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AnyEvent::Socket(3)   User Contributed Perl Documentation  AnyEvent::Socket(3)

       AnyEvent::Socket - useful IPv4 and IPv6 stuff.

	  use AnyEvent::Socket;

	  tcp_connect "", 13327, sub {
	     my ($fh) = @_
		or die " connect failed: $!";

	     # enjoy your filehandle

	  # a simple tcp server
	  tcp_server undef, 8888, sub {
	     my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_;

	     syswrite $fh, "The internet is full, $host:$port. Go away!\015\012";

       This module implements various utility functions for handling internet
       protocol addresses and sockets, in an as transparent and simple way as

       All functions documented without "AnyEvent::Socket::" prefix are
       exported by default.

       $ipn = parse_ipv4 $dotted_quad
	   Tries to parse the given dotted quad IPv4 address and return it in
	   octet form (or undef when it isn't in a parsable format). Supports
	   all forms specified by POSIX (e.g., 10.1, "10.0x020304",
	   0x12345678 or 0377.0377.0377.0377).

       $ipn = parse_ipv6 $textual_ipv6_address
	   Tries to parse the given IPv6 address and return it in octet form
	   (or undef when it isn't in a parsable format).

	   Should support all forms specified by RFC 2373 (and additionally
	   all IPv4 forms supported by parse_ipv4). Note that scope-id's are
	   not supported (and will not parse).

	   This function works similarly to "inet_pton AF_INET6, ...".


	      print unpack "H*", parse_ipv6 "2002:5345::";
	      # => 2002534500000000000000000a000001

       $ipn = parse_address $ip
	   Combines "parse_ipv4" and "parse_ipv6" in one function. The address
	   here refers to the host address (not socket address) in network
	   form (binary).

	   If the $text is "unix/", then this function returns a special token
	   recognised by the other functions in this module to mean "UNIX
	   domain socket".

	   If the $text to parse is a mapped IPv4 in IPv6 address
	   (:ffff::<ipv4>), then it will be treated as an IPv4 address. If you
	   don't want that, you have to call "parse_ipv4" and/or "parse_ipv6"


	      print unpack "H*", parse_address "";
	      # => 0a010203

       $ipn = AnyEvent::Socket::aton $ip
	   Same as "parse_address", but not exported (think
	   "Socket::inet_aton" but without name resolution).

       ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname $name
	   Works like the builtin function of the same name, except it tries
	   hard to work even on broken platforms (well, that's windows), where
	   getprotobyname is traditionally very unreliable.

	   Example: get the protocol number for TCP (usually 6)

	      my $proto = getprotobyname "tcp";

       ($host, $service) = parse_hostport $string[, $default_service]
	   Splitting a string of the form "hostname:port" is a common problem.
	   Unfortunately, just splitting on the colon makes it hard to specify
	   IPv6 addresses and doesn't support the less common but well
	   standardised "[ip literal]" syntax.

	   This function tries to do this job in a better way, it supports the
	   following formats, where "port" can be a numerical port number of a
	   service name, or a "name=port" string, and the " port" and ":port"
	   parts are optional. Also, everywhere where an IP address is
	   supported a hostname or unix domain socket address is also
	   supported (see "parse_unix").

	      hostname:port    e.g. "", "", ""
	      ipv4:port	       e.g. "", "127.1:22"
	      ipv6	       e.g. "::1", "affe::1"
	      [ipv4or6]:port   e.g. "[::1]", "[10.0.1]:80"
	      [ipv4or6] port   e.g. "[]", "[] 17"
	      ipv4or6 port     e.g. "::1 443", " smtp"

	   It also supports defaulting the service name in a simple way by
	   using $default_service if no service was detected. If neither a
	   service was detected nor a default was specified, then this
	   function returns the empty list. The same happens when a parse
	   error was detected, such as a hostname with a colon in it (the
	   function is rather conservative, though).


	     print join ",", parse_hostport "localhost:443";
	     # => "localhost,443"

	     print join ",", parse_hostport "localhost", "https";
	     # => "localhost,https"

	     print join ",", parse_hostport "[::1]";
	     # => "," (empty list)

       $string = format_hostport $host, $port
	   Takes a host (in textual form) and a port and formats in
	   unambigiously in a way that "parse_hostport" can parse it again.
	   $port can be "undef".

