package build directory and make
	   customizations to suit your needs.

       The following is a list of standard options and directives available
       for use in a PKGBUILD. These are all understood and interpreted by
       makepkg, and most of them will be directly transferred to the built

       If you need to create any custom variables for use in your build
       process, it is recommended to prefix their name with an _ (underscore).
       This will prevent any possible name clashes with internal makepkg
       variables. For example, to store the base kernel version in a variable,
       use something similar to $_basekernver.

       pkgname (array)
	   Either the name of the package or an array of names for split
	   packages. Valid characters for members of this array are
	   alphanumerics, and any of the following characters: “@ . _ + -”.
	   Additionally, names are not allowed to start with hyphens or dots.

	   The version of the software as released from the author (e.g.,
	   2.7.1). The variable is not allowed to contain colons or hyphens.

	   The pkgver variable can be automatically updated by providing a
	   pkgver() function in the PKGBUILD that outputs the new package
	   version. This is run after downloading and extracting the sources
	   so can use those files in determining the new pkgver. This is most
	   useful when used with sources from version control systems (see

	   This is the release number specific to the Arch Linux release. This
	   allows package maintainers to make updates to the package’s
	   configure flags, for example. This is typically set to 1 for each
	   new upstream software release and incremented for intermediate
	   PKGBUILD updates. The variable is not allowed to contain hyphens.

	   This should be a brief description of the package and its
	   functionality. Try to keep the description to one line of text and
	   not use the package’s name.

	   Used to force the package to be seen as newer than any previous
	   versions with a lower epoch, even if the version number would
	   normally not trigger such an upgrade. This value is required to be
	   a positive integer; the default value if left unspecified is 0.
	   This is useful when the version numbering scheme of a package
	   changes (or is alphanumeric), breaking normal version comparison
	   logic. See pacman(8) for more information on version comparisons.

	   This field contains a URL that is associated with the software
	   being packaged. Typically the project’s website.

       license (array)
	   This field specifies the license(s) that apply to the package.
	   Commonly used licenses can be found in /usr/share/licenses/common.
	   If you see the package’s license there, simply reference it in the
	   license field (e.g., license=('GPL')). If the package provides a
	   license not available in /usr/share/licenses/common, then you
	   should include it in the package itself and set license=('custom')
	   or license=('custom:LicenseName'). The license should be placed in
	   $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/ when building the package. If
	   multiple licenses are applicable, list all of them: license=('GPL'

	   Specifies a special install script that is to be included in the
	   package. This file should reside in the same directory as the
	   PKGBUILD, and will be copied into the package by makepkg. It does
	   not need to be included in the source array (e.g.,

	   Specifies a changelog file that is to be included in the package.
	   This file should reside in the same directory as the PKGBUILD, and
	   will be copied into the package by makepkg. It does not need to be
	   included in the source array (e.g., changelog=$pkgname.changelog).

       source (array)
	   An array of source files required to build the package. Source
	   files must either reside in the same directory as the PKGBUILD, or
	   be a fully-qualified URL that makepkg can use to download the file.
	   To make the PKGBUILD as useful as possible, use the $pkgname and
	   $pkgver variables if possible when specifying the download
	   location. Compressed files will be extracted automatically unless
	   found in the noextract array described below.

	   It is also possible to change the name of the downloaded file,
	   which is helpful with weird URLs and for handling multiple source
	   files with the same name. The syntax is: source=('filename::url').

	   makepkg also supports building developmental versions of packages
	   using sources downloaded from version control systems (VCS). For
	   more information, see Using VCS Sources below.

	   Files in the source array with extensions .sig, .sign or .asc are
	   recognized by makepkg as PGP signatures and will be automatically
	   used to verify the integrity of the corresponding source file.

       noextract (array)
	   An array of filenames corresponding to those from the source array.
	   Files listed here will not be extracted with the rest of the source
	   files. This is useful for packages that use compressed data

       md5sums (array)
	   This array contains an MD5 hash for every source file specified in
	   the source array (in the same order). makepkg will use this to
	   verify source file integrity during subsequent builds. If SKIP is
	   put in the array in place of a normal hash, the integrity check for
	   that source file will be skipped. To easily generate md5sums, run
	   “makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD”. If desired, move the md5sums line to an
	   appropriate location.

       sha1sums, sha256sums, sha384sums, sha512sums (arrays)
	   Alternative integrity checks that makepkg supports; these all
	   behave similar to the md5sums option described above. To enable use
	   and generation of these checksums, be sure to set up the
	   INTEGRITY_CHECK option in makepkg.conf(5).

       groups (array)
	   An array of symbolic names that represent groups of packages,
	   allowing you to install multiple packages by requesting a single
	   target. For example, one could install all KDE packages by
	   installing the kde group.

       arch (array)
	   Defines on which architectures the given package is available
	   (e.g., arch=('i686' 'x86_64')). Packages that contain no
	   architecture specific files should use arch=('any').

       backup (array)
	   An array of filenames, without preceding slashes, that should be
	   backed up if the package is removed or upgraded. This is commonly
	   used for packages placing configuration files in /etc. See Handling
	   Config Files in pacman(8) for more information.

       depends (array)
	   An array of packages this package depends on to run. Entries in
	   this list should be surrounded with single quotes and contain at
	   least the package name. Entries can also include a version
	   requirement of the form name<>version, where <> is one of five
	   comparisons: >= (greater than or equal to), <= (less than or equal
	   to), = (equal to), > (greater than), or < (less than).

