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Bio::LiveSeq::SeqI(3) User Contributed Perl DocumentationBio::LiveSeq::SeqI(3)

       Bio::LiveSeq::SeqI - Abstract sequence interface class for LiveSeq

	 # documentation needed

       This class implements BioPerl PrimarySeqI interface for Live Seq

       One of the main difference in LiveSequence compared to traditional
       "string" sequences is that coordinate systems are flexible. Typically
       gene nucleotide numbering starts from 1 at the first character of the
       initiator codon (A in ATG). This means that negative positions are
       possible and common!

       Secondly, the sequence manipulation methods do not return a new
       sequence object but change the current object. The current status can
       be written out to BioPerl sequence objects.

   Mailing Lists
       User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
       Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
       of the Bioperl mailing lists.  Your participation is much appreciated.			- General discussion	- About the mailing lists

       Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

       rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
       reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address
       it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and
       data examples if at all possible.

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
       the bugs and their resolution.  Bug reports can be submitted via the

AUTHOR - Joseph A.L. Insana

       The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
       Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

       Some note on the terminology/notation of method names:
	label: a unique pointer to a single nucleotide
	position: the position of a nucleotide according to a particular
		  system (e.g. counting downstream from a particular label
       taken as
		  number 1)
	base: the one letter code for a nucleotide (i.e.: "a" "t" "c" "g")

	      a base is the "value" that an "element" of a "chain" can assume
		(see documentation on the Chain datastructure if interested)

	Title	: seq
	Usage	: $string    = $obj->seq()
	Function: Returns the complete sequence of an object as a string of letters.
		  Suggested cases are upper case for proteins and lower case for
		  DNA sequence (IUPAC standard),
	Returns : a string

	Title	: all_labels
	Usage	: @labels = $obj->all_labels()
	Function: all the labels of every nucleotide an object is composed of
	Returns : an array of labels
	Args	: none

	 Title	 : labelsubseq
	 Usage	 : $dna->labelsubseq();
		 : $dna->labelsubseq($startlabel);
		 : $dna->labelsubseq($startlabel,$length);
		 : $dna->labelsubseq($startlabel,undef,$endlabel);
	 e.g.	 : $dna->labelsubseq(4,undef,8);
	 Function: prints the sequence as string. The difference between labelsubseq
		   and normal subseq is that it uses /labels/ as arguments, instead
		   than positions. This allows for faster and more efficient lookup,
		   skipping the (usually) lengthy conversion of positions into labels.
		   This is expecially useful for manipulating with high power
		   LiveSeq objects, knowing the labels and exploiting their
	 Returns : a string
	 Errorcode -1
	 Args	 : without arguments it returns the entire sequence
		   with a startlabel it returns the sequence downstream that label
		   if a length is specified, it returns only that number of bases
		   if an endlabel is specified, it overrides the length argument
		    and prints instead up to that label (included)
	 Defaults: $startlabel defaults to the beginning of the entire sequence
		   $endlabel defaults to the end of the entire sequence

	Title	: subseq
	Usage	: $substring = $obj->subseq(10,40);
		: $substring = $obj->subseq(10,undef,4);
	Function: returns the subseq from start to end, where the first base
		  is 1 and the number is inclusive, ie 1-2 are the first two
		  bases of the sequence

		  Start cannot be larger than end but can be equal.

		  Allows for negative numbers $obj->subseq(-10,-1). By
		  definition, there is no 0!
			      -5  -1 1	 5
		       gctagcgcccaac atggctcgctg

		  This allows to retrieve sequences upstream from given position.

