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lib::Net::Gen(3User Contributed Perl Documentatiolib::Net::Gen(3)

       Net::Gen - generic sockets interface handling

	   use Net::Gen;

       The Net::Gen module provides basic services for handling
       socket-based communications.  It supports no particular
       protocol family directly, however, so it is of direct use
       primarily to implementors of other modules.  To this end,
       several housekeeping functions are provided for the use of
       derived classes, as well as several inheritable methods.

       Also provided in this distribution are Net::Inet,
       Net::TCP, Net::UDP, and Net::UNIX, which are layered atop

       Public Methods

       The public methods are listed alphabetically below.  Here
       is an indication of their functional groupings:

       Creation and setup
	    new, new_from_fh, init, checkparams, open, connect,
	    bind, listen

       Parameter manipulation
	    setparams, setparam, delparams, delparam, getparams,

       Low-level control
	    unbind, condition, getsopt, getropt, setsopt,
	    setropt, fcntl, ioctl

       Medium-level control
	    getsockinfo, shutdown, stopio, close

	    isopen, isconnected, isbound, didlisten, fhvec,
	    getfh, fileno

       I/O  send, sendto, put, recv, get, getline, gets, select,

       Utility routines
	    format_addr, format_local_addr, format_remote_addr

       Tied filehandle support

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       Tied scalar support

       The descriptions, listed alphabetically:


		$newobj = $obj->accept;

	    Returns a new object in the same class as the given
	    object if an accept() call succeeds, and undef
	    otherwise.	If the accept() call succeeds, the new
	    object is marked as being open, connected, and bound.

       bind Usage:

		$ok = $obj->bind;

	    Makes a call to the bind() builtin on the filehandle
	    associated with the object.	 The arguments to bind()
	    are determined from the current parameters of the
	    object.  First, if the filehandle has previously been
	    bound or connected, it is closed.  Then, if it is not
	    currently open, a call to the open method is made.
	    If all that works (which may be a no-op), then the
	    following list of possible values is tried for the
	    bind() builtin:  First, the srcaddrlist object
	    parameter, if its value is an array reference.  The
	    elements of the array are tried in order until a
	    bind() succeeds or the list is exhausted.  Second, if
	    the srcaddrlist parameter is not set to an array
	    reference, if the srcaddr parameter is a non-null
	    string, it will be used.  Finally, if neither
	    srcaddrlist nor srcaddr is suitably set, the AF
	    parameter will be used to construct a sockaddr struct
	    which will be mostly zeroed, and the bind() will be
	    attempted with that.  If the bind() fails, undef will
	    be returned at this point.	Otherwise, a call to the
	    getsockinfo method will be made, and then the value
	    from a call to the isbound method will be returned.

	    If all that seems too confusing, don't worry.  Most
	    clients will never need to do an explicit bind call,
	    anyway.  If you're writing a server or a privileged
	    client which does need to bind to a particular local
	    port or address, and you didn't understand the
	    foregoing discussion, you may be in trouble.  Don't
	    panic until you've checked the discussion of binding
	    in the derived class you're using, however.


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		$ok = $obj->checkparams;

	    Verifies that all previous parameter assignments are
	    valid.  (Normally called only via the init method,
	    rather than directly.)


		$ok = $obj->close;

	    The close method is like a call to the shutdown
	    method followed by a call to the stopio method.  It
	    is the standard way to close down an object.



	    (Re-)establishes the condition of the associated
	    filehandle after an open() or accept().  (In other
	    words, the open and accept methods call the condition
	    method.)  Sets the socket to be autoflushed and marks
	    it binmode().  No useful value is returned.


		$ok = $obj->connect;

	    Attempts to establish a connection for the object.
	    First, if the object is currently connected or has
	    been connected since the last time it was opened, its
	    close method is called.  Then, if the object is not
	    currently open, its open method is called.	If it's
	    not open after that, undef is returned.  If it is
	    open, and if either of its srcaddrlist or srcaddr
	    parameters are set to indicate that a bind() is
	    desired, and it is not currently bound, its bind
	    method is called.  If the bind method is called and
	    fails, undef is returned.  (Most of the foregoing is
	    a no-op for simple clients, so don't panic.)

