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Dancer(3)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	     Dancer(3)

       Dancer - lightweight yet powerful web application framework

	   use Dancer;

	   get '/hello/:name' => sub {
	       return "Why, hello there " . param('name');


       The above is a basic but functional web app created with Dancer.	 If
       you want to see more examples and get up and running quickly, check out
       the Dancer::Introduction and the Dancer::Cookbook.  For examples on
       deploying your Dancer applications, see Dancer::Deployment.

       Dancer is a web application framework designed to be as effortless as
       possible for the developer, taking care of the boring bits as easily as
       possible, yet staying out of your way and letting you get on with
       writing your code.

       Dancer aims to provide the simplest way for writing web applications,
       and offers the flexibility to scale between a very simple lightweight
       web service consisting of a few lines of code in a single file, all the
       way up to a more complex fully-fledged web application with session
       support, templates for views and layouts, etc.

       If you don't want to write CGI scripts by hand, and find Catalyst too
       big or cumbersome for your project, Dancer is what you need.

       Dancer has few pre-requisites, so your Dancer webapps will be easy to

       Dancer apps can be used with a an embedded web server (great for easy
       testing), and can run under PSGI/Plack for easy deployment in a variety
       of webserver environments.

       This documentation describes all the exported symbols of Dancer. If you
       want a quick start guide to discover the framework, you should look at
       Dancer::Introduction, or Dancer::Tutorial to learn by example.

       If you want to have specific examples of code for real-life problems,
       see the Dancer::Cookbook.

       If you want to see configuration examples of different deployment
       solutions involving Dancer and Plack, see Dancer::Deployment.

       You can find out more about the many useful plugins available for
       Dancer in Dancer::Plugins.

       By default, "use Dancer" exports all the functions below plus sets up
       your app.  You can control the exporting through the normal Exporter
       mechanism.  For example:

	   # Just export the route controllers
	   use Dancer qw(before after get post);

	   # Export everything but pass to avoid clashing with Test::More
	   use Test::More;
	   use Dancer qw(!pass);

       There are also some special tags to control exports and behaviour.

       This will export everything except functions which clash with Moose.
       Currently these are "after" and "before".

       This tells Dancer to just export symbols and not set up your app.  This
       is most useful for writing Dancer code outside of your main route

       This will export everything except functions which clash with commonly
       used testing modules. Currently these are "pass".

       It can be combined with other export pragmas. For example, while

	   use Test::More;
	   use Dancer qw(:syntax :tests);

	   # Test::Most also exports "set" and "any"
	   use Test::Most;
	   use Dancer qw(:syntax :tests !set !any);

	   # Alternatively, if you want to use Dancer's set and any...
	   use Test::Most qw(!set !any);
	   use Dancer qw(:syntax :tests);

       This will export all the keywords, and will also load the

       This is useful when you want to use your Dancer application from a

	   use MyApp;
	   use Dancer ':script';

       Add a hook at the after position:

	   after sub {
	       my $response = shift;
	       # do something with request

       The anonymous function which is given to "after" will be executed after
       having executed a route.

       You can define multiple after filters, using the "after" helper as many
       times as you wish; each filter will be executed, in the order you added

       Defines a route for multiple HTTP methods at once:

	   any ['get', 'post'] => '/myaction' => sub {
	       # code

       Or even, a route handler that would match any HTTP methods:

	   any '/myaction' => sub {
	       # code

       Defines a before filter:

	   before sub {
	       # do something with request, vars or params

       The anonymous function given to "before" will be executed before
       executing a route handler to handle the request.

       If the function modifies the request's "path_info" or "method", a new
       search for a matching route is performed and the filter is re-executed.
       Considering that this can lead to an infinite loop, this mechanism is
       stopped after 10 times with an exception.

       The before filter can set a response with a redirection code (either
       301 or 302): in this case the matched route (if any) will be ignored
       and the redirection will be performed immediately.

       You can define multiple before filters, using the "before" helper as
       many times as you wish; each filter will be executed in the order you
       added them.

