MBSTOWCS man page on Cygwin

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       2.28 `mbstowcs'--minimal multibyte string to wide char converter

	    #include <stdlib.h>
	    int mbstowcs(wchar_t *PWC, const char *S, size_t N);

       When  _MB_CAPABLE  is  not  defined,  this is a minimal ANSI-conforming
       implementation of `mbstowcs'.  In this case, the only "multi-byte char‐
       acter  sequences" recognized are single bytes, and they are "converted"
       to wide-char versions simply by byte extension.

	  When _MB_CAPABLE is defined, this  routine  calls  `_mbstowcs_r'  to
       perform	the conversion, passing a state variable to allow state depen‐
       dent decoding.  The result is based on the locale setting which may  be
       restricted to a defined set of locales.

       This  implementation of `mbstowcs' returns `0' if S is `NULL' or is the
       empty string; it returns `-1' if _MB_CAPABLE and one of the  multi-byte
       characters  is  invalid or incomplete; otherwise it returns the minimum
       of: `n' or the number of multi-byte characters in `s' plus 1  (to  com‐
       pensate	for  the nul character).  If the return value is -1, the state
       of the `pwc' string is indeterminate.  If the input has a length of  0,
       the output string will be modified to contain a wchar_t nul terminator.

       `mbstowcs'  is  required	 in the ANSI C standard.  However, the precise
       effects vary with the locale.

	  `mbstowcs' requires no supporting OS subroutines.

       mbstowcs is part of the library.	 The full documentation for  is	 main‐
       tained as a Texinfo manual.  If info and are properly installed at your
       site, the command


       will give you access to the complete manual.

NEWLIB				  April 2010			   MBSTOWCS(3)

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