CHACL man page on Mageia

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CHACL(1)		     Access Control Lists		      CHACL(1)

       chacl - change the access control list of a file or directory

       chacl acl pathname...
       chacl -b acl dacl pathname...
       chacl -d dacl pathname...
       chacl -R pathname...
       chacl -D pathname...
       chacl -B pathname...
       chacl -l pathname...
       chacl -r pathname...

       chacl  is  an  IRIX-compatibility  command, and is maintained for those
       users who are familiar with its use from either XFS or IRIX.  Refer  to
       the  SEE	 ALSO  section	below for a description of tools which conform
       more closely to the (withdrawn  draft)  POSIX  1003.1e  standard	 which
       describes Access Control Lists (ACLs).

       chacl changes the ACL(s) for a file or directory.  The ACL(s) specified
       are applied to each file in the pathname arguments.

       Each ACL is a string which is interpreted  using	 the  acl_from_text(3)
       routine.	  These strings are made up of comma separated clauses each of
       which is of the form, tag:name:perm.  Where tag can be:

       "user" (or "u")
	      indicating that the entry is a user ACL entry.

       "group" (or "g")
	      indicating that the entry is a group ACL entry.

       "other" (or "o")
	      indicating that the entry is an other ACL entry.

       "mask" (or "m")
	      indicating that the entry is a mask ACL entry.

       name is a string which is the user or group name for the ACL entry.   A
       null  name  in  a user or group ACL entry indicates the file's owner or
       file's group.  perm is the string "rwx" where each of the  entries  may
       be  replaced  by	 a  "-" indicating no access of that type, e.g. "r-x",
       "--x", "---".

       -b     Indicates that there are two ACLs to change, the	first  is  the
	      file access ACL and the second the directory default ACL.

       -d     Used to set only the default ACL of a directory.

       -R     Removes the file access ACL only.

       -D     Removes directory default ACL only.

       -B     Remove all ACLs.

       -l     Lists  the  access  ACL  and possibly the default ACL associated
	      with the specified files or directories.	This option was	 added
	      during the Linux port of XFS, and is not IRIX compatible.

       -r     Set  the access ACL recursively for each subtree rooted at path‐
	      name(s).	This option was also added during the  Linux  port  of
	      XFS, and is not compatible with IRIX.

       A minimum ACL:

	 chacl u::rwx,g::r-x,o::r-- file

       The  file  ACL  is  set	so that the file's owner has "rwx", the file's
       group has read and execute, and others have read	 only  access  to  the

       An ACL that is not a minimum ACL, that is, one that specifies a user or
       group other than the file's owner or owner's group, must contain a mask

	 chacl u::rwx,g::r-x,o::r--,u:bob:r--,m::r-x file1 file2

       To  set the default and access ACLs on newdir to be the same as on old‐
       dir, you could type:

	 chacl -b `chacl -l olddir | \
	     sed -e 's/.*\[//' -e 's#/# #' -e 's/]$//'` newdir

       chacl can replace the existing ACL.  To add or delete entries, you must
       first  do  chacl -l to get the existing ACL, and use the output to form
       the arguments to chacl.

       Changing the permission bits of a file will change the file access  ACL
       settings	 (see  chmod(1)).   However,  file  creation  mode  masks (see
       umask(1)) will not affect the access  ACL  settings  of	files  created
       using directory default ACLs.

       ACLs  are  filesystem  extended	attributes and hence are not typically
       archived or restored using the conventional archiving  utilities.   See
       attr(5)	for  more  information	about extended attributes and see xfs‐
       dump(8) for a method of backing them up under XFS.

       getfacl(1), setfacl(1), chmod(1), umask(1),  acl_from_text(3),  acl(5),

September 2001		      ACL File Utilities		      CHACL(1)

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