Data::TreeDumper man page on Fedora

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TreeDumper(3)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	 TreeDumper(3)

       Data::TreeDumper - Improved replacement for Data::Dumper. Powerful
       filtering capability.

	 use Data::TreeDumper ;

	 my $sub = sub {} ;

	 my $s =
	 A =>
	       a =>
	       , bbbbbb => $sub
	       , c123 => $sub
	       , d => \$sub

	 , C =>
	       b =>
		       a =>
			       a =>

			       , b => sub
			       , c => 42

	 , ARRAY => [qw(elment_1 element_2 element_3)]
	 } ;

	 # package setup data

	 $Data::TreeDumper::Useascii = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Maxdepth = 2 ;

	 print DumpTree($s, 'title') ;
	 print DumpTree($s, 'title', MAX_DEPTH => 1) ;
	 print DumpTrees
		   [$s, "title", MAX_DEPTH => 1]
		 , [$s2, "other_title", DISPLAY_ADDRESS => 0]
		 , USE_ASCII => 1
		 , MAX_DEPTH => 5
		 ) ;

	 |- A [H1]
	 |  |- a [H2]
	 |  |- bbbbbb = CODE(0x8139fa0) [C3]
	 |  |- c123 [C4 -> C3]
	 |  `- d [R5]
	 |     `- REF(0x8139fb8) [R5 -> C3]
	 |- ARRAY [A6]
	 |  |- 0 [S7] = elment_1
	 |  |- 1 [S8] = element_2
	 |  `- 2 [S9] = element_3
	 `- C [H10]
	    `- b [H11]
	       `- a [H12]
		  |- a [H13]
		  |- b = CODE(0x81ab130) [C14]
		  `- c [S15] = 42

       Data::Dumper and other modules do a great job of dumping data
       structures.  Their output, however, often takes more brain power to
       understand than the data itself.	 When dumping large amounts of data,
       the output can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to see the
       relationship between each piece of the dumped data.

       Data::TreeDumper also dumps data in a tree-like fashion but hopefully
       in a format more easily understood.

       Each node in the tree has a label. The label contains a type and an
       address. The label is displayed to the right of the entry name within
       square brackets.

	 |  |- bbbbbb = CODE(0x8139fa0) [C3]
	 |  |- c123 [C4 -> C3]
	 |  `- d [R5]
	 |     `- REF(0x8139fb8) [R5 -> C3]


       The addresses are linearly incremented which should make it easier to
       locate data.  If the entry is a reference to data already displayed, a
       -> followed with the address of the already displayed data is appended
       within the label.

	 ex: c123 [C4 -> C3]
		    ^	  ^
		    |	  | address of the data refered to
		    | current element address


       S: Scalar, H: Hash, A: Array, C: Code,

       R: Reference, RS: Scalar reference.  Ox: Object, where x is the object
       undelying type

   Empty Hash or Array
       No structure is displayed for empty hashes or arrays, the string "no
       elements" is added to the display.

	 |- A [S10] = string
	 |- EMPTY_ARRAY (no elements) [A11]
	 |- B [S12] = 123

Configuration and Overrides
       Data::TreeDumper has configuration options you can set to modify the
       output it generates. DumpTree and PrintTree take overrides as trailing
       arguments. Those overrides are active within the current dump call

	 $Data::TreeDumper::Maxdepth = 2 ;

	 # maximum depth set to 1 for the duration of the call only
	 print DumpTree($s, 'title', MAX_DEPTH => 1) ;
	 PrintTree($s, 'title', MAX_DEPTH => 1) ; # shortcut for the above call

	 # maximum depth is 2
	 print DumpTree($s, 'title') ;

       This package variable is very usefull when you use Data::TreeDumper and
       don't know where you called PrintTree or DumpTree, ie when debugging.
       It displays the filename and line of call on STDOUT.  It can't also be
       set as an override,  DISPLAY_CALLER_LOCATION => 1.

       Sometimes, the package setup you have is not what you want to use.
       resetting the variable, making a call and setting the variables back is
       borring. You can set NO_PACKAGE_SETUP to 1 and DumpTree will ignore the
       package setup for the call.

	 print Data::TreeDumper::DumpTree($s, "Using package data") ;
	 print Data::TreeDumper::DumpTree($s, "Not Using package data", NO_PACKAGE_SETUP => 1) ;

       By default, Data::TreeDumper doesn't display the address of the root.