		  The precedence is from left to right: if END is given LENGTH is

	Examples: $obj->subseq(-10,undef,10) returns 10 elements before position 1
		  $obj->subseq(4,8) returns elements from the 4th to the 8th, inclusive

	Returns : a string
	Errorcode: -1
	Args	: start,  integer, defaults to start of the sequence
		  end,	  integer, '' or undef, defaults to end of the sequence
		  length, integer, '' or undef
		  an optional strand (1 or -1) 4th argument
		   if strand argument is not given, it will default to the object
		   argment. This argument is useful when a call is issued from a child
		   of a parent object containing the subseq method

	 Title	 : length
	 Usage	 : $seq->length();
	 Function: returns the number of nucleotides (or the number of aminoacids)
		   in the entire sequence
	 Returns : an integer
	 Errorcode -1
	 Args	 : none

	Title	: display_id
	Usage	: $id_string = $obj->display_id();
	Function: returns the display id, alias the common name of the object

		  The semantics of this is that it is the most likely string
		  to be used as an identifier of the sequence, and likely to
		  have "human" readability.  The id is equivalent to the ID
		  field of the GenBank/EMBL databanks and the id field of the
		  Swissprot/sptrembl database. In fasta format, the >(\S+) is
		  presumed to be the id, though some people overload the id
		  to embed other information.

	See also: accession_number
	Returns : a string
	Args	: none

	Title	: accession_number
	Usage	: $unique_biological_key = $obj->accession_number;
	Function: Returns the unique biological id for a sequence, commonly
		  called the accession_number.
		  Notice that primary_id() provides the unique id for the
		  implemetation, allowing multiple objects to have the same accession
		  number in a particular implementation.

		  For objects with no accession_number this method returns "unknown".
	Returns : a string
	Args	: none

	Title	: primary_id
	Usage	: $unique_implementation_key = $obj->primary_id;
	Function: Returns the unique id for this object in this
		  implementation. This allows implementations to manage their own
		  object ids in a way the implementation can control. Clients can
		  expect one id to map to one object.

		  For sequences with no primary_id, this method returns
		  a stringified memory location.

	Returns : A string
	Args	: None

	Title	: change
	Usage	: $substring = $obj->change('AA', 10);
	Function: changes, modifies, mutates the LiveSequence
	       $obj->change('',	  10);	    delete nucleotide #10
	       $obj->change('',	  10, 2);   delete two nucleotides starting from #10
	       $obj->change('G',  10);	    change nuc #10 to 'G'
	       $obj->change('GA', 10, 4);   replace #10 and 3 following with 'GA'
	       $obj->change('GA', 10, 2));  is same as $obj->change('GA',  10);
	       $obj->change('GA', 10, 0 );  insert 'GA' before nucleotide at #10
	       $obj->change('GA', 10, 1);   GA inserted before #10, #10 deleted
	       $obj->change('GATC', 10, 2); GATC inserted before #10, #10 deleted
	       $obj->change('GATC', 10, 6); GATC inserted before #10, #10-#15 deleted

	Returns : a string of deleted bases (if any) or 1 (everything OK)
	Errorcode: -1
	Args	: seq,	  string, or '' ('' = undef = 0 = deletion)
		  start,  integer
		  length, integer (optional)

	Title	: positionchange
	Function: Exactly like change. I.e. change() defaults to positionchange()

	Title	: labelchange
	Function: Exactly like change but uses a /label/ instead than a position
		  as second argument. This allows for multiple changes in a LiveSeq
		  without the burden of recomputing positions. I.e. for a multiple
		  change in two different points of the LiveSeq, the approach would
		  be the following: fetch the correct labels out of the two different
		  positions (method: label($position)) and then use the labelchange()
		  method to modify the sequence using those labels instead than
		  relying on the positions (that would have modified after the
		  first change).

	 Title	 : valid
	 Usage	 : $boolean = $obj->valid($label)
	 Function: tests if a label exists inside the object
	 Returns : boolean
	 Args	 : label

	 Title	 : start
	 Usage	 : $startlabel=$obj->start()
	 Function: returns the label of the first nucleotide of the object (exon, CDS)
	 Returns : label
	 Args	 : none

	 Title	 : end
	 Usage	 : $endlabel=$obj->end()
	 Function: returns the label of the last nucleotide of the object (exon, CDS)
	 Returns : label
	 Args	 : none

	 Title	 : strand
	 Usage	 : $strand=$obj->strand()
	 Function: gets or sets strand information, being 1 or -1 (forward or reverse)
	 Returns : -1 or 1
	 Args	 : none OR -1 or 1

	Title	: alphabet
	Usage	: if( $obj->alphabet eq 'dna' ) { /Do Something/ }
	Function: Returns the type of sequence being one of
		  'dna', 'rna' or 'protein'. This is case sensitive.

