1st Infantry Division
Led By: General Ulysses Van Hawk.
Van Hawk has been leading the 1st Infantry for nearly sixty years. A grizzled, hard, and fair old General, his tactics have been said to be that of Hector of the Trojans. Brilliant, in otherwords. General Van Hawk and the 1st Infantry Division has been part of nearly every military conflict ever engaged in by the NCR Military.
Location: New California Republic, Fort Bennon.
Commanding Officers:
Colonel Alexander Grount
Major Fredrick Winters
Major Patrick O'Hannigain
Captain Sphinx Elliot
Captain Buckeye Jones
4th Infantry Division
Led By: Colonel Tristen Hyrum
Colonel Tristen Hyrum is young by Colonel standards (at the ripe old age of 46), but his tactics and combat experiances are that of an aged vet. Once a member of the Rangers, Hyrum now commands the 4th Infantry, the division which most commonly responds to reports of large scale attacks from raiders.
Location: Southern Rocky Mountains, Fort Killian
Commanding Officers:
Colonel Ian MacAffrey
Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Johns
Major Timothy Harden
Major Thomas Kawolski
Captain Michael Kawolski
Captain Richard Aplent
5th Infantry Corps
Led By: Commanding General Gabriel Millar
Commanding General Millar is the only man to have lived from the foundation of the New California Republic's Military to present day. Of course, Millar at the time was nothing more than a Lieutenant at the age of 19. Now however, he commands the entire 5th Corps, a division of the NCR Military wich is not only Infantry. It includes Cavalry, Atrillery, Airborne and Armored divisions. It is grouped with the Infantry, however, because it's main fighting force is ground troops. The 5th Corps is the largest force behind the NCR Military, being deployed most often. Commanding General Millar has lost nothing to old age, and his tactics and the effeciency of all his soldiers is that of myth and legend told amongst the divisions of the NCR Military.
Location: Fort Hellsing, New California Republic
Commanding Officers:
General Ivan Shalashashka
Colonel Adam Hyde
Colonel James White
Leiutenant Colonel Anton Winchester
Major Victoria Host
Major Lyle Finch
Captain Patrick Finch
Captain Alyssa Yarborough
Captain Timothy Dearborn
24th Infantry Regiment
Led By: Colonel Fergus McMillan
Colonel McMillan is one the youngest Colonels within the regular NCR Military. At the age of 37, he's shown skills in the field which promise a Supreme Commanding General. It's said that in combat, Fergus does not rely on brute strength or raw power, but relies on the speed of his soldiers. "Being quick and decisive is what wins wars," Colonel McMillan was quoted to say. And the 24th Infantry Regiment has won it's fair share of wars.
Location: Eastern Rocky Mountains, Fort O'Riley
Commanding Officers:
Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Kavaat
Major William Gearhart
Major David Webbster
Captain Joeseph Maverick
Captain James Monathy
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