       $sa_family = address_family $ipn
	   Returns the address family/protocol-family (AF_xxx/PF_xxx, in one
	   value :) of the given host address in network format.

       $text = format_ipv4 $ipn
	   Expects a four octet string representing a binary IPv4 address and
	   returns its textual format. Rarely used, see "format_address" for a
	   nicer interface.

       $text = format_ipv6 $ipn
	   Expects a sixteen octet string representing a binary IPv6 address
	   and returns its textual format. Rarely used, see "format_address"
	   for a nicer interface.

       $text = format_address $ipn
	   Covnvert a host address in network format (e.g. 4 octets for IPv4
	   or 16 octets for IPv6) and convert it into textual form.

	   Returns "unix/" for UNIX domain sockets.

	   This function works similarly to "inet_ntop AF_INET || AF_INET6,
	   ...", except it automatically detects the address type.

	   Returns "undef" if it cannot detect the type.

	   If the $ipn is a mapped IPv4 in IPv6 address (:ffff::<ipv4>), then
	   just the contained IPv4 address will be returned. If you do not
	   want that, you have to call "format_ipv6" manually.


	      print format_address "\x01\x02\x03\x05";

       $text = AnyEvent::Socket::ntoa $ipn
	   Same as format_address, but not exported (think "inet_ntoa").

       inet_aton $name_or_address, $cb->(@addresses)
	   Works similarly to its Socket counterpart, except that it uses a
	   callback. Use the length to distinguish between ipv4 and ipv6 (4
	   octets for IPv4, 16 for IPv6), or use "format_address" to convert
	   it to a more readable format.

	   Note that "resolve_sockaddr", while initially a more complex
	   interface, resolves host addresses, IDNs, service names and SRV
	   records and gives you an ordered list of socket addresses to try
	   and should be preferred over "inet_aton".


	      inet_aton "", my $cv = AE::cv;
	      say unpack "H*", $_
		 for $cv->recv;
	      # => d155e363
	      # => d155e367 etc.

	      inet_aton "", my $cv = AE::cv;
	      say unpack "H*", $_
		 for $cv->recv;
	      # => 20014860a00300000000000000000068

       $sa = AnyEvent::Socket::pack_sockaddr $service, $host
	   Pack the given port/host combination into a binary sockaddr
	   structure. Handles both IPv4 and IPv6 host addresses, as well as
	   UNIX domain sockets ($host == "unix/" and $service == absolute


	      my $bind = AnyEvent::Socket::pack_sockaddr 43, v195.234.53.120;
	      bind $socket, $bind
		 or die "bind: $!";

       ($service, $host) = AnyEvent::Socket::unpack_sockaddr $sa
	   Unpack the given binary sockaddr structure (as used by bind,
	   getpeername etc.) into a "$service, $host" combination.

	   For IPv4 and IPv6, $service is the port number and $host the host
	   address in network format (binary).

	   For UNIX domain sockets, $service is the absolute pathname and
	   $host is a special token that is understood by the other functions
	   in this module ("format_address" converts it to "unix/").

       resolve_sockaddr $node, $service, $proto, $family, $type,
       $cb->([$family, $type, $proto, $sockaddr], ...)
	   Tries to resolve the given nodename and service name into protocol
	   families and sockaddr structures usable to connect to this node and
	   service in a protocol-independent way. It works remotely similar to
	   the getaddrinfo posix function.

	   For internet addresses, $node is either an IPv4 or IPv6 address, an
	   internet hostname (DNS domain name or IDN), and $service is either
	   a service name (port name from /etc/services) or a numerical port
	   number. If both $node and $service are names, then SRV records will
	   be consulted to find the real service, otherwise they will be used
	   as-is. If you know that the service name is not in your services
	   database, then you can specify the service in the format
	   "name=port" (e.g. "http=80").

	   For UNIX domain sockets, $node must be the string "unix/" and
	   $service must be the absolute pathname of the socket. In this case,
	   $proto will be ignored.