	    Next, if the dstaddrlist object parameter is set to
	    an array reference, a call to connect() is made for
	    each element of the list until it succeeds or the
	    list is exhausted.	If the dstaddrlist parameter is
	    not an array reference, a single attempt is made to
	    call connect() with the dstaddr object parameter.  If
	    no connect() call succeeded, undef is returned.
	    Finally, a call is made to the object's getsockinfo
	    method, and then the value from a call to its
	    isconnected method is returned.

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	    Note that the derived classes tend to provide
	    additional capabilities which make the connect method
	    easier to use than the above description would


		$ok = $obj->delparam($keyname);

	    Sugar-coated call to the delparams method.	Functions
	    just like it.


		$ok = $obj->delparams(\@keynames);

	    Removes the settings for the specified parameters.
	    Uses the setparams method (with undef for the values)
	    to validate that the removal is allowed by the owning
	    object.  If the invocation of setparams is
	    successful, then the parameters in question are
	    removed.  Returns 1 if all the removals were
	    successful, and undef otherwise.


		$ok = $obj->didlisten;

	    Returns true if the object's listen method has been
	    used successfully, and the object is still bound.  If
	    this method has not been overridden by a derived
	    class, the value is undef on failure and the
	    $maxqueue value used for the listen() builtin on


		$rval = $obj->fcntl($func, $value);

	    Returns the result of an fcntl() call on the
	    associated I/O stream.


		$vecstring = $obj->fhvec;

	    Returns a vector suitable as an argument to the
	    4-argument select() call.  This is for use in doing
	    selects with multiple I/O streams.	See also the

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	    select entry elsewhere in this document.


		$fnum = $obj->fileno;

	    Returns the actual file descriptor number for the
	    underlying socket.	See the getfh entry elsewhere in
	    this documentfor some restrictions as to the safety
	    of using this.


		$string = $obj->format_addr($sockaddr);
		$string = format_addr Module $sockaddr;

	    Returns a formatted representation of the address.
	    This is a method so that it can be overridden by
	    derived classes.  It is used to implement ``pretty-
	    printing'' methods for source and destination


		$string = $obj->format_local_addr;

	    Returns a formatted representation of the local
	    socket address associated with the object.


		$string = $obj->format_remote_addr;

	    Returns a formatted representation of the remote
	    socket address associated with the object.

       get  This is just a sugar-coated way to call the recv
	    method which will work with indirect-object syntax.
	    See the recv entry elsewhere in this documentfor

       GETC Usage:

		$char = $obj->GETC;
		$char = getc(TIEDFH);

	    This method uses the recv method with a $flags
	    argument of 0 and a $maxlen argument of 1 to emulate
	    the getc() builtin.	 Like that builtin, it returns a
	    string representing the character read when

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	    successful, and undef on eof or errors.  This method
	    exists for the support of tied filehandles.


		$fhandle = $obj->getfh;

	    I've strongly resisted giving people direct access to
	    the filehandle embedded in the object because of the
	    problems of mixing stdio input calls and traditional
	    socket-level I/O.  However, if you're sure you can
	    keep things straight, here are the rules under which
	    it's safe to use the embedded filehandle:

		 Don't use perl's own stdio calls.  Stick to
		 sysread() and recv().

		 Don't use the object's getline method, since
		 that stores a read-ahead buffer in the object
		 which only the object's own get/recv and getline
		 methods know to return to you.	 (The object's
		 select method knows about the buffer enough to
		 tell you that a read will succeed if there's
		 saved data, though.)

		 Please don't change the state of the socket
		 behind my back.  That means no close(),
		 shutdown(), connect(), bind(), or listen()
		 built-ins.  Use the corresponding methods
		 instead, or all bets are off.

		 That $fh is a glob ref, by the way, but that
		 doesn't matter for calling the built-in I/O


		$line = $obj->getline;

	    This is a simulation of scalar(<$filehandle>) that
	    doesn't let stdio confuse the get/recv method.


		$value = $obj->getparam($key, $defval, $def_if_undef);
		$value = $obj->getparam($key, $defval);
		$value = $obj->getparam($key);

	    Returns the current setting for the named parameter
	    (in the current object), or the specified default
	    value if the parameter is not in the object's current

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	    parameter list.  If the optional $def_if_undef
	    parameter is true, then undefined values will be
	    treated the same as non-existent keys, and thus will
	    return the supplied default value ($defval).


