Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR man page on Pidora

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Bio::Tools::Run::PhyloUserRContributed Perl DocuBio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR(3)

       Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR - Wrapper around the SLR program

	 use Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR;
	 use Bio::AlignIO;
	 use Bio::TreeIO;
	 use Bio::SimpleAlign;

	 my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->new
	     (-format => 'fasta',
	      -file   => 't/data/219877.cdna.fasta');

	 my $aln = $alignio->next_aln;

	 my $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new
	     (-format => 'newick', -file => 't/data/219877.tree');

	 my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;

	 my $slr = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR->new();
	 # $rc = 1 for success, 0 for errors
	 my ($rc,$results) = $slr->run();

	 my $positive_sites = $results->{'positive'};

	 print "# Site\tNeutral\tOptimal\tOmega\t",
	 foreach my $positive_site (@$positive_sites) {
		 $positive_site->[0], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[1], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[2], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[3], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[4], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[5], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[6], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[7], "\t",
		 $positive_site->[8], "\t",

       This is a wrapper around the SLR program. See for more information.

       This module is more about generating the proper ctl file and will run
       the program in a separate temporary directory to avoid creating temp
       files all over the place.

   Mailing Lists
       User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
       Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the
       Bioperl mailing list.  Your participation is much appreciated.			- General discussion	- About the mailing lists

       Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

       rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
       reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address
       it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and
       data examples if at all possible.

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of
       the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the

AUTHOR - Albert Vilella
       Email avilella-at-gmail-dot-com

       Additional contributors names and emails here

       The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
       Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

   Default Values

       seqfile [incodon]
	 File from which to read alignment of codon sequences. The file
	 should be in PAML format.

       treefile [intree]
	 File from which tree should be read. The tree should be in Nexus

       outfile [slr.res]
	 File to which results are written. If the file already exists, it
	 be overwritten.

       reoptimise [1]
	 Should the branch lengths, omega and kappa be reoptimized?
	 0 - no
	 1 - yes.

       kappa [2.0]
	 Value for kappa. If 'reoptimise' is specified, the value
	 given will be used as am initial estimate,

       omega [0.1]
	 Value for omega (dN/dS). If 'reoptimise' is specified, the value
	 given will be used as an initial estimate.

       codonf [0]
	 How codon frequencies are estimated:
	   0: F61/F60  Estimates used are the empirical frequencies from the
	   1: F3x4     The frequencies of nucleotides at each codon position
	 are estimated from the data and then multiplied together to get the
	 frequency of observing a given codon. The frequency of stop codons is
	 set to zero, and all other frequencies scaled appropriately.
	   2: F1x4     Nucleotide frequencies are estimated from the data
	 (not taking into account at which position in the codon it occurs).
	 The nucleotide frequencies are multiplied together to get the
	 of observing and then corrected for stop codons.

       freqtype [0]
	 How codon frequencies are incorporated into the substitution matrix.
	 0: q_{ij} = pi_{j} s_{ij}
	 1: q_{ij} = \sqrt(pi_j/pi_i) s_{ij}
	 2: q_{ij} = \pi_{n} s_{ij}, where n is the nucleotide that the
	 subsitution is to.
	 3: q_{ij} = s_{ij} / pi_i
	 Option 0 is the tradition method of incorporating equilibrium
	 into subsitution matrices (Felsenstein 1981; Goldman and Yang, 1994)
	 Option 1 is described by Goldman and Whelan (2002), in this case with
	 additional parameter set to 0.5.
	 Option 2 was suggested by Muse and Gaut (1994).
	 Option 3 is included as an experiment, originally suggested by Bret
	 it does not appear to describe evolution very successfully and should
	 be used for analyses.

	 Kosakovsky-Pond has repeatedly stated that he finds incorporating codon
	 frequencies in the manner of option 2 to be superior to option 0. We find
	 that option 1 tends to perform better than either of these options.

       positive_only [0]
	 If only positively selected sites are of interest, set this to "1".
	 Calculation will be slightly faster, but information about sites
	 purifying selection is lost.

       gencode [universal]
	 Which genetic code to use when determining whether a given mutation
	 is synonymous or nonsynonymous. Currently only "universal" and
	 "mammalian" mitochondrial are supported.