	   $proto must be a protocol name, currently "tcp", "udp" or "sctp".
	   The default is currently "tcp", but in the future, this function
	   might try to use other protocols such as "sctp", depending on the
	   socket type and any SRV records it might find.

	   $family must be either 0 (meaning any protocol is OK), 4 (use only
	   IPv4) or 6 (use only IPv6). The default is influenced by

	   $type must be "SOCK_STREAM", "SOCK_DGRAM" or "SOCK_SEQPACKET" (or
	   "undef" in which case it gets automatically chosen to be
	   "SOCK_STREAM" unless $proto is "udp").

	   The callback will receive zero or more array references that
	   contain "$family, $type, $proto" for use in "socket" and a binary
	   $sockaddr for use in "connect" (or "bind").

	   The application should try these in the order given.


	      resolve_sockaddr "", "http", 0, undef, undef, sub { ... };

       $guard = tcp_connect $host, $service, $connect_cb[, $prepare_cb]
	   This is a convenience function that creates a TCP socket and makes
	   a 100% non-blocking connect to the given $host (which can be a
	   DNS/IDN hostname or a textual IP address, or the string "unix/" for
	   UNIX domain sockets) and $service (which can be a numeric port
	   number or a service name, or a "servicename=portnumber" string, or
	   the pathname to a UNIX domain socket).

	   If both $host and $port are names, then this function will use SRV
	   records to locate the real target(s).

	   In either case, it will create a list of target hosts (e.g. for
	   multihomed hosts or hosts with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) and
	   try to connect to each in turn.

	   After the connection is established, then the $connect_cb will be
	   invoked with the socket file handle (in non-blocking mode) as first
	   and the peer host (as a textual IP address) and peer port as second
	   and third arguments, respectively. The fourth argument is a code
	   reference that you can call if, for some reason, you don't like
	   this connection, which will cause "tcp_connect" to try the next one
	   (or call your callback without any arguments if there are no more
	   connections). In most cases, you can simply ignore this argument.

	      $cb->($filehandle, $host, $port, $retry)

	   If the connect is unsuccessful, then the $connect_cb will be
	   invoked without any arguments and $! will be set appropriately
	   (with "ENXIO" indicating a DNS resolution failure).

	   The callback will never be invoked before "tcp_connect" returns,
	   even if "tcp_connect" was able to connect immediately (e.g. on unix
	   domain sockets).

	   The file handle is perfect for being plugged into AnyEvent::Handle,
	   but can be used as a normal perl file handle as well.

	   Unless called in void context, "tcp_connect" returns a guard object
	   that will automatically cancel the connection attempt when it gets
	   destroyed - in which case the callback will not be invoked.
	   Destroying it does not do anything to the socket after the connect
	   was successful - you cannot "uncall" a callback that has been
	   invoked already.

	   Sometimes you need to "prepare" the socket before connecting, for
	   example, to "bind" it to some port, or you want a specific connect
	   timeout that is lower than your kernel's default timeout. In this
	   case you can specify a second callback, $prepare_cb. It will be
	   called with the file handle in not-yet-connected state as only
	   argument and must return the connection timeout value (or 0,
	   "undef" or the empty list to indicate the default timeout is to be

	   Note that the socket could be either a IPv4 TCP socket or an IPv6
	   TCP socket (although only IPv4 is currently supported by this

	   Note to the poor Microsoft Windows users: Windows (of course)
	   doesn't correctly signal connection errors, so unless your event
	   library works around this, failed connections will simply hang. The
	   only event libraries that handle this condition correctly are EV
	   and Glib. Additionally, AnyEvent works around this bug with Event
	   and in its pure-perl backend. All other libraries cannot correctly
	   handle this condition. To lessen the impact of this windows bug, a
	   default timeout of 30 seconds will be imposed on windows. Cygwin is
	   not affected.