		%hash = $obj->getparams(\@keynames, $noundefs);
		%hash = $obj->getparams(\@keynames);

	    Returns a hash (not a reference) consisting of the
	    key-value pairs corresponding to the specified
	    keyname list.  Only those keys which exist in the
	    current parameter list of the object will be
	    returned.  If the $noundefs parameter is present and
	    true, then existing keys with undefined values will
	    be suppressed like non-existent keys.


		$optsetting = $obj->getropt($level, $option);
		$optsetting = $obj->getropt($optname);

	    Returns the raw value from a call to the getsockopt()
	    builtin.  If both the $level and $option arguments
	    are given as numbers, the getsockopt() call will be
	    made even if the given socket option is not
	    registered with the object.	 Otherwise, the return
	    value for unregistered objects will be undef with the
	    value of $! set as described below for the getsopt

       gets Usage:

		$line = $obj->gets;

	    This is a simulation of scalar(<$filehandle>) that
	    doesn't let stdio confuse the get/recv method.  (The
	    gets method is just an alias for the getline method,
	    for partial compatibility with the POSIX module.)


		($localsockaddr, $peersockaddr) = $obj->getsockinfo;
		$peersockaddr = $obj->getsockinfo;

	    Attempts to determine connection parameters
	    associated with the object.	 If a getsockname() call
	    on the associated filehandle succeeds, the srcaddr
	    object parameter is set to that returned sockaddr.
	    If a getpeername() call on the associated filehandle

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	    succeeds, the dstaddr parameter is set to that
	    returned sockaddr.	In a scalar context, if both
	    socket addresses were found, the getpeername() value
	    is returned, otherwise undef is returned.  In a list
	    context, the getsockname() and getpeername() values
	    are returned, unless both are undefined.

	    Derived classes normally replace this method with one
	    which provides friendlier return information
	    appropriate to the derived class, and which
	    establishes more of the object parameters.


		@optvals = $obj->getsopt($level, $option);
		@optvals = $obj->getsopt($optname);

	    Returns the unpacked values from a call to the
	    getsockopt() builtin.  In order to do the unpacking,
	    the socket option must have been registered with the
	    object.  See the additional discussion of socket
	    options below in the initsockopts entry elsewhere in
	    this document.

	    Since registered socket options are known by name as
	    well as by their level and option values, it is
	    possible to make calls using only option name.  If
	    the name is not registered with the object, the
	    return value is the same as that for getsopt $obj
	    -1,-1, which is an empty return array and $! set
	    appropriately (should be EINVAL).


		($sotype) = $obj->getsopt('SO_TYPE');
		@malinger = $obj->getsopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER);
		($sodebug) = $obj->getsopt('SOL_SOCKET', 'SO_DEBUG');

       init Usage:

		return undef unless $self->init;

	    Verifies that all previous parameter assignments are
	    valid (via checkparams).  Returns the incoming object
	    on success, and undef on failure.  This method is
	    normally called from the new method appropriate to
	    the class of the created object.


		$rval = $obj->ioctl($func, $value);

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	    Returns the result of an ioctl() call on the
	    associated I/O stream.


		$ok = $obj->isbound;

	    Returns true if the object's bind method has been
	    used successfully, and the binding is still in
	    effect.  If this method has not been overridden by a
	    derived class, the value is the saved return value of
	    the call to the bind() builtin (if it was called).


		$ok = $obj->isconnected;

	    Returns true if the object's connect method has been
	    used successfully to establish a "session", and that
	    session is still connected.	 If this method has not
	    been overridden by a derived class, the value is the
	    saved return value of the call to the connect()
	    builtin (if it was called).


		$ok = $obj->isopen;

	    Returns true if the object currently has a socket
	    attached to its associated filehandle, and false
	    otherwise.	If this method has not been overridden by
	    a derived class, the value is the saved return value
	    of the call to the socket() builtin (if it was


		$ok = $obj->listen($maxqueue);
		$ok = $obj->listen;

	    Makes a call to the listen() builtin on the
	    filehandle associated with the object.  Propagates
	    the return value from listen().  If the $maxqueue
	    parameter is missing, it defaults to the value of the
	    object's maxqueue parameter, or the value of
	    SOMAXCONN.	If the SOMAXCONN constant is not
	    available in your configuration, the default value
	    used for the listen method is 5.  This method will
	    fail if the object is not bound and cannot be made
	    bound by a simple call to its bind method.