	 DISPLAY_ROOT_ADDRESS => 1 # show the root address

       When the dumped data is not self-referential, displaying the address of
       each node clutters the display. You can direct Data::TreeDumper to not
       display the node address by using:


       Add the path of the element to the its address.


	 ex: '- CopyOfARRAY  [A39 -> A18 /{'ARRAY'}]

       Data::TreeDumper displays the package in which an object is blessed.
       You can suppress this display by using:


       Data::TreeDumper will display the inheritance hierarchy for the object:

	 |- object =  blessed in 'SuperObject' <- Potatoe [OH55]
	 |  `- Data = 0	 [S56]

       if set, Data::TreeDumper will tag the object type with '[A]' if the
       package has an AUTOLOAD function.

	 |- object_with_autoload = blessed in '[A]SuperObjectWithAutoload' <- Potatoe <- [A] Vegetable	 [O58]
	 |  `- Data = 0	 [S56]

       if DISPLAY_TIE is set, Data::TreeDumper will display which packae the
       variable is tied to. This works for hashes and arrays as well as for
       object which are based on hashes and arrays.

	 |- tied_hash (tied to 'TiedHash')  [H57]
	 |  `- x = 1  [S58]

	 |- tied_hash_object = (tied to 'TiedHash') blessed in 'SuperObject' <- [A]Potatoe <- Vegetable	  [O59]
	 |  |- m1 = 1  [S60]
	 |  `- m2 = 2  [S61]

       Setting one of the options below will show internal perl data:

	 Cells: <2234> HASH(0x814F20c)
	 |- A1 [H1] <204> HASH(0x824620c)
	 |  `- VALUE [S2] = datadatadatadatadatadatadatadatadatadata <85>
	 |- A8 [H11] <165> HASH(0x8243d68)
	 |  `- VALUE [S12] = C <46>
	 `- C2 [H19] <165> HASH(0x8243dc0)
	    `- VALUE [S20] = B <46>


       Setting this option will show the size of the memory allocated for each
       element in the tree within angle brackets.


       The excellent Devel::Size is used to compute the size of the perl data.
       If you have deep circular data structures, expect the dump time to be
       slower, 50 times slower or more.


       Setting this option will show the perl-address of the dumped data.


       Scalars may contain non printable characters that you rather not see in
       a dump. One of the most common is "\r" embedded in text string from dos
       files. Data::TreeDumper, by default, replaces "\n" by '[\n]' and "\r"
       by '[\r]'. You can set REPLACEMENT_LIST to an array ref containing
       elements which are themselves array references. The first element is
       the character(s) to match and the second is the replacement.

	 # a fancy and stricter replacement for \n and \r
	 my $replacement = [ ["\n" => '[**Fancy \n replacement**]'], ["\r" => '\r'] ] ;
	 print DumpTree($smed->{TEXT}, 'Text:', REPLACEMENT_LIST => $replacement) ;

       QUOTE_HASH_KEYS and its package variable
       $Data::TreeDumper::Quotehashkeys can be set if you wish to single quote
       the hash keys. Hash keys are not quoted by default.

	 DumpTree(\$s, 'some data:', QUOTE_HASH_KEYS => 1) ;

	 # output
	 some data:
	 `- REF(0x813da3c) [H1]
	    |- 'A' [H2]
	    |  |- 'a' [H3]
	    |  |- 'b' [H4]
	    |  |  |- 'a' = 0 [S5]

       QUOTE_VALUES and its package variable $Data::TreeDumper::Quotevalues
       can be set if you wish to single quote the scalar values.

	 DumpTree(\$s, 'Cells:', QUOTE_VALUES=> 1) ;

       If this option is set, Data::TreeDumper will not add 'no elements' to
       empty hashes and arrays

       This option suppresses all output generated by Data::TreeDumper.	 This
       is useful when you want to iterate through your data structures and
       display the data yourself, manipulate the data structure, or do a
       search (see "using filter as iterators" below)

       Data::TreeDumper can sort the tree nodes with a user defined
       subroutine. By default, hash keys are sorted.