	   Simple Example: connect to localhost on port 22.

	      tcp_connect localhost => 22, sub {
		 my $fh = shift
		    or die "unable to connect: $!";
		 # do something

	   Complex Example: connect to on port 80 and make a
	   simple GET request without much error handling. Also limit the
	   connection timeout to 15 seconds.

	      tcp_connect "", "http",
		 sub {
		    my ($fh) = @_
		       or die "unable to connect: $!";

		    my $handle; # avoid direct assignment so on_eof has it in scope.
		    $handle = new AnyEvent::Handle
		       fh     => $fh,
		       on_error => sub {
			  warn "error $_[2]\n";
		       on_eof => sub {
			  $handle->destroy; # destroy handle
			  warn "done.\n";

		    $handle->push_write ("GET / HTTP/1.0\015\012\015\012");

		    $handle->push_read (line => "\015\012\015\012", sub {
		       my ($handle, $line) = @_;

		       # print response header
		       print "HEADER\n$line\n\nBODY\n";

		       $handle->on_read (sub {
			  # print response body
			  print $_[0]->rbuf;
			  $_[0]->rbuf = "";
		 }, sub {
		    my ($fh) = @_;
		    # could call $fh->bind etc. here


	   Example: connect to a UNIX domain socket.

	      tcp_connect "unix/", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0", sub {

       $guard = tcp_server $host, $service, $accept_cb[, $prepare_cb]
	   Create and bind a stream socket to the given host, and port, set
	   the SO_REUSEADDR flag (if applicable) and call "listen". Unlike the
	   name implies, this function can also bind on UNIX domain sockets.

	   For internet sockets, $host must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address (or
	   "undef", in which case it binds either to 0 or to "::", depending
	   on whether IPv4 or IPv6 is the preferred protocol, and maybe to
	   both in future versions, as applicable).

	   To bind to the IPv4 wildcard address, use 0, to bind to the IPv6
	   wildcard address, use "::".

	   The port is specified by $service, which must be either a service
	   name or a numeric port number (or 0 or "undef", in which case an
	   ephemeral port will be used).

	   For UNIX domain sockets, $host must be "unix/" and $service must be
	   the absolute pathname of the socket. This function will try to
	   "unlink" the socket before it tries to bind to it. See SECURITY

	   For each new connection that could be "accept"ed, call the
	   "$accept_cb->($fh, $host, $port)" with the file handle (in non-
	   blocking mode) as first and the peer host and port as second and
	   third arguments (see "tcp_connect" for details).

	   Croaks on any errors it can detect before the listen.

	   If called in non-void context, then this function returns a guard
	   object whose lifetime it tied to the TCP server: If the object gets
	   destroyed, the server will be stopped (but existing accepted
	   connections will continue).

	   If you need more control over the listening socket, you can provide
	   a "$prepare_cb->($fh, $host, $port)", which is called just before
	   the "listen ()" call, with the listen file handle as first
	   argument, and IP address and port number of the local socket
	   endpoint as second and third arguments.

	   It should return the length of the listen queue (or 0 for the

	   Note to IPv6 users: RFC-compliant behaviour for IPv6 sockets
	   listening on "::" is to bind to both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses by
	   default on dual-stack hosts. Unfortunately, only GNU/Linux seems to
	   implement this properly, so if you want both IPv4 and IPv6
	   listening sockets you should create the IPv6 socket first and then
	   attempt to bind on the IPv4 socket, but ignore any "EADDRINUSE"

	   Example: bind on some TCP port on the local machine and tell each
	   client to go away.

	      tcp_server undef, undef, sub {
		 my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_;

		 syswrite $fh, "The internet is full, $host:$port. Go away!\015\012";
	      }, sub {
		 my ($fh, $thishost, $thisport) = @_;
		 warn "bound to $thishost, port $thisport\n";

	   Example: bind a server on a unix domain socket.

	      tcp_server "unix/", "/tmp/mydir/mysocket", sub {
		 my ($fh) = @_;

       This module is quite powerful, with with power comes the ability to
       abuse as well: If you accept "hostnames" and ports from untrusted
       sources, then note that this can be abused to delete files
       (host="unix/"). This is not really a problem with this module, however,
       as blindly accepting any address and protocol and trying to bind a
       server or connect to it is harmful in general.

	Marc Lehmann <>

perl v5.14.2			  2010-06-05		   AnyEvent::Socket(3)

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