PDL::IO::FITS man page on aLinux

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FITS(3)		      User Contributed Perl Documentation	       FITS(3)

       PDL::IO::FITS -- Simple FITS support for PDL

	use PDL;
	use PDL::IO::FITS;

	$a = rfits('foo.fits');		 # read a FITS file
	$a->wfits('bar.fits');		 # write a FITS file

       This module provides basic FITS support for PDL, in the sense of
       reading and writing whole FITS files.  (For more complex operations,
       such as prefiltering rows out of tables or performing operations on the
       FITS file in-place on disk), you can use the Astro::FITS::CFITSIO
       module that is available on CPAN.

       Basic FITS image files are supported, along with BINTABLE and IMAGE
       extensions.  ASCII Table support is planned, as are the HEASARC
       bintable extensions that are recommended in the 1999 FITS standard.

       Table support is based on hashes and named columns, rather than the
       less convenient (but slightly more congruent) technique of perl lists
       of numbered columns.

       The principle interface routines are "rfits" and "wfits", for reading
       and writing respectively.  FITS headers are returned as perl hashes or
       (if the module is present) Astro::FITS::Header objects that are tied to
       perl hashes.  Astro::FITS::Header objects provide convenient access
       through the tied hash interface, but also allow you to control the card
       structure in more detail using a separate method interface; see the
       Astro::FITS::Header documentation for details.

       Copyright (C) Karl Glazebrook, Craig DeForest, and Doug Burke,
       1997-2004.  There is no warranty.  You are allowed to redistribute
       and/or modify this software under certain conditions.  For details, see
       the file COPYING in the PDL distribution.  If this file is separated
       from the PDL distribution, the copyright notice should be pasted into
       in this file.


       Simple piddle FITS reader.

	 $pdl = rfits('file.fits');   # Read a simple FITS image

       Suffix magic:

	 $pdl = rfits('file.fits.gz'); # Read a file with gunzip(1)
	 $pdl = rfits('file.fits.Z');  # Read a file with uncompress(1)

	 $pdl = rfits('file.fits[2]');	  # Read 2nd extension
	 $pdl = rfits('file.fits.gz[3]'); # Read 3rd extension
	 @pdls = rfits('file.fits');	  # Read primary data and extensions

	 $hdr = rfits('file.fits',{data=>0});  # Options hash changes behavior

       In list context, "rfits" reads the primary image and all possible
       extensions, returning them in the same order that they occurred in the
       file.  In scalar context, the default is to read the primary HDU. One
       can read other HDU's by using the [n] syntax, the second one is [1].
       Currently recognized extensions are IMAGE and BINTABLE.	(See the
       addendum on EXTENSIONS for details).

       "rfits" accepts several options that may be passed in as a hash ref if

       bscale (default=1)
	  Determines whether the data are linearly scaled using the
	  BSCALE/BZERO keywords in the FITS header.  To read in the exact data
	  values in the file, set this to 0.

       data (default=1)
	  Determines whether to read the data, or just the header.  If you set
	  this to 0, you will get back the FITS header rather than the data
	  themselves.  (Note that the header is normally returned as the "hdr"
	  field of the returned PDL; this causes it to be returned as a hash
	  ref directly.)

       hdrcpy (default=0)
	  Determines whether the hdrcpy flag is set in the returned PDL.
	  Setting the flag will cause an explicit deep copy of the header
	  whenever you use the returned PDL in an arithmetic or slicing
	  operation.  That is useful in many circumstances but also causes a
	  hit in speed.

       FITS image headers are stored in the output PDL and can be retrieved
       with hdr or gethdr.  The hdrcpy flag of the PDL is set so that the
       header is copied to derived piddles by default.	(This is inefficient
       if you are planning to do lots of small operations on the data; clear
       the flag with "->hcpy(0)" or via the options hash if that's the case.)

       The header is a hash whose keys are the keywords in the FITS header.
       If you have the "Astro::FITS::Header" module installed, the header is
       actually a tied hash to a FITS header object, which can give you more
       control over card order, comment fields, and variable types.  (see
       Astro::FITS::Header for details).

       The header keywords are converted to uppercase per the FITS standard.
       Access is case-insensitive on the perl side, provided that
       Astro::FITS::Header is installed.

       If Astro::FITS::Header is not installed, then a built-in legacy parser
       is used to generate the header hash.  Keyword-associated comments in
       the headers are stored under the hash key "<keyword>_COMMENT>".	All
       HISTORY cards in the header are collected into a single multiline
       string stored in the "HISTORY" key.  All COMMENT cards are similarly
       collected under the "COMMENT" key.


       If the BSCALE and/or BZERO keywords are set, they are applied to the
       image before it is returned.  The returned PDL is promoted as necessary
       to contain the multiplied values, and the BSCALE and BZERO keywords are
       deleted from the header for clarity.  If you don't want this type of
       processing, set 'bscale=>0' in the options hash.