       Defines a before_template filter:

	   before_template sub {
	       my $tokens = shift;
	       # do something with request, vars or params

	       # for example, adding a token to the template
	       $tokens->{token_name} = "some value";

       The anonymous function which is given to "before_template" will be
       executed before sending data and tokens to the template. Receives a
       HashRef of the tokens that will be inserted into the template.

       This filter works as the "before" and "after" filter.

       Now the preferred way for this is to use "hook"s (namely, the
       "before_template" one). Check "hook" documentation bellow.

       Accesses cookies values, it returns a HashRef of Dancer::Cookie

	   get '/some_action' => sub {
	       my $cookie = cookies->{name};
	       return $cookie->value;

       In the case you have stored something else than a Scalar in your

	   get '/some_action' => sub {
	       my $cookie = cookies->{oauth};
	       my %values = $cookie->value;
	       return ($values{token}, $values{token_secret});

       Accesses a cookie value (or sets it). Note that this method will
       eventually be preferred over "set_cookie".

	   cookie lang => "fr-FR";		# set a cookie and return its value
	   cookie lang => "fr-FR", expires => "2 hours";   # extra cookie info
	   cookie "lang"			# return a cookie value

       If your cookie value is a key/value URI string, like


       "cookie" will only return the first part ("token=ABC") if called in
       scalar context.	Use list context to fetch them all:

	   my @values = cookie "name";

       Accesses the configuration of the application:

	   get '/appname' => sub {
	       return "This is " . config->{appname};

       Sets the content-type rendered, for the current route handler:

	   get '/cat/:txtfile' => sub {
	       content_type 'text/plain';

	       # here we can dump the contents of param('txtfile')

       You can use abbreviations for content types. For instance:

	   get '/svg/:id' => sub {
	       content_type 'svg';

	       # here we can dump the image with id param('id')

       Note that if you want to change the default content-type for every
       route, you have to change the "content_type" setting instead.

       Alias for the "start" keyword.

       Logs a message of debug level:

	   debug "This is a debug message";

       Returns the dirname of the path given:

	   my $dir = dirname($some_path);

       Given a namespace, returns the current engine object

	   my $template_engine = engine 'template';
	   my $html = $template_engine->apply_renderer(...);

       Logs a message of error level:

	   error "This is an error message";

       Constant that returns a false value (0).

       Runs an internal redirect of the current request to another request.
       This helps you avoid having to redirect the user using HTTP and set
       another request to your application.

       It effectively lets you chain routes together in a clean manner.

	   get qr{ /demo/articles/(.+) }x => sub {
	       my ($article_id) = splat;

	       # you'll have to implement this next sub yourself :)

	       forward '/articles/$article_id';

       In the above example, the users that reach /demo/articles/30 will
       actually reach /articles/30 but we've changed the database to demo

       This is pretty cool because it lets us retain our paths and offer a
       demo database by merely going to /demo/....

       You'll notice that in the example we didn't indicate whether it was GET
       or POST. That is because "forward" chains the same type of route the
       user reached. If it was a GET, it will remain a GET.

       Broader functionality might be added in the future.

       It is important to note that issuing a forward by itself does not exit
       and forward immediately, forwarding is deferred until after the current
       route or filter has been processed. To exit and forward immediately,
       use the return function, e.g.

	   get '/some/path => sub {
	       if ($condition) {
		   return forward '/articles/$article_id';


       You probably always want to use "return" with forward.

       Note that forward doesn't parse GET arguments. So, you can't use
       something like:

	    return forward '/home?authorized=1';

       But "forward" supports an optional HashRef with parameters to be added
       to the actual parameters:

	    return forward '/home', { authorized => 1 };

       Finally, you can add some more options to the forward method, in a
       third argument, also as a HashRef. That option is currently only used
       to change the method of your request. Use with caution.

	   return forward '/home', { auth => 1 }, { method => 'POST' };

   from_dumper ($structure)
       Deserializes a Data::Dumper structure.

   from_json ($structure, %options)
       Deserializes a JSON structure. Can receive optional arguments. Those
       arguments are valid JSON arguments to change the behaviour of the
       default "JSON::from_json" function.

   from_yaml ($structure)
       Deserializes a YAML structure.

   from_xml ($structure, %options)
       Deserializes a XML structure. Can receive optional arguments. These
       arguments are valid XML::Simple arguments to change the behaviour of
       the default "XML::Simple::XMLin" function.

