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IRDA(7)			     Linux-IrDA man pages		       IRDA(7)

       irda - The Linux-IrDA protocol stack

       #include <linux/irda.h>

       stream_s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
       seqpkt_s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
       dgram_s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IRDAPROTO_UNITDATA);
       ultra_s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IRDAPROTO_ULTRA);

       Linux-IrDA  is  a complete implementation of the various IrDA protocols
       and IrDA drivers for Linux.

       The configuration of the low level of the IrDA stack (IrDA  ports)  and
       the various IrDA drivers are described in irattach(8).

       The usage of the higher layers of the IrDA stack (IrCOMM, IrLPT, IrNET,
       IrLAN, OBEX...) are described in their respective man pages.

       The core of the Linux-IrDA protocol stack is  composed  of  the	IrLAP,
       IrLMP, IrTTP and IrIAS protocols and is implemented as a kernel module.
       The programmer's interface for the IrDA stack is socket based. For more
       information on sockets, see socket(7).

       Note  that  higher  level IrDA protocols may offer a different program‐
       mer's interface. For example IrCOMM offers a TTY	 based	interface  and
       OBEX is available through a user space library.

       The Linux-IrDA socket interface offers 4 types of sockets:

       Stream socket - SOCK_STREAM, 0
	      Stream sockets provides a reliable, stream oriented, full duplex
	      connection between two sockets on top of IrTTP, similar  to  TCP
	      sockets.	IrTTP  guarantees  that	 the data arrives in order and
	      manages flow control, IrLAP retransmits lost packets.
	      Stream sockets does not preserve record boundaries.

       SeqPacket socket - SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0
	      SeqPacket sockets provides a reliable, datagram  oriented,  full
	      duplex  connection  between  two sockets on top of IrTTP.	 IrTTP
	      guarantees that the data arrives in order and manages flow  con‐
	      trol, IrLAP retransmits lost packets.
	      SeqPacket	 sockets  preserve  record boundaries. Large datagrams
	      will be fragmented as needed.

       Datagram socket - SOCK_DGRAM, IRDAPROTO_UNITDATA
	      SeqPacket sockets provides a reliable, datagram  oriented,  full
	      duplex connection between two sockets on top of IrLMP.  There is
	      no guarantee that the data arrives in order and there is no flow
	      control, however IrLAP retransmits lost packets.
	      Datagram sockets preserve record boundaries. No fragmentation is
	      provided, datagrams larger than the IrDA link MTU are  truncated
	      or discarded.

       Ultra socket - SOCK_DGRAM, IRDAPROTO_ULTRA
	      Ultra  sockets  provides	a  connectionless, unreliable datagram
	      packet service on top of IrLAP-Ultra.  Ultra datagrams are  sent
	      and  received  only  when no IrLAP connection is established and
	      otherwise discarded. They are always transmitted at 9600	bauds.
	      Datagrams	 may  be  lost or reordered, and there is no flow con‐
	      Ultra sockets preserve record boundaries.	 No  fragmentation  is
	      provided,	 datagrams  larger  than the Ultra MTU (382 bytes) are
	      truncated or discarded.

       An IrDA socket address is defined as a combination of an IrDA interface
       address	and  a service name.  Service names are automatically resolved
       to lsap through the IrIAP protocol.

	   struct sockaddr_irda {
	       sa_family_t sir_family;	 /* AF_IRDA */
	       __u8	   sir_lsap_sel; /* LSAP selector */
	       __u32	   sir_addr;	 /* Device address */
	       char	   sir_name[25]; /* Usually <service>:IrDA:TinyTP */

       sin_family is always set to AF_IRDA.  sir_lsap_sel is usually not used.
       sir_addr	 is  the  optional  address of the peer (if no given the first
       peer discovered will be used).  sir_name is the	service	 name  of  the

       IrDA sockets supports some protocol specific socket options that can be
       set with setsockopt(2) and read with getsockopt(2).  The socket	option
       level for IrDA is SOL_IRLMP.

       Options that can be set:

	      Set an entry in the local IAS database.

	      Delete an entry from the local IAS database.

	      Set maximum receive MTU for SeqPacket sockets.

	      Set IrDA hint bits to be advertised to peers.

	      Set IrDA hint bits filter to be used when performing discovery.

       Options that can be get:

	      Perform  link level discovery and return the content of the dis‐
	      covery log.

	      Get maximum receive MTU.

	      Get an entry from the local IAS database.

	      Query an entry in IAS database of a peer using IrIAP.

	      Block until a new device is  discovered.	Experimental  feature,
	      use with caution.

       Jean Tourrilhes -

       irattach(8), irdadump(8), irnet(4), irnetd(8).

irda-utils			  2 May 2003			       IRDA(7)

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