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       new  Usage:

		$obj = $classname->new();
		$obj = $classname->new(\%parameters);

	    Returns a newly-initialised object of the given
	    class.  If called for a class other than Net::Gen, no
	    validation of the supplied parameters will be
	    performed.	(This is so that the derived class can
	    add the parameter validation it needs to the object
	    before allowing validation.)


		$obj = $classname->new_from_fh(*FH);
		$obj = $classname->new_from_fh(\*FH);
		$obj = $classname->new_from_fh(fileno($fh));

	    Returns a newly-initialised object of the given
	    class, open on a newly-dup()ed copy of the given
	    filehandle or file descriptor.  As many of the
	    standard object parameters as possible will be
	    determined from the passed filehandle.  This is
	    determined (in part) by calling the corresponding
	    new, init, and getsockinfo methods for the new

	    Only real filehandles or file descriptor numbers are
	    allowed as arguments.  This method makes no attempt
	    to resolve filehandle names.

       open Usage:

		$ok = $obj->open;

	    Makes a call to the socket() builtin, using the
	    current object parameters to determine the desired
	    protocol family, socket type, and protocol number.
	    If the object was already open, its stopio method
	    will be called before socket() is called again.  The
	    object parameters consulted (and possibly updated)
	    are PF, AF, proto, and type.  Returns true if the
	    socket() call results in an open filehandle, undef

	    See the put entry elsewhere in this documentas this
	    method is just an alias for the pub method.	 The
	    PRINT alias is for the support of tied filehandles.


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		$ok = $obj->PRINTF($format, @args);
		$ok = printf TIEDFH $format, @args;

	    This method is exactly equivalent to
	    $obj->put(sprintf $format,@args).  It exists for the
	    support of tied filehandles.

       put  Usage:

		$ok = $obj->put(@whatever);
		$ok = put $obj @whatever;

	    This method uses the print() builtin to send the
	    @whatever arguments to the filehandle associated with
	    the object.	 That filehandle is always marked for
	    autoflushing by the open method, so the method is in
	    effect equivalent to this:

		$ok = $obj->send(join($, , @whatever) . $\ , 0);

	    However, since multiple fwrite() calls are sometimes
	    involved in the actual use of print(), this method
	    can be more efficient than the above code sample for
	    large strings in the argument list.	 It's a bad idea
	    except on stream sockets (SOCK_STREAM) though, since
	    the record boundaries are unpredictable through
	    stdio.  This method makes no attempt to trap SIGPIPE.

       READ Usage:

		$numread = $obj->READ($buffer, $maxlen);
		$numread = $obj->READ($buffer, $maxlen, $offset);
		$numread = read(TIEDFH, $buffer, $maxlen);
		$numread = read(TIEDFH, $buffer, $maxlen, $offset);

	    This method uses the recv method (with a flags
	    argument of 0) to emulate the read() and sysread()
	    builtins.  This is specifically for the support of
	    tied filehandles.  Like the emulated builtins, this
	    method returns the number of bytes successfully read,
	    or undef on error.


		$line = $obj->READLINE;
		@lines = $obj->READLINE;
		$line = readline(TIEDFH);   # or $line = <TIEDFH>;
		@lines = readline(TIEDFH);  # or @lines = <TIEDFH>;

	    This method supports the use of the <> (or
	    readline()) operator on tied filehandles.  In scalar
	    context, it uses the getline method.  In array
	    context, it reads all remaining input on the socket

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	    (until eof, which makes this unsuitable for
	    connectionless socket types such as UDP), and splits
	    it into lines based on the current value of the $/

       RECV Usage:

		$from = $obj->RECV($buffer, $maxlen, $flags);
		$from = $obj->RECV($buffer, $maxlen);
		$from = $obj->RECV($buffer);

	    This method calls the recv() method with the
	    arguments and return rearranged to match the recv()
	    builtin.  This is for (eventual) support of tied

       recv Usage:

		$record = $obj->recv($maxlen, $flags, $whence);
		$record = $obj->recv($maxlen, $flags);
		$record = $obj->recv($maxlen);
		$record = $obj->recv;

	    This method calls the recv() builtin, and returns a
	    buffer (if one is received) or undef on eof or error.
	    If an eof is seen on the socket (as checked with its
	    ckeof method), then $!  will be 0 on return.  If the
	    $whence argument is supplied, it will be filled in
	    with the sending socket address if possible.  If the
	    $flags argument is not supplied, it defaults to 0.
	    If the $maxlen argument is not supplied, it is
	    defaulted to the receive buffer size of the
	    associated filehandle (if known), or the preferred
	    blocksize of the associated filehandle (if known,
	    which it usually won't be), or 8192.