       Defines a route for HTTP GET requests to the given path:

	   get '/' => sub {
	       return "Hello world";

       Sets a response object with the content given.

       When used as a return value from a filter, this breaks the execution
       flow and renders the response immediately:

	   before sub {
	       if ($some_condition) {
		   return halt("Unauthorized");

	   get '/' => sub {
	       "hello there";

       Adds custom headers to responses:

	   get '/send/headers', sub {
	       headers 'X-Foo' => 'bar', X-Bar => 'foo';

       adds a custom header to response:

	   get '/send/header', sub {
	       header 'x-my-header' => 'shazam!';

       Note that it will overwrite the old value of the header, if any. To
       avoid that, see "push_header".

       Do the same as "header", but allow for multiple headers with the same

	   get '/send/header', sub {
	       push_header 'x-my-header' => '1';
	       push_header 'x-my-header' => '2';
	       will result in two headers "x-my-header" in the response

       Adds a hook at some position. For example :

	 hook before_serialization => sub {
	   my $response = shift;
	   $response->content->{generated_at} = localtime();

       Supported before hooks (in order of execution):

	   This hook receives no arguments.

	     hook before_deserializer => sub {

	   This hook receives as argument the path of the file to render.

	     hook before_file_render => sub {
	       my $path = shift;

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Error object.

	     hook before_error_init => sub {
	       my $error = shift;

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Error object.

	     hook before_error_render => sub {
	       my $error = shift;

	   This is an alias to "before".

	   This hook receives no arguments.

	     before sub {

	   is equivalent to

	     hook before => sub {

	   This is an alias to 'before_template'.

	   This hook receives as argument a HashRef, containing the tokens
	   that will be passed to the template. You can use it to add more
	   tokens, or delete some specific token.

	     hook before_template_render => sub {
	       my $tokens = shift;
	       delete $tokens->{user};
	       $tokens->{time} = localtime;

	   is equivalent to

	     hook before_template => sub {
	       my $tokens = shift;
	       delete $tokens->{user};
	       $tokens->{time} = localtime;

	   This hook receives two arguments. The first one is a HashRef
	   containing the tokens. The second is a ScalarRef representing the
	   content of the template.

	     hook before_layout_render => sub {
	       my ($tokens, $html_ref) = @_;

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Response object.

	     hook before_serializer => sub {
	       my $response = shift;
	       $response->content->{start_time} = time();

       Supported after hooks (in order of execution):

	   This hook receives no arguments.

	     hook after_deserializer => sub {

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Response object.

	     hook after_file_render => sub {
	       my $response = shift;

	   This hook receives as argument a ScalarRef representing the content
	   generated by the template.

	     hook after_template_render => sub {
	       my $html_ref = shift;

	   This hook receives as argument a ScalarRef representing the content
	   generated by the layout

	     hook after_layout_render => sub {
	       my $html_ref = shift;

	   This is an alias for 'after'.

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Response object.

	     hook after => sub {
	       my $response = shift;

	   This is equivalent to

	     after sub {
	       my $response = shift;

	   This hook receives as argument a Dancer::Response object.

	     hook after_error_render => sub {
	       my $response = shift;

       This method is deprecated. Use "set":

	   set layout => 'user';

       Deprecated. Use "<set logger =" 'console'>> to change current logger

       Loads one or more perl scripts in the current application's namespace.
       Syntactic sugar around Perl's "require":

	   load '', '';

       Loads a Dancer package. This method sets the libdir to the current
       "./lib" directory:

	   # if we have lib/, we can load it like:
	   load_app 'Webapp';
	   # or with options
	   load_app 'Forum', prefix => '/forum', settings => {foo => 'bar'};

       Note that the package loaded using load_app must import Dancer with the
       ":syntax" option.

       To load multiple apps repeat load_app:

	   load_app 'one';
	   load_app 'two';

       The old way of loading multiple apps in one go (load_app 'one', 'two';)
       is deprecated.

       Deprecated. See "mime".