	 FILTER => \&ReverseSort
	 FILTER => \&Data::TreeDumper::HashKeysSorter
	 FILTER_ARGUMENT => ['your', 'arguments']

       The filter routine is passed these arguments:

       1 - a reference to the node which is going to be displayed
       2 - the nodes depth (this allows you to selectively display elements at
       a certain depth)
       3 - the path to the reference from the start of the dump.
       4 - an array reference containing the keys to be displayed (see filter
       chaining below) last argument can be undefined and can then be safely
       5 - the dumpers setup
       5 - the filter arguments (see below)

       The filter returns the node's type, an eventual new structure (see
       below) and a list of 'keys' to display. The keys are hash keys or array

       In Perl:

	 ($tree_type, $replacement_tree, @nodes_to_display) = $your_filter->($tree, $level, $path, $nodes_to_display, $setup) ;

       Filter are not as complicated as they sound and they are very
       powerfull, especially when using the path argument.  The path idea was
       given to me by another module writer but I forgot whom. If this writer
       will contact me, I will give him the proper credit.

       Lots of examples can be found in and I'll be glad to help if
       you want to develop a specific filter.


       it is possible to pass arguments to your filter, passing a reference
       allows you to modify the arguments when the filter is run (that
       happends for each node).

	sub SomeSub
	my $counter = 0 ;
	my $data_structure = {.....} ;

	DumpTree($data_structure, 'title', FILTER => \&CountNodes, FILTER_ARGUMENT => \$counter) ;

	print "\$counter = $counter\n" ;

	sub CountNodes
	my ($structure, $level, $path, $nodes_to_display, $setup, $counter) = @_ ;
	$$counter++ ; # remember to pass references if you want them to be changed by the filter

	return(DefaultNodesToDisplay($structure)) ;

       Key removal

       Entries can be removed from the display by not returning their keys.

	 my $s = {visible => '', also_visible => '', not_visible => ''} ;
	 my $OnlyVisible = sub
	       my $s = shift ;

	       if('HASH' eq ref $s)
		       return('HASH', undef, grep {! /^not_visible/} keys %$s) ;

	       return(Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($s)) ;

	 DumpTree($s, 'title', FILTER => $OnlyVisible) ;

       Label changing

       The label for a hash keys or an array index can be altered. This can be
       used to add visual information to the tree dump. Instead of returning
       the key name, return an array reference containing the key name and the
       label you want to display.  You only need to return such a reference
       for the entries you want to change, thus a mix of scalars and array ref
       is acceptable.

	 sub StarOnA
	 # hash entries matching /^a/i have '*' prepended

	 my $tree = shift ;

	 if('HASH' eq ref $tree)
	       my @keys_to_dump ;

	       for my $key_name (keys %$tree)
		       if($key_name =~ /^a/i)
			       $key_name = [$key_name, "* $key_name"] ;

		       push @keys_to_dump, $key_name ;

	       return ('HASH', undef, @keys_to_dump) ;

	 return (Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($tree)) ;

	 print DumpTree($s, "Entries matching /^a/i have '*' prepended", FILTER => \&StarOnA) ;

       If you use an ANSI terminal, you can also change the color of the
       label.  This can greatly improve visual search time.  See the label
       coloring example in

       Structure replacement

       It is possible to replace the whole data structure in a filter. This
       comes handy when you want to display a "worked" version of the
       structure. You can even change the type of the data structure, for
       example changing an array to a hash.

	 sub ReplaceArray
	 # replace arrays with hashes!!!

	 my $tree = shift ;

	 if('ARRAY' eq ref $tree)
	       my $multiplication = $tree->[0] * $tree->[1] ;
	       my $replacement = {MULTIPLICATION => $multiplication} ;
	       return('HASH', $replacement, keys %$replacement) ;

	 return (Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($tree)) ;

	 print DumpTree($s, 'replace arrays with hashes!', FILTER => \&ReplaceArray) ;

       Here is a real life example. Tree::Simple
       <>) allows one to build tree
       structures. The child nodes are not directly in the parent object
       (hash). Here is an unfiltered dump of a tree with seven nodes:

	 Tree::Simple through Data::TreeDumper
	 |- _children
	 |  |- 0
	 |  |  |- _children
	 |  |  |  `- 0
	 |  |  |     |- _children
	 |  |  |     |- _depth = 1
	 |  |  |     |- _node = 1.1
	 |  |  |     `- _parent
	 |  |  |- _depth = 0
	 |  |  |- _node = 1
	 |  |  `- _parent
	 |  |- 1
	 |  |  |- _children
	 |  |  |  |- 0
	 |  |  |  |  |- _children
	 |  |  |  |  |- _depth = 1
	 |  |  |  |  |- _node = 2.1
	 |  |  |  |  `- _parent
	 |  |  |  |- 1
	 |  |  |  |  |- _children
	 |  |  |  |  |- _depth = 1
	 |  |  |  |  |- _node = 2.1a
	 |  |  |  |  `- _parent
	 |  |  |  `- 2
	 |  |  |     |- _children
	 |  |  |     |- _depth = 1
	 |  |  |     |- _node = 2.2
	 |  |  |     `- _parent
	 |  |  |- _depth = 0
	 |  |  |- _node = 2
	 |  |  `- _parent
	 |  `- 2
	 |     |- _children
	 |     |- _depth = 0
	 |     |- _node = 3
	 |     `- _parent
	 |- _depth = -1
	 |- _node = 0
	 `- _parent = root

       This is nice for the developer but not for a user wanting to oversee
       the node hierarchy. One of the possible filters would be:

	 FILTER => sub
		       my $s = shift ;

		       if('Tree::Simple' eq ref $s)
			       my $counter = 0 ;

				       , $s->{_children}
				       , map{[$counter++, $_->{_node}]} @{$s->{_children}} # index generation
				       ) ;

		       return(Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($s)) ;

       Which would give this much more readable output:

	 Tree::Simple through Data::TreeDumper2
	 |- 1
	 |  `- 1.1
	 |- 2
	 |  |- 2.1
	 |  |- 2.1a
	 |  `- 2.2
	 `- 3

       What about counting the children nodes? The index generating code

	 map{[$counter++, "$_->{_node} [" . @{$_->{_children}} . "]"]} @{$s->{_children}}

	 Tree::Simple through Data::TreeDumper4
	 |- 1 [1]
	 |  `- 1.1 [0]
	 |- 2 [3]
	 |  |- 2.1 [0]
	 |  |- 2.1a [0]
	 |  `- 2.2 [0]
	 `- 3 [0]

       Filter chaining

       It is possible to chain filters. CreateChainingFilter takes a list of
       filtering sub references.  The filters must properly handle the third
       parameter passed to them.

       Suppose you want to chain a filter that adds a star before each hash
       key label, with a filter that removes all (original) keys that match

	 sub AddStar
	       my $s = shift ;
	       my $level = shift ;
	       my $path = shift ;
	       my $keys = shift ;

	       if('HASH' eq ref $s)
		       $keys = [keys %$s] unless defined $keys ;

		       my @new_keys ;

		       for (@$keys)
			       if('' eq ref $_)
				       push @new_keys, [$_, "* $_"] ;
				       # another filter has changed the label
				       push @new_keys, [$_->[0], "* $_->[1]"] ;

		       return('HASH', undef, @new_keys) ;

	       return(Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($s)) ;
	       } ;

	 sub RemoveA
	       my $s = shift ;
	       my $level = shift ;
	       my $path = shift ;
	       my $keys = shift ;

	       if('HASH' eq ref $s)
		       $keys = [keys %$s] unless defined $keys ;
		       my @new_keys ;

		       for (@$keys)
			       if('' eq ref $_)
				       push @new_keys, $_ unless /^a/i ;
				       # another filter has changed the label
				       push @new_keys, $_ unless $_->[0] =~ /^a/i ;

		       return('HASH', undef, @new_keys) ;

	       return(Data::TreeDumper::DefaultNodesToDisplay($s)) ;
	       } ;

	 DumpTree($s, 'Chained filters', FILTER => CreateChainingFilter(\&AddStar, \&RemoveA)) ;

   level Filters
       It is possible to define one filter for a specific level. If a filter
       for a specific level exists it is used instead of the global filter.