		($nfound, $timeleft, $rbool, $wbool, $xbool) =
		    $obj->select($doread, $dowrite, $doxcept, $timeout);
		$nfound = $obj->select($doread, $dowrite, $doxcept, $timeout);

	    Issues a 4-argument select() call for the associated
	    I/O stream.	 All arguments are optional.  The
	    $timeout argument is the same as the fourth argument
	    to select().  The first three are booleans, used to
	    determine whether the method should include the
	    object's I/O stream in the corresponding parameter to
	    the select() call.	The return in list context is the
	    standard two values from select(), follwed by
	    booleans indicating whether the actual select() call
	    found reading, writing, or exception to be true.  In
	    scalar context, returns only the count of the number

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	    of matching conditions.  This is probably only useful
	    when you're checking just one of the three possible

       SEND Usage:

		$ok = $obj->SEND($buffer, $flags, $destsockaddr);
		$ok = $obj->SEND($buffer, $flags);
		$ok = $obj->SEND($buffer);

	    This method calls the send() builtin (three- or four-
	    argument form).  The $flags parameter is defaulted to
	    0 if not supplied.	If the $destsockaddr value is
	    missing or undefined, the three- argument form of the
	    send() builtin will be used.  A defined $destsockaddr
	    will result in a four-argument send() call.	 The
	    return value from the send() builtin is returned.
	    This method makes no attempt to trap SIGPIPE.

       send Usage:

		$ok = $obj->send($buffer, $flags);
		$ok = $obj->send($buffer);

	    This method calls the send() builtin (three-argument
	    form).  The $flags parameter is defaulted to 0 if not
	    supplied.  The return value from the send() builtin
	    is returned.  This method makes no attempt to trap


		$ok = $obj->sendto($buffer, $destsockaddr, $flags);
		$ok = $obj->sendto($buffer, $destsockaddr);

	    This method calls the send() builtin (four-argument
	    form).  The $flags parameter is defaulted to 0 if not
	    supplied.  The return value from the send() builtin
	    is returned.  This method makes no attempt to trap


		$ok = $obj->setparam($key, $value, $newonly, $checkup);
		$ok = $obj->setparam($key, $value, $newonly);
		$ok = $obj->setparam($key, $value);

	    Sets a single new parameter.  Uses the setparams
	    method, and has the same rules for the handling of
	    the $newonly and $checkup parameters.  Returns 1 if
	    the set was successful, and undef otherwise.

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		$ok = $obj->setparams(\%newparams, $newonly, $checkup);
		$ok = $obj->setparams(\%newparams, $newonly);
		$ok = $obj->setparams(\%newparams);

	    Sets new parameters from the given hashref, with
	    validation.	 This is done in a loop over the key,
	    value pairs from the newparams parameter.  The
	    precise nature of the validation depends on the
	    $newonly and $checkup parameters (which are
	    optional), but in all cases the keys to be set are
	    checked against those registered with the object.  If
	    the $newonly parameter is negative, the value from
	    the hashref will only be set if there is not already
	    a defined value associated with that key, but
	    skipping the setting of the value is silent.  If the
	    $newonly parameter is not negative or if there is no
	    existing defined value, if the $checkup parameter is
	    false then the setting of the new value is skipped if
	    the new value is identical to the old value.  If
	    those checks don't cause the setting of a new value
	    to be skipped, then if the $newonly parameter is
	    positive and there is already a defined value for the
	    specified key, a warning will be issued and the new
	    value will not be set.