       Shortcut to access the instance object of Dancer::MIME. You should read
       the Dancer::MIME documentation for full details, but the most commonly-
       used methods are summarized below:

	   # set a new mime type
	   mime->add_type( foo => 'text/foo' );

	   # set a mime type alias
	   mime->add_alias( f => 'foo' );

	   # get mime type for an alias
	   my $m = mime->for_name( 'f' );

	   # get mime type for a file (based on extension)
	   my $m = mime->for_file( "" );

	   # get current defined default mime type
	   my $d = mime->default;

	   # set the default mime type using config.yml
	   # or using the set keyword
	   set default_mime_type => 'text/plain';

       This method should be called from a route handler.  It's an alias for
       the Dancer::Request params accessor. It returns an hash reference to
       all defined parameters. Check "param" bellow to access quickly to a
       single parameter value.

       This method should be called from a route handler.  This method is an
       accessor to the parameters hash table.

	  post '/login' => sub {
	      my $username = param "user";
	      my $password = param "pass";
	      # ...

       This method should be called from a route handler.  Tells Dancer to
       pass the processing of the request to the next matching route.

       You should always "return" after calling "pass":

	   get '/some/route' => sub {
	       if (...) {
		   # we want to let the next matching route handler process this one
		   return pass();

       Concatenates multiple paths together, without worrying about the
       underlying operating system:

	   my $path = path(dirname($0), 'lib', '');

       It also normalizes (cleans) the path aesthetically. It does not verify
       the path exists.

       Defines a route for HTTP POST requests to the given URL:

	   POST '/' => sub {
	       return "Hello world";

       Defines a prefix for each route handler, like this:

	   prefix '/home';

       From here, any route handler is defined to /home/*:

	   get '/page1' => sub {}; # will match '/home/page1'

       You can unset the prefix value:

	   prefix undef;
	   get '/page1' => sub {}; will match /page1

       For a safer alternative you can use lexical prefix like this:

	   prefix '/home' => sub {
	       ## Prefix is set to '/home' here

	       get ...;
	       get ...;
	   ## prefix reset to the previous version here

       This makes it possible to nest prefixes:

	  prefix '/home' => sub {
	      ## some routes

	     prefix '/private' => sub {
		## here we are under /home/private...

		## some more routes
	     ## back to /home
	  ## back to the root

       Notice: once you have a prefix set, do not add a caret to the regex:

	   prefix '/foo';
	   get qr{^/bar} => sub { ... } # BAD BAD BAD
	   get qr{/bar}	 => sub { ... } # Good!

       Defines a route for HTTP DELETE requests to the given URL:

	   del '/resource' => sub { ... };

       Defines a route for HTTP OPTIONS requests to the given URL:

	   options '/resource' => sub { ... };

       Defines a route for HTTP PUT requests to the given URL:

	   put '/resource' => sub { ... };

       Generates a HTTP redirect (302).	 You can either redirect to a complete
       different site or within the application:

	   get '/twitter', sub {
	       redirect '';

       You can also force Dancer to return a specific 300-ish HTTP response

	   get '/old/:resource', sub {
	       redirect '/new/'.params->{resource}, 301;

       It is important to note that issuing a redirect by itself does not exit
       and redirect immediately, redirection is deferred until after the
       current route or filter has been processed. To exit and redirect
       immediately, use the return function, e.g.

	   get '/restricted', sub {
	       return redirect '/login' if accessDenied();
	       return 'Welcome to the restricted section';

       Allows a handler to provide plain HTML (or other content), but have it
       rendered within the layout still.

       This method is DEPRECATED, and will be removed soon. Instead, you
       should be using the "engine" keyword:

	   get '/foo' => sub {
	       # Do something which generates HTML directly (maybe using
	       # HTML::Table::FromDatabase or something)
	       my $content = ...;

	       # get the template engine
	       my $template_engine = engine 'template';

	       # apply the layout (not the renderer), and return the result

       It works very similarly to "template" in that you can pass tokens to be
       used in the layout, and/or options to control the way the layout is
       rendered.  For instance, to use a custom layout:

	   render_with_layout $content, {}, { layout => 'layoutname' };

       Returns a Dancer::Request object representing the current request.