       LEVEL_FILTERS => {1 => \&FilterForLevelOne, 5 => \&FilterForLevelFive
       ... } ;

   Type Filters
       You can define filters for specific types of references. This filter
       type has the highest priority.

       here's a very simple filter that will display the specified keys for
       the types

	       print DumpTree
		       TYPE_FILTERS =>
			       'Config::Hierarchical' => sub {'HASH', undef, qw(CATEGORIES) },
			       'PBS2::Node' => sub {'HASH', undef, qw(CONFIG DEPENDENCIES MATCH) },,
		       ) ;

   Using filters as iterators
       You can iterate through your data structures and display data yourself,
       manipulate the data structure, or do a search. While iterating through
       the data structure, you can prune arbitrary branches to speedup

	 # this example counts the nodes in a tree (hash based)
	 # a node is counted if it has a '__NAME' key
	 # any field that starts with '__' is considered rivate and we prune so we don't recurse in it
	 # anything that is not a hash (the part of the tree that interests us in this case) is pruned

	 my $number_of_nodes_in_the_dependency_tree = 0 ;
	 my $node_counter =
	       my $tree = shift ;
	       if('HASH' eq ref $tree && exists $tree->{__NAME})
		       $number_of_nodes_in_the_dependency_tree++ if($tree->{__NAME} !~ /^__/) ;

		       return('HASH', $tree, grep {! /^__/} keys %$tree) ; # prune to run faster
		       return('SCALAR', 1) ; # prune
	       } ;

	 DumpTree($dependency_tree, '', NO_OUTPUT => 1, FILTER => $node_counter) ;

       See the example under FILTER which passes arguments through
       Data::TreeDumper instead for using a closure as above

   Start level
       This configuration option controls whether the tree trunk is displayed
       or not.

       START_LEVEL => 1:

	 |- A [H1]
	 |  |- a [H2]
	 |  |- bbbbbb = CODE(0x8139fa0) [C3]
	 |  |- c123 [C4 -> C3]
	 |  `- d [R5]
	 |     `- REF(0x8139fb8) [R5 -> C3]
	 |- ARRAY [A6]
	 |  |- 0 [S7] = element_1
	 |  |- 1 [S8] = element_2

       START_LEVEL => 0:

	 A [H1]
	 |- a [H2]
	 |- bbbbbb = CODE(0x8139fa0) [C3]
	 |- c123 [C4 -> C3]
	 `- d [R5]
	    `- REF(0x8139fb8) [R5 -> C3]
	 ARRAY [A6]
	 |- 0 [S7] = element_1
	 |- 1 [S8] = element_2

       You can direct Data:TreeDumper to output ANSI codes instead of ASCII
       characters. The display will be much nicer but takes slightly longer
       (not significant for small data structures).

	 USE_ASCII => 0 # will use ANSI codes instead

   Display number of elements

       When set, the number of elements of every array and hash is displayed
       (not for objects based on hashes and arrays).

   Maximum depth of the dump
       Controls the depth beyond which which we don't recurse into a
       structure. Default is -1, which means there is no maximum depth. This
       is useful to limit the amount of data displayed.

	 MAX_DEPTH => 1

   Number of elements not displayed because of maximum depth limit
       Data::TreDumper will display the number of elements a hash or array has
       but that can not be displayed because of the maximum depth setting.


       Every line of the tree dump will be appended with the value of

	 INDENTATION => '   ' ;

Custom glyphs
       You can	change the glyphs used by Data::TreeDumper.

	 DumpTree(\$s, 's', , GLYPHS => ['.  ', '.  ', '.  ', '.  ']) ;

	 # output
	 .  REF(0x813da3c) [H1]
	 .  .  A [H2]
	 .  .  .  a [H3]
	 .  .  .  b [H4]
	 .  .  .  .  a = 0 [S5]
	 .  .  .  .  b = 1 [S6]
	 .  .  .  .  c [H7]
	 .  .  .  .  .	a = 1 [S8]

       Four glyphs must be given. They replace the standard glyphs ['|	', '|-
       ', '`- ', '   ']. It is also possible to set the package variable
       $Data::TreeDumper::Glyphs. USE_ASCII should be set, which it is by

Level numbering and tagging
       Data:TreeDumper can prepend the level of the current line to the tree
       glyphs. This can be very useful when searching in tree dump either
       visually or with a pager.