	   If the dependency name appears to be a library (ends with .so),
	   makepkg will try to find a binary that depends on the library in
	   the built package and append the version needed by the binary.
	   Appending the version yourself disables auto detection.

       makedepends (array)
	   An array of packages this package depends on to build but are not
	   needed at runtime. Packages in this list follow the same format as

       checkdepends (array)
	   An array of packages this package depends on to run its test suite
	   but are not needed at runtime. Packages in this list follow the
	   same format as depends. These dependencies are only considered when
	   the check() function is present and is to be run by makepkg.

       optdepends (array)
	   An array of packages (and accompanying reasons) that are not
	   essential for base functionality, but may be necessary to make full
	   use of the contents of this package. optdepends are currently for
	   informational purposes only and are not utilized by pacman during
	   dependency resolution. The format for specifying optdepends is:

	       optdepends=('fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user')

       conflicts (array)
	   An array of packages that will conflict with this package (i.e.
	   they cannot both be installed at the same time). This directive
	   follows the same format as depends. Versioned conflicts are
	   supported using the operators as described in depends.

       provides (array)
	   An array of “virtual provisions” this package provides. This allows
	   a package to provide dependencies other than its own package name.
	   For example, the dcron package can provide cron, which allows
	   packages to depend on cron rather than dcron OR fcron.

	   Versioned provisions are also possible, in the name=version format.
	   For example, dcron can provide cron=2.0 to satisfy the cron>=2.0
	   dependency of other packages. Provisions involving the > and <
	   operators are invalid as only specific versions of a package may be

	   If the provision name appears to be a library (ends with .so),
	   makepkg will try to find the library in the built package and
	   append the correct version. Appending the version yourself disables
	   auto detection.

       replaces (array)
	   An array of packages this package should replace. This can be used
	   to handle renamed/combined packages. For example, if the j2re
	   package is renamed to jre, this directive allows future upgrades to
	   continue as expected even though the package has moved. Versioned
	   replaces are supported using the operators as described in depends.

	   Sysupgrade is currently the only pacman operation that utilizes
	   this field. A normal sync or upgrade will not use its value.

       options (array)
	   This array allows you to override some of makepkg’s default
	   behavior when building packages. To set an option, just include the
	   option name in the options array. To reverse the default behavior,
	   place an “!” at the front of the option. Only specify the options
	   you specifically want to override, the rest will be taken from
	   makepkg.conf(5).  NOTE:force is a now-removed option in favor of
	   the top level epoch variable.

	       Strip symbols from binaries and libraries. If you frequently
	       use a debugger on programs or libraries, it may be helpful to
	       disable this option.

	       Save doc directories. If you wish to delete doc directories,
	       specify !docs in the array.

	       Leave libtool (.la) files in packages. Specify !libtool to
	       remove them.

	       Leave static library (.a) files in packages. Specify
	       !staticlibs to remove them.

	       Leave empty directories in packages.

	       Compress man and info pages with gzip.

	       Compress binary executable files using UPX.

	       Allow the use of ccache during build. More useful in its
	       negative form !ccache with select packages that have problems
	       building with ccache.

	       Allow the use of distcc during build. More useful in its
	       negative form !distcc with select packages that have problems
	       building with distcc.

	       Allow the use of user-specific buildflags (CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS,
	       CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS) during build as specified in
	       makepkg.conf(5). More useful in its negative form !buildflags
	       with select packages that have problems building with custom

	       Allow the use of user-specific makeflags during build as
	       specified in makepkg.conf(5). More useful in its negative form
	       !makeflags with select packages that have problems building
	       with custom makeflags such as -j2 (or higher).

	       Add the user-specified debug flags (DEBUG_CFLAGS,
	       DEBUG_CXXFLAGS) to their counterpart buildflags as specified in
	       makepkg.conf(5). When used in combination with the ‘strip’
	       option, a separate package containing the debug symbols is

       In addition to the above directives, PKGBUILDs require a set of
       functions that provide instructions to build and install the package.
       As a minimum, the PKGBUILD must contain a package() function which
       installs all the package’s files into the packaging directory, with
       optional prepare(), build() and check() being used to create those
       files from source.

       package() Function
	   The package() function is used to install files into the directory
	   that will become the root directory of the built package and is run
	   after all the optional functions listed below. When specified in
	   combination with the fakeroot BUILDENV option in makepkg.conf(5),
	   fakeroot usage will be limited to running the packaging stage. All
	   other functions will be run as the user calling makepkg.

       prepare() Function
	   An optional prepare() function can be specified in which operations
	   that are to be run in order to prepare the sources for building
	   (such as patching) are performed. This function is run after the
	   source extraction and before the build() function and is skipped
	   when source extraction is skipped.

       build() Function
	   The optional build() function is use to compile and/or adjust the
	   source files in preparation to be installed by the package()
	   function. This is directly sourced and executed by makepkg, so
	   anything that bash or the system has available is available for use
	   here. Be sure any exotic commands used are covered by makedepends.