       nucleof [0]
	 Allow for empirical exchangabilities for nucleotide substitution.
	 0: No adjustment. All nucleotides treated the same, modulo
	 transition / transversion.
	 1: The rate at which a substitution caused a mutation from nucleotide
	 a to nucleotide b is adjust by a constant N_{ab}. This adjustment is
	 in addition to other adjustments (e.g. transition / transversion or
	 base frequencies).

       aminof [0]
	 Incorporate amino acid similarity parameters into substitution
	 adjusting omega for a change between amino acid i and amino acid j.
	 A_{ij} is a symmetric matrix of constants representing amino acid
	 0: Constant omega for all amino acid changes
	 1: omega_{ij} = omega^{A_{ij}}
	 2: omega_{ij} = a_{ij} log(omega) / [ 1 - exp(-a_{ij} log(omega)) ]
	 Option 1 has the same form as the original codon subsitution model
	 proposed by Goldman and Yang (but with potentially different
	 Option 2 has a more population genetic derivtion, with omega being
	 interpreted as the ratio of fixation probabilities.

       nucfile [nuc.dat]
	 If nucleof is non-zero, read nucleotide substitution constants from
	 nucfile. If this file does not exist, hard coded constants are used.

       aminofile [amino.dat]
	 If aminof is non-zero, read amino acid similarity constants from
	 aminofile. If this file does not exist, hard coded constants are

       timemem [0]
	 Print summary of real time and CPU time used. Will eventually print
	 summary of memory use as well.

       ldiff [3.841459]
	 Twice log-likelihood difference used as a threshold for calculating
	 support (confidence) intervals for sitewise omega estimates. This
	 value should be the quantile from a chi-square distribution with one
	 degree of freedom corresponding to the support required.
	 E.g. qchisq(0.95,1) = 3.841459
	    0.4549364 = 50% support
	    1.323304  = 75% support
	    2.705543  = 90% support
	    3.841459  = 95% support
	    6.634897  = 99% support
	    7.879439  = 99.5% support
	   10.82757   = 99.9% support

       paramin []
	 If not blank, read in parameters from file given by the argument.

       paramout []
	 If not blank, write out parameter estimates to file given.

       skipsitewise [0]
	 Skip sitewise estimation of omega. Depending on other options given,
	 either calculate maximum likelihood or likelihood fixed at parameter
	 values given.

       seed [0]
	 Seed for random number generator. If seed is 0, then previously
	 produced seed file (~/.rng64) is used. If this does not exist, the
	 random number generator is initialised using the clock.

       saveseed [1]
	 If non-zero, save finial seed in file (~/.rng64) to be used as
	 seed in future runs of program.

   Results Format
       Results file (default: slr.res) ------------ Results are presented in
       nine columns

	 Number of sites in alignment

	 (minus) Log-probability of observing site given that it was
	 evolving neutrally (omega=1)

	 (minus) Log-probability of observing site given that it was
	 evolving at the optimal value of omega.

	 The value of omega which maximizes the log-probability of observing

	 Log-likelihood ratio statistic for non-neutral selection (or
	 positive selection if the positive_only option is set to 1).
	 LRT_Stat = 2 * (Neutral-Optimal)

	 P-value for non-neutral (or positive) selection at a site,
	 unadjusted for multiple comparisons.

       Adj. Pval
	 P-value for non-neutral (or positive) selection at a site, after
	 adjusting for multiple comparisons using the Hochberg procedure
	 (see the file "MultipleComparisons.txt" in the doc directory).

	 A simple visual guide to the result. Sites detected as having been
	 under positive selection are marked with a '+', sites under
	 purifying selection are marked with '-'. The number of symbols
	   Number symbols      Threshold
		 1	       95%
		 2	       99%
		 3	       95% after adjustment
		 4	       99% after adjustment

	 Occasionally the result may also contain an exclamation mark. This
	 indicates that the observation at a site is not significantly
	 different from random (equivalent to infinitely strong positive
	 selection). This may indicate that the alignment at that site is bad


	 The following events are flagged:
	 Synonymous	       All codons at a site code for the same amino
	 Single character      Only one sequence at the site is ungapped,
			       the result of a recent insertion for example.
	 All gaps	       All sequences at a site contain a gap

	 Sites marked "Single character" or "All gaps" are not counted
	 towards the number of sites for the purposes of correcting for
	 multiple comparisons since it is not possible to detect selection
	 from none or one observation under the assumptions made by the
	 sitewise likelihood ratio test.