	 NUMBER_LEVELS => \&NumberingSub

       NUMBER_LEVELS can be assigned a number or a sub reference. When
       assigned a number, Data::TreeDumper will use that value to define the
       width of the field where the level is displayed. For more control, you
       can define a sub that returns a string to be displayed on the left side
       of the tree glyphs. The example below tags all the nodes whose level is

	 print DumpTree($s, "Level numbering", NUMBER_LEVELS => 2) ;

	 sub GetLevelTagger
	 my $level_to_tag = shift ;

	       my ($element, $level, $setup) = @_ ;

	       my $tag = "Level $level_to_tag => ";

	       if($level == 0)
		       return($tag) ;
		       return(' ' x length($tag)) ;
	       } ;

	 print DumpTree($s, "Level tagging", NUMBER_LEVELS => GetLevelTagger(0)) ;

Level coloring
       Another way to enhance the output for easier searching is to colorize
       it. Data::TreeDumper can colorize the glyph elements or whole levels.
       If your terminal supports ANSI codes, using Term::ANSIColors and
       Data::TreeDumper together can greatly ease the reading of large dumps.
       See the examples in ''.

	 COLOR_LEVELS => [\@color_codes, $reset_code]

       When passed an array reference, the first element is an array
       containing coloring codes. The codes are indexed with the node level
       modulo the size of the array. The second element is used to reset the
       color after the glyph is displayed. If the second element is an empty
       string, the glyph and the rest of the level is colorized.

	 COLOR_LEVELS => \&LevelColoringSub

       If COLOR_LEVEL is assigned a sub, the sub is called for each glyph
       element. It is passed the following elements:

       1 - the nodes depth (this allows you to selectively display elements at
       a certain depth)

       It should return a coloring code and a reset code. If you return an
       empty string for the reset code, the whole node is displayed using the
       last glyph element color.

       If level numbering is on, it is also colorized.

       Data::TreeDumper uses the Text::Wrap module to wrap your data to fit
       your display. Entries can be wrapped multiple times so they snuggly fit
       your screen.

	 |  |	     |- 1 [S21] = 1
	 |  |	     `- 2 [S22] = 2
	 |  `- 3 [OH23 -> R17]
	 |- ARRAY_ZERO [A24]
	 |- B [S25] = scalar
	 |- Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name
	 |    Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name
	 |    Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name Long_name [S26] = 0

       You can direct DTD to not wrap your text by setting NO_WRAP = 1>.

       if this option is set, Data::TreeDumper will use it instead for the
       console width.

Custom Rendering
       Data::TreeDumper has a plug-in interface for other rendering formats.
       The renderer callbacks are set by overriding the native renderer.
       Thanks to Stevan Little author of Tree::Simple::View for getting
       Data::TreeDumper on this track. Check

	       , 'Tree'
	       , RENDERER =>
			 BEGIN => \&RenderDhtmlBegin
		       , NODE  => \&RenderDhtmlNode
		       , END   => \&RenderDhtmlEnd

		       # data needed by the renderer
		       , PREVIOUS_LEVEL => -1
	       ) ;

       · {RENDERER}{BEGIN} is called before the traversal of the data
	 structure starts. This allows you to setup the document (ex:: html

	 1 $title
	 2 $type_address
	 3 $element
	 4 $perl_size
	 5 $perl_address
	 6 $setup
       · {RENDERER}{NODE} is called for each node in the data structure. The
	 following arguments are passed to the callback

	 1 $element
	 2 $level
	 3 $is_terminal (whether a deeper structure will follow or not)
	 4 $previous_level_separator (ASCII separators before this node)
	 5 $separator (ASCII separator for this element)
	 6 $element_name
	 7 $element_value
	 8 $td_address (address of the element, Ex: C12 or H34. Unique for
	 each element)
	 9 $link_address (link to another element, may be undef)
	 10 $perl_size (size of the lement in bytes, see option
	 11 $perl_address (adress (physical) of the element, see option
	 12 $setup (the dumper's settings)
       · {RENDERER}{END} is called after the last node has been processed.

       · {RENDERER}{ ... }Arguments to the renderer can be stores within the
	 {RENDERER} hash.