	    If none of the above checks cause the setting of a
	    new value to be skipped, but if the specified key has
	    a validation routine, that routine will be called
	    with the given object, the current key, and the
	    proposed new value as parameters.  It is allowed for
	    the validation routine to alter the new-value
	    argument to change what will be set.  (This is useful
	    when changing a hostname to be in canonical form, for
	    example.)  If the validation routine returns a non-
	    null string, that will be used to issue a warning,
	    and the new value will not be set.	If the validation
	    routine returns a null string (or if there is no
	    validation routine), the new value will (finally) get
	    set for the given key.

	    The setparams method returns 1 if all parameters were
	    successfully set, and undef otherwise.


		$ok = $obj->setropt($level, $option, $rawvalue);
		$ok = $obj->setropt($optname, $rawvalue);

	    Returns the result from a call to the setsockopt()
	    builtin.  If the $level and $option arguments are

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	    both given as numbers, the setsockopt() call will be
	    made even if the option is not registered with the
	    object.  Otherwise, unregistered options will fail as
	    for the setsopt method, below.


		$ok = $obj->setsopt($level, $option, @optvalues);
		$ok = $obj->setsopt($optname, @optvalues);

	    Returns the result from a call to the setsockopt()
	    builtin.  In order to be able to pack the @optvalues,
	    the option must be registered with the object, just
	    as for the getsopt method, above.


		$ok = $obj->shutdown($how);
		$ok = $obj->shutdown;

	    Calls the shutdown() builtin on the filehandle
	    associated with the object.	 This method is a no-op,
	    returning 1, if the filehandle is not connected.  The
	    $how parameter is as per the shutdown() builtin,
	    which in turn should be as described in the
	    shutdown(2) manpage.  If the $how parameter is not
	    present, it is assumed to be 2.

	    Returns 1 if nothing to do, otherwise propagates the
	    return from the shutdown() builtin.


		$ok = $obj->stopio;

	    Calls the close() builtin on the filehandle
	    associated with the object, unless that filehandle is
	    already closed.  Returns 1 or the return value from
	    the close() builtin.  This method is primarily for
	    the use of server modules which need to avoid
	    shutdown calls at inappropriate times.  This method
	    calls the delparams method for the keys of srcaddr
	    and dstaddr.



	    Removes any saved binding for the object.  Unless the
	    object is currently connected, this will result in a

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lib::Net::Gen(3User Contributed Perl Documentatiolib::Net::Gen(3)

	    call to its close method, in order to ensure that any
	    previous binding is removed.  Even if the object is
	    connected, the srcaddrlist object parameter is
	    removed (via the object's delparams method).  The
	    return value from this method is indeterminate.

       Protected Methods

       Yes, I know that Perl doesn't really have protected
       methods as such.	 However, these are the methods which are
       only useful for implementing derived classes, and not for
       the general user.


		$wasiteof = $obj->ckeof;

	    After a 0-length read in the get() routine, it calls
	    this method to determine whether such a 0-length read
	    meant EOF.	The default method supplied here checks
	    for non-blocking sockets (if necessary), and for a
	    SOCK_STREAM socket.	 If EOF_NONBLOCK is true, or if
	    the VAL_O_NONBLOCK flag was not set in the fcntl()
	    flags for the socket, or if the error code was not
	    VAL_EAGAIN, and the socket is of type SOCK_STREAM,
	    then this method returns true.  It returns a false
	    value otherwise.  This method is overridable for
	    classes like Net::Dnet, which support SOCK_SEQPACKET
	    and need to make a protocol-family-specific check to
	    tell a 0-length packet from EOF.


		$classname->initsockopts($level, \%optiondesc);

	    Given a prototype optiondesc hash ref, updates it to
	    include all the data needed for the values it can
	    find, and deletes the ones it can't.  For example,
	    here's a single entry from such a prototype

		'SO_LINGER' => ['II'],

	    Given that, and the $level of SOL_SOCKET, and the
	    incoming class name of Net::Gen, initsockopts will
	    attempt to evaluate SO_LINGER in package Net::Gen,
	    and if it succeeds it will fill out the rest of the
	    information in the associated array ref, and add
	    another key to the hash ref for the value of
	    SO_LINGER (which is 128 on my system).  If it can't
	    evaluate that psuedo-constant, it will simply delete
	    that entry from the referenced hash.  Assuming a

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	    successful evaluation of this entry, the resulting
	    entries would look like this:

		'SO_LINGER' => ['II', SO_LINGER+0, SOL_SOCKET+0, 2],
		SO_LINGER+0 => ['II', SO_LINGER+0, SOL_SOCKET+0, 2],

	    (All right, so the expressions would be known values,
	    but maybe you get the idea.)