	Title	: program_name
	Usage	: $factory->program_name()
	Function: holds the program name
	Returns:  string
	Args	: None

	Title	: program_dir
	Usage	: ->program_dir()
	Function: returns the program directory, obtained from ENV variable.
	Returns:  string
	Args	:

	Title	: new
	Usage	: my $obj = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR->new();
	Function: Builds a new Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR object
	Returns : Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR
	Args	: -alignment => the Bio::Align::AlignI object
		  -save_tempfiles => boolean to save the generated tempfiles and
				     NOT cleanup after onesself (default FALSE)
		  -tree => the Bio::Tree::TreeI object
		  -params => a hashref of SLR parameters (all passed to set_parameter)
		  -executable => where the SLR executable resides

       See also: Bio::Tree::TreeI, Bio::Align::AlignI

	Title	: prepare
	Usage	: my $rundir = $slr->prepare($aln);
	Function: prepare the SLR analysis using the default or updated parameters
		  the alignment parameter must have been set
	Returns : value of rundir
	Args	: L<Bio::Align::AlignI> object,
		  L<Bio::Tree::TreeI> object

	Title	: run
	Usage	: my ($rc,$parser) = $slr->run($aln,$tree);
	Function: run the SLR analysis using the default or updated parameters
		  the alignment parameter must have been set
	Returns : Return code, L<Bio::Tools::Phylo::SLR>
	Args	: L<Bio::Align::AlignI> object,
		  L<Bio::Tree::TreeI> object

	Title	: error_string
	Usage	: $obj->error_string($newval)
	Function: Where the output from the last analysus run is stored.
	Returns : value of error_string
	Args	: newvalue (optional)

	Title	: alignment
	Usage	: $slr->align($aln);
	Function: Get/Set the L<Bio::Align::AlignI> object
	Returns : L<Bio::Align::AlignI> object
	Args	: [optional] L<Bio::Align::AlignI>
	Comment : We could potentially add support for running directly on a file
		  but we shall keep it simple
	See also: L<Bio::SimpleAlign>

	Title	: tree
	Usage	: $slr->tree($tree, %params);
	Function: Get/Set the L<Bio::Tree::TreeI> object
	Returns : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
	Args	: [optional] $tree => L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>,

	Comment : We could potentially add support for running directly on a file
		  but we shall keep it simple
	See also: L<Bio::Tree::Tree>

	Title	: get_parameters
	Usage	: my %params = $self->get_parameters();
	Function: returns the list of parameters as a hash
	Returns : associative array keyed on parameter names
	Args	: none

	Title	: set_parameter
	Usage	: $slr->set_parameter($param,$val);
	Function: Sets a SLR parameter, will be validated against
		  the valid values as set in the %VALIDVALUES class variable.
		  The checks can be ignored if one turns off param checks like this:
	Returns : boolean if set was success, if verbose is set to -1
		  then no warning will be reported
	Args	: $param => name of the parameter
		  $value => value to set the parameter to
	See also: L<no_param_checks()>

	Title	: set_default_parameters
	Usage	: $slr->set_default_parameters(0);
	Function: (Re)set the default parameters from the defaults
		  (the first value in each array in the
		   %VALIDVALUES class variable)
	Returns : none
	Args	: boolean: keep existing parameter values

Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase methods
	Title	: no_param_checks
	Usage	: $obj->no_param_checks($newval)
	Function: Boolean flag as to whether or not we should
		  trust the sanity checks for parameter values
	Returns : value of no_param_checks
	Args	: newvalue (optional)

	Title	: save_tempfiles
	Usage	: $obj->save_tempfiles($newval)
	Returns : value of save_tempfiles
	Args	: newvalue (optional)

	Title	: outfile_name
	Usage	: my $outfile = $slr->outfile_name();
	Function: Get/Set the name of the output file for this run
		  (if you wanted to do something special)
	Returns : string
	Args	: [optional] string to set value to

	Title	: tempdir
	Usage	: my $tmpdir = $self->tempdir();
	Function: Retrieve a temporary directory name (which is created)
	Returns : string which is the name of the temporary directory
	Args	: none

	Title	: cleanup
	Usage	: $slr->cleanup();
	Function: Will cleanup the tempdir directory after an SLR run
	Returns : none
	Args	: none

	Title	: io
	Usage	: $obj->io($newval)
	Function:  Gets a L<Bio::Root::IO> object
	Returns : L<Bio::Root::IO>
	Args	: none

perl v5.14.1			  2011-07-21	Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::SLR(3)

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