Mutant Edges

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Strong(1): Your mutations have bolstered the strength in certain parts of your body, giving you the strength of a colossus. +1 to all non-combat Str-related rolls.

Perceptive(1): Your eyes are especially keen. +1 to all non-combat Perception rolls.

Smart(1): Isn't it amazing how easily computational things come to you? +1 to all Int and Tech related rolls.

Quick(1): Your mutations have enhanced your reflexes... at least, enough to keep you alive a little better. +1 to dodge rolls.

Sharpness(1): You've got some added sting to your bites, swipes or lashes. You've got some sharp teeth, claws, spikes... whatever. +5 to unarmed damage.

((Tail(1): NO LONGER AVAILABLE. You've got a tail. Reptilian, feline, canine... whatever. It's a tail. +2 to balance checks and other agility-related acrobatics.))

((Wings(1): NO LONGER AVAILABLE. As extra appendages, thin skin stretching between your body and arms... you have wings. You can glide (not fly).))

Attractive(1): The mutations have, by a freak chance, heightened your sex appeal and charm to others. Your appearance is accented in just the right ways, your personal charisma is bolstered, and you exude pheromones that make people simply like you more. NPC's will often be slightly more favorable towards you (at situational GM discretion).

Night Vision(1): You have night or thermal vision. This can be taken twice, once for each.

Toxin Resistant(1): You are resistant to poisons and toxins. When you are poisoned, you either take half the effect of the toxin, the toxin lasts for half as long, or the final effect takes twice as long before it takes effect (whichever is applicable. If more than one is applicable, you take half effect). This applies to all effects of drugs as well.

Thick Skin(1): When someone's shooting needles at you, or trying to inject you, they're going to have to try real hard. Whoever is trying to stick you must roll a natural 18+ to do so. However, this also applies to friendly injections, such as stim and medical healing. Anyone applying a stim pack or healing must make a doctoring-related Int/Level/Luck roll and get 15+, or the attempt is wasted.

Fire Resistant(1): Your skin and flesh have mutated a natural resistance to high heats. You take 1/2 damage from fire and heat sources.

Cold resistant(1): Your skin and flesh have mutated a natural resilience against cold, keeping you moving in cold temperatures. You take 1/2 damage from extreme sources of cold and are comfortable in close-to-freezing temperatures.

Focused(1): Your body is good at one thing at the expense of others. Choose 1 stat (Strength, Agility, Int/Tech, Perception, Stamina). You get a +2 to all rolls made with that stat, but you take a -2 to all rolls with all other stats (including Luck only when it is a Luck/Level roll). You can only take this once and cannot take it in addition to any other Edges to the chosen stat.

Buff(2): The mutations have enhanced the muscles that are there... and possibly added a few new ones. +1 to all Str-related rolls.

Keen Eye(2): Your hand-eye coordination matches those funny-looking pupils. +1 to all Perception-related rolls.

Nimble(2): Your mutations have quickened your reflexes and your dexterity. +1 to all agility rolls.

Healthy(2): You are tougher than the average Joe, whether it's your skin, your bones, your flesh, or your will to live. +5 HP per level.

Sixth Sense(2): You've got a strange way of knowing when danger's coming. Someone's throwing a brick at you? Duck, of course. You have either keen senses that register on a sub-conscious level, giving you a feeling of danger, or you have an extra sense, like a fish's electrosensory system. It's like seeing into the future. You are aware of people/objects approaching you within 40 feet of you, which you will be made aware of by a GM in PM.

Goro(3): You have some extra limbs in there, and when you use them in combat, it helps you out. You get +1 to all attacks.

Calcifications(4): You have unnaturally strong bones. -5 damage per hit against you.