       Returns a HTTP error.  By default the HTTP code returned is 500:

	   get '/photo/:id' => sub {
	       if (...) {
		   send_error("Not allowed", 403);
	       } else {
		  # return content

       This will not cause your route handler to return immediately, so be
       careful that your route handler doesn't then override the error.	 You
       can avoid that by saying "return send_error(...)" instead.

       Lets the current route handler send a file to the client. Note that the
       path of the file must be relative to the public directory unless you
       use the "system_path" option (see below).

	   get '/download/:file' => sub {

       The content-type will be set depending on the current MIME types
       definition (see "mime" if you want to define your own).

       If your filename does not have an extension, or you need to force a
       specific mime type, you can pass it to "send_file" as follows:

	   send_file(params->{file}, content_type => 'image/png');

       Also, you can use your aliases or file extension names on
       "content_type", like this:

	   send_file(params->{file}, content_type => 'png');

       For files outside your public folder, you can use the "system_path"
       switch. Just bear in mind that its use needs caution as it can be

	  send_file('/etc/passwd', system_path => 1);

       Defines a setting:

	   set something => 'value';

       You can set more than one value at once:

	   set something => 'value', otherthing => 'othervalue';

       Returns the value of a given setting:

	   setting('something'); # 'value'

       Creates or updates cookie values:

	   get '/some_action' => sub {
	       set_cookie name => 'value',
			  expires => (time + 3600),
			  domain  => '';

       In the example above, only 'name' and 'value' are mandatory.

       You can also store more complex structure in your cookies:

	   get '/some_auth' => sub {
	       set_cookie oauth => {
		   token	=> $twitter->request_token,
		   token_secret => $twitter->secret_token,

       You can't store more complex structure than this. All keys in the
       HashRef should be Scalars; storing references will not work.

       See Dancer::Cookie for further options when creating your cookie.

       Note that this method will be eventually deprecated in favor of the new
       "cookie" method.

       Provides access to all data stored in the user's session (if any).

       It can also be used as a setter to store data in the session:

	   # getter example
	   get '/user' => sub {
	       if (session('user')) {
		   return "Hello, ".session('user')->name;

	   # setter example
	   post '/user/login' => sub {
	       if ($logged_in) {
		   session user => $user;

       You may also need to clear a session:

	   # destroy session
	   get '/logout' => sub {

       If you need to fetch the session ID being used for any reason:

	   my $id = session->id;

       Returns the list of captures made from a route handler with a route
       pattern which includes wildcards:

	   get '/file/*.*' => sub {
	       my ($file, $extension) = splat;

       There is also the extensive splat (A.K.A. "megasplat"), which allows
       extensive greedier matching, available using two asterisks. The
       additional path is broken down and returned as an ArrayRef:

	   get '/entry/*/tags/**' => sub {
	       my ( $entry_id, $tags ) = splat;
	       my @tags = @{$tags};

       This helps with chained actions:

	   get '/team/*/**' => sub {
	       my ($team) = splat;
	       var team => $team;

	   prefix '/team/*';

	   get '/player/*' => sub {
	       my ($player) = splat;

	       # etc...

	   get '/score' => sub {
	       return score_for( vars->{'team'} );

       Starts the application or the standalone server (depending on the
       deployment choices).

       This keyword should be called at the very end of the script, once all
       routes are defined.  At this point, Dancer takes over control.

       Changes the status code provided by an action.  By default, an action
       will produce an "HTTP 200 OK" status code, meaning everything is OK:

	   get '/download/:file' => {
	       if (! -f params->{file}) {
		   status 'not_found';
		   return "File does not exist, unable to download";
	       # serving the file...

       In that example, Dancer will notice that the status has changed, and
       will render the response accordingly.

       The status keyword receives either a numeric status code or its name in
       lower case, with underscores as a separator for blanks - see the list
       in "HTTP CODES" in Dancer::HTTP.

       Tells the route handler to build a response with the current template

	   get '/' => sub {
	       template 'some_view', { token => 'value'};

       The first parameter should be a template available in the views
       directory, the second one (optional) is a HashRef of tokens to
       interpolate, and the third (again optional) is a HashRef of options.