       Sometimes a FITS file contains only extensions and a stub header in the
       first header/data unit ("primary HDU").	In scalar context, you
       normally only get back the primary HDU -- but in this special case, you
       get back the first extension HDU.  You can force a read of the primary
       HDU by adding a '[0]' suffix to the file name.


       Binary tables are handled. Currently only the following PDL datatypes
       are supported: byte, short, ushort, long, float, and double. At present
       ushort() data is written as a long rather than as a short with
       TSCAL/ZERO; this may change.

       The return value for a binary table is a hash ref containing the names
       of the columns in the table (in UPPER CASE as per the FITS standard).
       Each element of the hash contains a PDL (for numerical values) or a
       perl list (for string values).  The PDL's 0th dimension runs across
       rows; the 1st dimension runs across the repeat index within the row
       (for rows with more than one value).

       Thus, if your table contains a column named "FOO" with type "5D", the


       returns a 5-element double-precision PDL containing the values of FOO
       from the third row of the table.

       The header of the table itself is parsed as with a normal FITS HDU, and
       is returned in the element 'hdr' of the returned hash.  You can use
       that to preserve the original column order or access the table at a low
       level, if you like.

       Scaling and zero-point adjustment are performed as with BSCALE/BZERO:
       the appropriate keywords are deleted from the as-returned header.  To
       avoid this behavior, set 'bscale=>0' in the options hash.

       As appropriate, TSCAL/ZERO and TUNIT are copied into each column-PDL's
       header as BSCALE/BZERO and BUNIT.

       The main hash also contains the element 'tbl', which is set to 'binary'
       to distinguish it from an ASCII table.

       Because different columns in the table might have identical names in a
       FITS file, the binary table reader practices collision avoidance.  If
       you have multiple columns named "FOO", then the first one encountered
       (numerically) gets the name "FOO", the next one gets "FOO_1", and the
       next "FOO_2", etc.  The appropriate TTYPEn fields in the header are
       changed to match the renamed column fields.

       Columns with no name are assigned the name "COL_<n>", where <n> starts
       at 1 and increments for each no-name column found.

       If a FITS file contains the "BLANK" keyword (and has "BITPIX > 0"), the
       piddle will have its bad flag set, and those elements which equal the
       "BLANK" value will be set bad.  For "BITPIX < 0", any NaN's are
       converted to bad (if necessary).


       Read only the header of a FITS file or an extension within it.

       This is syntactic sugar for the "data=>0" option to rfits.

       See rfits for details on header handling.  rfitshdr() runs the same
       code to read the header, but returns it rather than reading in a data
       structure as well.


       Simple PDL FITS writer

	 wfits $pdl, 'filename.fits', [$BITPIX];
	 wfits $hash, 'filename.fits', [$OPTIONS];

       Suffix magic:

	 # Automatically compress through pipe to gzip
	 wfits $pdl, 'filename.fits.gz';
	 # Automatically compress through pipe to compress
	 wfits $pdl, 'filename.fits.Z';

       ·  Ordinary (PDL) data handling:

	  If the first argument is a PDL, then the PDL is written out as an
	  ordinary FITS file with a single Header/Data Unit of data.

	  $BITPIX is then optional and coerces the output data type according
	  to the standard FITS convention for the BITPIX field (with positive
	  values representing integer types and negative values representing
	  floating-point types).

	  If $pdl has a FITS header attached to it (actually, any hash that
	  contains a "SIMPLE=>T" keyword), then that FITS header is written
	  out to the file.  The image dimension tags are adjusted to the
	  actual dataset.  If there's a mismatch between the dimensions of the
	  data and the dimensions in the FITS header, then the header gets
	  corrected and a warning is printed.

       ·  Table handling:

	  If you feed in a hash ref instead of a PDL, then the hash ref is
	  written out as a binary table extension.  The hash ref keys are
	  treated as column names, and their values are treated as the data to
	  be put in each column.

	  For numeric information, the hash values should contain PDLs.	 The
	  0th dim of the PDL runs across rows, and higher dims are written as
	  multi-value entries in the table (e.g. a 7x5 PDL will yield a single
	  named column with 7 rows and 5 numerical entries per row, in a
	  binary table).  ASCII tables only allow one entry per column in each
	  row, so if you plan to write an ASCII table then all of the values
	  of $hash should have at most one dim.

	  All of the column dims must agree in the threading sense. That is to
	  say, the 0th dimension of all of the values of $hash should be the
	  same (indicating that all columns have the same number of rows).  As
	  an exception, if the 0th dim of any of the values is 1, or if that
	  value is a PDL scalar (with 0 dims), then that value is "threaded"
	  over -- copied into all rows.

