TIFF2RGBA man page on CentOS

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TIFF2RGBA(1)							  TIFF2RGBA(1)

       tiff2rgba - convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space

       tiff2rgba [ options ] input.tif output.tif

       Tiff2rgba  converts  a  wide  variety  of TIFF images into an RGBA TIFF
       image.  This includes the ability to translate different	 color	spaces
       and  photometric	 interpretation into RGBA, support for alpha blending,
       and translation of many different bit depths into a 32bit RGBA image.

       Internally this program is implemented  using  the  TIFFReadRGBAImage()
       function,  and it suffers any limitations of that image.	 This includes
       limited support for > 8 BitsPerSample images, and flaws with some  eso‐
       teric  combinations of BitsPerSample, photometric interpretation, block
       organization and planar configuration.

       The generated images are stripped images with four  samples  per	 pixel
       (red,  green,  blue and alpha) or if the -n flag is used, three samples
       per pixel (red, green, and blue).  The resulting images are always pla‐
       nar  configuration contiguous.  For this reason, this program is a use‐
       ful utility for transform exotic TIFF files into a form	ingestible  by
       almost any TIFF supporting software.

       -c     Specify  a compression scheme to use when writing image data: -c
	      none for no compression (the default), -c packbits for the Pack‐
	      Bits  compression	 algorithm, -c zip for the Deflate compression
	      algorithm, -c jpeg for the JPEG compression  algorithm,  and  -c
	      lzw for Lempel-Ziv & Welch.

       -r     Write data with a specified number of rows per strip; by default
	      the number of rows/strip is  selected  so	 that  each  strip  is
	      approximately 8 kilobytes.

       -b     Process the image one block (strip/tile) at a time instead of by
	      reading the whole image into memory at once.  This may be neces‐
	      sary for very large images on systems with limited RAM.

       -n     Drop  the alpha component from the output file, producing a pure
	      RGB file.	 Currently this does not work if the -b flag  is  also
	      in effect.

       tiff2bw(1), TIFFReadRGBAImage(3t), libtiff(3)

       Libtiff library home page: http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/

libtiff			       November 2, 2005			  TIFF2RGBA(1)

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