   Renderer modules
       Renderers should be defined in modules under Data::TreeDumper::Renderer
       and should define a function called GetRenderer. GetRenderer can be
       passed whatever arguments the developer whishes. It is acceptable for
       the modules to also export a specifc sub.

	 print DumpTree($s, 'Tree', Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::DHTML::GetRenderer()) ;
	 print DumpTree($s, 'Tree', GetDhtmlRenderer()) ;

       If {RENDERER} is set to a scalar, Data::TreeDumper will load the
       specified module if it exists. GetRenderer will be called without

	 print DumpTree($s, 'Tree', RENDERER => 'DHTML') ;

       If {RENDERER}{NAME} is set to a scalar, Data::TreeDumper will load the
       specified module if it exists. GetRenderer will be called without
       arguments. Arguments to the renderer can aither be passed to the
       GetRenderer sub or as elements in the {RENDERER} hash.

	 print DumpTree($s, 'Tree', RENDERER => {NAME => 'DHTML', STYLE => \$style) ;

Zero width console
       When no console exists, while redirecting to a file for example,
       Data::TreeDumper uses the variable VIRTUAL_WIDTH instead. Default is

	       VIRTUAL_WIDTH => 120 ;







       · FILTER

       · GLYPHS



       · MAX_DEPTH






       · START_LEVEL

       · USE_ASCII

       · WRAP_WIDTH


       · NO_OUTPUT



       · DISPLAY_TIE


   Package Data (a la Data::Dumper (as is the silly naming scheme))
       Configuration Variables

	 $Data::TreeDumper::Startlevel		  = 1 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Useascii		  = 1 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Maxdepth		  = -1 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Indentation		  = '' ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Virtualwidth	  = 120 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayrootaddress	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayaddress	  = 1 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displaypath		  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayobjecttype	  = 1 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayinheritance	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displaytie		  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayautoload	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayperlsize	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displayperladdress	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Filter		  = \&FlipEverySecondOne ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Levelfilters	  = {1 => \&Filter_1, 5 => \&Filter_5} ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Numberlevels	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Glyphs		  = ['|	 ', '|- ', '`- ', '   '] ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Colorlevels		  = undef ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Nooutput		  = 0 ; # generate an output
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Quotehashkeys	  = 0 ;
	 $Data::TreeDumper::Displaycallerlocation = 0 ;


       PrintTreeprints on STDOUT the output of DumpTree.

       DumpTree uses the configuration variables defined above. It takes the
       following arguments:

       [1] structure_to_dump
       [2] title, a string to prepended to the tree (optional)
       [3] overrides (optional)

	 print DumpTree($s, "title", MAX_DEPTH => 1) ;

       DumpTrees uses the configuration variables defined above. It takes the
       following arguments

       [1] One or more array references containing
	 [a] structure_to_dump
	 [b] title, a string to prepended to the tree (optional)
	 [c] overrides (optional)
       [2] overrides (optional)

	 print DumpTrees
		   [$s, "title", MAX_DEPTH => 1]
		 , [$s2, "other_title", DISPLAY_ADDRESS => 0]
		 , USE_ASCII => 1
		 , MAX_DEPTH => 5
		 ) ;

       None that I know of in this release but plenty, lurking in the dark
       corners, waiting to be found.

       Four examples files are included in the distribution. shows you how you can use Data::TreeDumper. shows you how you how to do advance filtering. shows you how you how to colorize a dump. is meant as a scratch pad for you to try Data::TreeDumper.


       Term::Size or Win32::Console.

       Optional Devel::Size if you want Data::TreeDumper to show perl sizes
       for the tree elements.

       DumpTree, DumpTrees and	CreateChainingFilter.

       Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda. <>

       Thanks to Ed Avis for showing interest and pushing me to re-write the

	 Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nadim Ibn Hamouda el Khemir. All rights
	 reserved.  This program is free software; you can redis-
	 tribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

       If you find any value in this module, mail me!  All hints, tips, flames
       and wishes are welcome at <>.

       Data::TreeDumper::00. Data::Dumper.



       PBS: the Perl Build System from which Data::TreeDumper was extracted.

       Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

       Around line 2501:
	   =over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'

perl v5.14.1			  2008-11-01			 TreeDumper(3)

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