	    A completed optiondesc hash is a set of key-value
	    pairs where the value is an array ref with the
	    following elements:

		[pack template, option value, option level, pack array len]

	    Such a completed optiondesc is one of the required
	    arguments to the registerOptions method (see below).



		$obj->registerOptions($levelname, $level, \%optiondesc);

	    This method attaches the socket options specified by
	    the given option descriptions hash ref and the given
	    level (as text and as a number) to the object.  The
	    registered set of socket options is in fact a hashref
	    of hashrefs, where the keys are the level names and
	    level numbers, and the values are the optiondesc hash
	    refs which get registered.


		$self->registerOptions('SOL_SOCKET', SOL_SOCKET+0, \%sockopts);



		$obj->registerParamHandlers(\@keynames, \@keyhandlers);

	    This method registers the referenced keynames (if
	    they haven't already been registered), and
	    establishes the referenced keyhandlers as validation
	    routines for those keynames.  Each element of the
	    keyhandlers array must be a code reference.	 When the
	    setparams method invokes the handler, it will be
	    called with three arguments: the target object, the
	    keyname in question, and the proposed new value

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	    (which may be undef, especially if being called from
	    the delparams method).  See the other discussion of
	    validation routines in the setparams method
	    description, above.




	    This method registers the referenced keynames as
	    valid parameters for setparams and the like for this
	    object.  The new methods can store arbitrary
	    parameter values, but the init method will later
	    ensure that all those keys eventually got registered.
	    This out-of-order setup is allowed because of
	    possible cross-dependencies between the various
	    parameters, so they have to be set before they can be
	    validated (in some cases).

       Known Socket Options

       These are the socket options known to the Net::Gen module


       Known Object Parameters

       These are the object parameters registered by the Net::Gen
       module itself:

       AF   Address family (will default from PF, and vice versa)

	    The result of getpeername(), or an ephemeral proposed
	    connect() address

	    A reference to an array of socket addresses to try
	    for connect()

	    An override of the default maximum queue depth
	    parameter for listen().  This will be used if the
	    $maxqueue argument to listen() is not supplied.

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       PF   Protocol family for this object

	    The protocol to pass to the socket() call (often
	    defaulted to 0)

	    The result of getsockname(), or an ephemeral proposed
	    bind() address

	    A reference to an array of socket addresses to try
	    for bind()

       type The socket type to create (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM,

       Non-Method Subroutines


		$connect_address = pack_sockaddr($family, $fam_addr);

	    Returns a packed struct sockaddr corresponding to the
	    provided $family (which must be a number) and the
	    address-family-specific $fam_addr (pre-packed).


		($family, $fam_addr) = unpack_sockaddr($packed_address);

	    The inverse of pack_sockaddr().

	    Returns a boolean value dependin on whether a read
	    from a non-blocking socket can distinguish an end-of-
	    file condition from a no-data-available condition.
	    This corresponds to the value available from the
	    Config module as $Config::Config{'d_eofnblk'}),
	    except that EOF_NONBLOCK is always defined.

	    Gives the integer return value found by the Configure
	    script for a read() system call on a non-blocking
	    socket which has no data available.	 This is similar
	    to the string representation of the value available
	    from the Config module as

	    Gives the value of the error symbol found by the

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	    Configure script which is set by a non-blocking
	    filehandle when no data is available.  This differs
	    from the value available from the Config module
	    ($Config::Config{'eagain'}) in that the latter is a
	    string, typically "EAGAIN".

	    Gives the value found by the Configure script for
	    setting a filehandle non-blocking.	The value
	    available from the Config module is a string
	    representing the value found
	    ($Config::Config{'o_nonblock'}), whereas the value
	    from VAL_O_NONBLOCK is an integer, suitable for
	    passing to sysopen() or for eventual use in fcntl().



	    pack_sockaddr unpack_sockaddr

       tags The following :tags are available for grouping
	    exported items together:


       :routines pack_sockaddr unpack_sockaddr

       :ALL	 All of the above.

       Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

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lib::Net::Gen(3User Contributed Perl Documentatiolib::Net::Gen(3)

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