	Returns : a string either 'dna','rna','protein'.
	Args	: none

	 Title	 : coordinate_start
	 Usage	 : $coordstartlabel=$obj->coordinate_start()
		 : $coordstartlabel=$obj->coordinate_start($label)
	 Function: returns and optionally sets the first label of the coordinate
		   system used
		   For some objects only labels inside the object or in frame (for
		   Translation objects) will be allowed to get set as coordinate start

	 Returns : label. It returns 0 if label not found.
	 Errorcode -1
	 Args	 : an optional reference $label that is position 1

	 Title	 : label
	 Usage	 : $seq->label($position)
		 : $seq->label($position,$firstlabel)
	 Examples: $nextlabel=$seq->label(2,$label) -> retrieves the following label
		 : $prevlabel=$seq->label(-1,$label) -> retrieves the preceding label

	 Function: returns the label of the nucleotide at $position from current
		   coordinate start
	 Returns : a label. It returns 0 if label not found.
	 Errorcode -1
	 Args	 : a position,
		   an optional reference $firstlabel that is to be used as position 1
		   an optional strand (1 or -1) argument
		    if strand argument is not given, it will default to the object
		    argument. This argument is useful when a call is issued from a child
		    of a parent object containing the subseq method

	 Title	 : position
	 Usage	 : $seq->position($label)
		 : $seq->position($label,$firstlabel)
	 Function: returns the position of nucleotide at $label
	 Returns : the position of the label from current coordinate start
	 Errorcode 0
	 Args	 : a label pointing to a certain nucleotide (e.g. start of exon)
		   an optional "firstlabel" as reference to count from
		   an optional strand (1 or -1) argument
		    if strand argument is not given, it will default to the object
		    argument. This argument is useful when a call is issued from a child
		    of a parent object containing the subseq method

	 Title	 : follows
	 Usage	 : $seq->follows($firstlabel,$secondlabel)
		 : $seq->follows($firstlabel,$secondlabel,$strand)
	 Function: checks if SECONDlabel follows FIRSTlabel, undependent of the strand
		   i.e. it checks downstream for forward strand and
		   upstream for reverse strand
	 Returns : 1 or 0
	 Errorcode -1
	 Args	 : two labels
		   an optional strand (1 or -1) argument
		    if strand argument is not given, it will default to the object
		    argument. This argument is useful when a call is issued from a child
		    of a parent object containing the subseq method

	Title	: gene
	Usage	: my $gene=$obj->gene;
	Function: Gets or sets the reference to the LiveSeq::Gene object.
		  Objects that are features of a LiveSeq Gene will have this
		  attribute set automatically.

	Returns : reference to an object of class Gene
	Note	: if Gene object is not set, this method will return 0;
	Args	: none or reference to object of class Bio::LiveSeq::Gene

	Title	: obj_valid
	Usage	: if ($obj->obj_valid) {do something;}
	Function: Checks if start and end labels are still valid for the ojbect,
		  i.e. tests if the LiveSeq object is still valid
	Returns : boolean
	Args	: none

	Title	: name
	Usage	: $name = $obj->name;
		: $name = $obj->name("ABCD");
	Function: Returns or sets the name of the object.
		  If there is no name, it will return "unknown";
	Returns : A string
	Args	: None

	Title	: desc
	Usage	: $desc = $obj->desc;
		: $desc = $obj->desc("ABCD");
	Function: Returns or sets the description of the object.
		  If there is no description, it will return "unknown";
	Returns : A string
	Args	: None

	Title	: source
	Usage	: $name = $obj->source;
		: $name = $obj->source("Homo sapiens");
	Function: Returns or sets the organism that is source of the object.
		  If there is no source, it will return "unknown";
	Returns : A string
	Args	: None

perl v5.14.1			  2011-07-22		 Bio::LiveSeq::SeqI(3)

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