       For example, to disable the layout for a specific request:

	   get '/' => sub {
	       template '', {}, { layout => undef };

       Some tokens are automatically added to your template ("perl_version",
       "dancer_version", "settings", "request", "params", "vars" and, if you
       have sessions enabled, "session").  Check Dancer::Template::Abstract
       for further details.

   to_dumper ($structure)
       Serializes a structure with Data::Dumper.

   to_json ($structure, %options)
       Serializes a structure to JSON. Can receive optional arguments. Thoses
       arguments are valid JSON arguments to change the behaviour of the
       default "JSON::to_json" function.

   to_yaml ($structure)
       Serializes a structure to YAML.

   to_xml ($structure, %options)
       Serializes a structure to XML. Can receive optional arguments. Thoses
       arguments are valid XML::Simple arguments to change the behaviour of
       the default "XML::Simple::XMLout" function.

       Constant that returns a true value (1).

       Provides access to file uploads.	 Any uploaded file is accessible as a
       Dancer::Request::Upload object. You can access all parsed uploads via:

	   post '/some/route' => sub {
	       my $file = upload('file_input_foo');
	       # file is a Dancer::Request::Upload object

       If you named multiple input of type "file" with the same name, the
       upload keyword will return an Array of Dancer::Request::Upload objects:

	   post '/some/route' => sub {
	       my ($file1, $file2) = upload('files_input');
	       # $file1 and $file2 are Dancer::Request::Upload objects

       You can also access the raw HashRef of parsed uploads via the current
       request object:

	   post '/some/route' => sub {
	       my $all_uploads = request->uploads;
	       # $all_uploads->{'file_input_foo'} is a Dancer::Request::Upload object
	       # $all_uploads->{'files_input'} is an ArrayRef of Dancer::Request::Upload objects

       Note that you can also access the filename of the upload received via
       the params keyword:

	   post '/some/route' => sub {
	       # params->{'files_input'} is the filename of the file uploaded

       See Dancer::Request::Upload for details about the interface provided.

       Returns a fully-qualified URI for the given path:

	   get '/' => sub {
	       redirect uri_for('/path');
	       # can be something like: http://localhost:3000/path

       Returns a reference to a copy of "%+", if there are named captures in
       the route Regexp.

       Named captures are a feature of Perl 5.10, and are not supported in
       earlier versions:

	   get qr{
	       / (?<object> user   | ticket | comment )
	       / (?<action> delete | find )
	       / (?<id> \d+ )
	   , sub {
	       my $value_for = captures;
	       "i don't want to $$value_for{action} the $$value_for{object} $$value_for{id} !"

       Defines a variable shared between filters and route handlers.

	   before sub {
	       var foo => 42;

       Route handlers and other filters will be able to read that variable
       with the "vars" keyword.

       Returns the HashRef of all shared variables set during the filter/route

	   get '/path' => sub {
	       if (vars->{foo} eq 42) {

       Logs a warning message through the current logger engine.

       This module has been written by Alexis Sukrieh <> and
       others, see the AUTHORS file that comes with this distribution for

       The source code for this module is hosted on GitHub
       <>.  Feel free to fork the repository
       and submit pull requests!  (See Dancer::Development for details on how
       to contribute).

       Also, why not watch the repo
       <> to keep up to date with
       the latest upcoming changes?

       The Dancer development team can be found on #dancer on

       If you don't have an IRC client installed/configured, there is a simple
       web chat client at <> for you.

       There is also a Dancer users mailing list available - subscribe at:

       If you'd like to contribute to the Dancer project, please see
       <> for all the ways you can help!

       The following modules are mandatory (Dancer cannot run without them):


       The following modules are optional:

       JSON : needed to use JSON serializer
       Plack : in order to use PSGI
       Template : in order to use TT for rendering views
       XML::Simple and XML:SAX <XML:SAX> or <XML:Parser> for XML serialization
       YAML : needed for configuration file support

       This module is free software and is published under the same terms as
       Perl itself.

       Main Dancer web site: <>.

       The concept behind this module comes from the Sinatra ruby project, see
       <> for details.

perl v5.14.1			  2011-07-26			     Dancer(3)

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