	  Data dimensions higher than 2 are not possible in ordinary FITS
	  tables, so dims higher than 1 are clumped.  (e.g. a 7x5x3 PDL will
	  yield a single named column with 7 rows and 15 numerical entries per
	  row).	 If $PDL::Verbose is set, this condition causes a warning
	  message to be printed.  [There is a multidim extension that is not
	  yet implemented but should be].

	  Non-PDL Perl scalars are treated as strings, even if they contain
	  numerical values.  For example, a list ref containing 7 values is
	  treated as 7 rows containing one string each.	 There is no such
	  thing as a multi-string column in FITS tables, so any nonscalar
	  values in the list are stringified before being written.  For
	  example, if you pass in a perl list of 7 PDLs, each PDL will be
	  stringified before being written, just as if you printed it to the
	  screen.  This is probably not what you want -- you should use glue
	  to connect the separate PDLs into a single one.  (e.g.

	  The column names are case-insensitive, but by convention the keys of
	  $hash should normally be ALL CAPS, containing only digits, capital
	  letters, hyphens, and underscores.  If you include other characters,
	  then case is smashed to ALL CAPS, whitespace is converted to
	  underscores, and unrecognized characters are ignored -- so if you
	  include the key "Au Purity (%)", it will be written to the file as a
	  column that is named "AU_PURITY".  Since this is not guaranteed to
	  produce unique column names, subsequent columns by the same name are
	  disambiguated by the addition of numbers.

	  Two special keys, 'hdr' and 'tbl', can contain meta-information
	  about the type of table you want to write.  You may override them by
	  including an $OPTIONS hash with a 'hdr' and/or 'tbl' key.

	  The 'tbl' key, if it exists, must contain either 'ASCII' or 'binary'
	  (case-insensitive), indicating whether to write an ascii or binary
	  table.  The default is binary. [ASCII table writing is planned but
	  does not yet exist].

	  You can specify the format of the table quite specifically with the
	  'hdr' key or option field.  If it exists, then the 'hdr' key should
	  contain fields appropriate to the table extension being used.	 Any
	  field information that you don't specify will be filled in
	  automatically, so (for example) you can specify that a particular
	  column name goes in a particular position, but allow "wfits" to
	  arrange the other columns in the usual alphabetical order into any
	  unused slots that you leave behind.  The "TFORMn", "TFIELDS",
	  "PCOUNT", "GCOUNT", "NAXIS", and "NAXISn" keywords are ignored:
	  their values are calculated based on the hash that you supply.  Any
	  other fields are passed into the final FITS header verbatim.

	  As an example, the following

	    $a = long(1,2,4);
	    $b = double(1,2,4);
	    wfits { 'COLA'=>$a, 'COLB'=>$b }, "table1.fits";

	  will create a binary FITS table called table1.fits which contains
	  two columns called "COLA" and "COLB". The order of the columns is
	  controlled by setting the "TTYPEn" keywords in the header array, so

	    $h = { 'TTYPE1'=>'Y', 'TTYPE2'=>'X' };
	    wfits { 'X'=>$a, 'Y'=>$b, hdr=>$h }, "table2.fits";

	  creates table2.fits where the first column is called "Y" and the
	  second column is "X".

       ·  multi-value handling

	  If you feed in a perl list rather than a PDL or a hash, then each
	  element is written out as a separate HDU in the FITS file.  Each
	  element of the list must be a PDL or a hash. [This is not
	  implemented yet but should be soon!]

       ·  DEVEL NOTES

	  ASCII tables are not yet handled but should be.

	  Binary tables currently only handle one vector (up to 1-D array) per
	  table entry; the standard allows more, and should be fully
	  implemented.	This means that PDL::Complex piddles currently can not
	  be written to disk.

	  Handling multidim arrays implies that perl multidim lists should
	  also be handled.

       For integer types (ie "BITPIX > 0"), the "BLANK" keyword is set to the
       bad value.  For floating-point types, the bad value is converted to NaN
       (if necessary) before writing.



       Sorting comparison routine that makes proper sense of the digits at the
       end of some FITS header fields.	Sort your hash keys using
       "fits_field_cmp" and you will get (e.g.) your "TTYPE" fields in the
       correct order even if there are 140 of them.

       This is a standard kludgey perl comparison sub -- it uses the magical
       $a and $b variables, rather than normal argument passing.


       Return the number of rows in a variable for table entry

       You feed in a PDL or a list ref, and you get back the 0th dimension.


       Accept a hash ref containing a table, and return a header describing
       the table and a string to be written out as the table, or barf.

       You can indicate whether the table should be binary or ascii.  The
       default is binary; it can be overridden by the "tbl" field of the hash
       (if present) or by parameter.

perl v5.10.0			  2006-08-19			       FITS(3)

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