	   If you create any variables of your own in the build function, it
	   is recommended to use the bash local keyword to scope the variable
	   to inside the build function.

       check() Function
	   An optional check() function can be specified in which a package’s
	   test-suite may be run. This function is run between the build() and
	   package() functions. Be sure any exotic commands used are covered
	   by checkdepends.

       All of the above variables such as $pkgname and $pkgver are available
       for use in the build function. In addition, makepkg defines the
       following variables for use during the build and install process:

	   This contains the directory where makepkg extracts, or copies, all
	   source files.

	   This contains the directory where makepkg bundles the installed
	   package (this directory will become the root directory of your
	   built package). This variable should only be used in the package()

	   This contains the absolute path to the directory where the PKGBUILD
	   is located, which is usually the output of $(pwd) when makepkg is
	   started. Use of this variable is deprecated and strongly

       makepkg supports building multiple packages from a single PKGBUILD.
       This is achieved by assigning an array of package names to the pkgname
       directive. Each split package uses a corresponding packaging function
       with name package_foo(), where foo is the name of the split package.

       All options and directives for the split packages default to the global
       values given in the PKGBUILD. Nevertheless, the following ones can be
       overridden within each split package’s packaging function: pkgver,
       pkgrel, epoch, pkgdesc, arch, url, license, groups, depends,
       optdepends, provides, conflicts, replaces, backup, options, install and

       An optional global directive is available when building a split

	   The name used to refer to the group of packages in the output of
	   makepkg and in the naming of source-only tarballs. If not
	   specified, the first element in the pkgname array is used. The
	   variable is not allowed to begin with a hyphen.

       Pacman has the ability to store and execute a package-specific script
       when it installs, removes, or upgrades a package. This allows a package
       to configure itself after installation and perform an opposite action
       upon removal.

       The exact time the script is run varies with each operation, and should
       be self-explanatory. Note that during an upgrade operation, none of the
       install or remove scripts will be called.

       Scripts are passed either one or two “full version strings”, where a
       full version string is either pkgver-pkgrel or epoch:pkgver-pkgrel if
       epoch is non-zero.

	   Run right before files are extracted. One argument is passed: new
	   package full version string.

	   Run right after files are extracted. One argument is passed: new
	   package full version string.

	   Run right before files are extracted. Two arguments are passed in
	   this order: new package full version string, old package full
	   version string.

	   Run after files are extracted. Two arguments are passed in this
	   order: new package full version string, old package full version

	   Run right before files are removed. One argument is passed: old
	   package full version string.

	   Run right after files are removed. One argument is passed: old
	   package full version string.

       To use this feature, create a file such as pkgname.install and put it
       in the same directory as the PKGBUILD script. Then use the install


       The install script does not need to be specified in the source array. A
       template install file is available in /usr/share/pacman as
       proto.install for reference with all of the available functions

       Building a developmental version of a package using sources from a
       version control system (VCS) is enabled by specifying the source in the
       form source=('folder::url#fragment'). Currently makepkg supports the
       bzr, git, hg and svn protocols.

       The source URL is divided into three components:

	   (optional) Specifies an alternate folder name for makepkg to
	   download the VCS source into.

	   The url to the VCS repo. This must include the the vcs in the URL
	   protocol for makepkg to recognize this as a VCS source. If the
	   protocol does not include the VCS name, it can be added by
	   prefixing the URL with vcs+. For example, using a git repository
	   over http would have a source URL in the form git+http://....

	   (optional) Allows specifying a revision number or branch for
	   makepkg to checkout from the VCS. For example, to checkout a given
	   revision, the source line would have the format
	   source=(url#revision=123). The available fragments depends on the
	   VCS being used:

	       revision (see 'bzr help revisionspec' for details)

	       branch, commit, tag

	       branch, revision, tag


       The following is an example PKGBUILD for the patch package. For more
       examples, look through the build files of your distribution’s packages.
       For those using Arch Linux, consult the ABS tree.

	   # Maintainer: Joe User <>

	   pkgdesc="A utility to apply patch files to original sources"
	   arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
	   depends=('glibc' 'ed')

	   build() {
	     cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
	     ./configure --prefix=/usr

	   package() {
	     cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
	     make prefix="$pkgdir"/usr install

       makepkg(8), pacman(8), makepkg.conf(5)

       See the pacman website at for current
       information on pacman and its related tools.

       Bugs? You must be kidding, there are no bugs in this software. But if
       we happen to be wrong, send us an email with as much detail as possible

       Current maintainers:

       ·   Allan McRae <>

       ·   Dan McGee <>

       ·   Dave Reisner <>

       Past major contributors:

       ·   Judd Vinet <>

       ·   Aurelien Foret <>

       ·   Aaron Griffin <>

       ·   Xavier Chantry <>

       ·   Nagy Gabor <>

       For additional contributors, use git shortlog -s on the pacman.git

Pacman 4.1.2			  2013-06-18			   PKGBUILD(5)

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