root_archive man page on OpenIndiana

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root_archive(1M)	System Administration Commands	      root_archive(1M)

       root_archive - manage bootable miniroot archives

       /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive pack archive root

       /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpack archive root

       /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive packmedia solaris_image root

       /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpackmedia solaris_image root

       The  root_archive  utility  is used to manipulate boot archives and the
       bootable miniroot(s) in a Solaris install image. The utility  can  pack
       and  unpack  boot  archives  and	 image	miniroots.  Both  ufs and hsfs
       (iso9660) format archives can be unpacked, although only ufs format  is
       generated when packing.

       For  normal,  boot-related system administration, bootadm(1M) is recom‐
       mended. root_archive's primary purpose is to  enable  OEMs  to  add  or
       update a driver or other component on the Solaris install media.

       A miniroot and a boot archive is closely associated with the release it
       is intended to boot. To ensure that the tools and system services  used
       to  construct  the  miniroot  match, miniroot manipulation must be per‐
       formed only on a system running the same release for which the miniroot
       is intended to install.

       The root_archive command has the following subcommands:

       pack archive root    Pack  the  contents of the root directory into the
			    boot archive archive.

       unpack archive root

	   Unpack the contents of the boot archive named archive to the direc‐
	   tory named root.

       packmedia solaris_image root

	   Create  and pack the miniroot(s) in solaris_image from the contents
	   of the directory named root.

       unpackmedia solaris_image root

	   Unpack the contents of the  miniroot(s)  in	solaris_image  to  the
	   directory named root.

       The  contents of a miniroot are constructed to need the requirements of
       the release. When unpacking a miniroot, all the contents of  the	 mini‐
       root(s)	are  unpacked.	When  packing a miniroot, the source directory
       must contain all the necessary components with  which  to  construct  a
       miniroot.  In  general, this can only be achieved by first unpacking an
       existing miniroot.

       Example 1 Unpacking the Miniroots in a Solaris x86 Install Image

       The following command unpacks the miniroots in a Solaris image  to  the
       root directory in /export/release/latest.

	 # root_archive unpackmedia \
	 /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest /export/release/latest/root

       In  the	preceding,  /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest  represents a
       path to a Solaris x86 install image and /export/release/latest/root  is
       a directory that will be purged or created, as necessary.

       Example 2 Packing the Miniroots in a Solaris x86 Install Image

       The  following  command	creates and packs the miniroot(s) in a Solaris
       image from the contents of the directory /export/release/latest/root.

	 # root_archive packmedia \
	 /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest /export/release/latest/root

       The following exit values are returned:

       0    The command completed successfully.

       1    The command exited due to an error.

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Availability		     │SUNWcs			   │
       │Interface Stability	     │Committed			   │

       cpio(1), bootadm(1M), mount(1M), attributes(5), lofi(7D)

SunOS 5.11			  9 Sep 2009		      root_archive(1M)

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