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Cain: a legend amongst professional assassins, a real life myth. The most professional, cold blooded killing machine in existence. Garroting, small caliber pistols, knives and slit throats, high powered sniper rifles; all methods Cain has used and is extreme proficient in.

In New Reno, Cain's Guild rules in assassinations. No target is taboo; anybody can be killed for the right price. Cain has set up a network, operating out of secrecy and word of mouth.

So how do you place a hit?

The casino...Blackjack, table five. An envelope with the target written on a slip of paper inside. Play a few rounds, and when the dealer is switched out, a new envelope arrives for you. The price is written inside. Come back the next night, hand the money to the dealer...and your hit will take place.

[PM GMick to place a hit. He will PM the cost to you, then PM back if you still want to go through with it. To send a PM, you must be registered on the forums]

But Cain can't be everywhere at once. Even legends are restricted to the laws of physics. Hence why Cain's Guild was set up. Citizens of New Reno, all with proficient skills in assassinations, all taking orders from Cain.

Characters wishing to be part of Cain's Guild must be proficient; a standard hit with a low-priority target will be assigned, and the character will chose the best method.

Assassination rules:


B. To become a member of Cain’s guild, your character must be at least level 5.

C. Any character who breaks the rules of Assassination will be fined exactly as if they left the room.

D. Assassins never reveal who they are. Even if they are caught or are seen up close, they are always disguised. Using OOC info about an assassin IC will get you a fine of 500-500-500 EXP/$$$/S-EXP. An assassin will only be discovered if the player wishes to reveal his identity.

Methods of the Assassination/Rules of the Assassination:

1. Close combat: garrote, knife, whatever. An agility roll will be made to see if the character can get close enough for a silent kill. If the roll is successful, then a strength roll will be made to determine if the kill is successful. If the agility roll or the strength roll fails, a close-combat fight will begin, in which the target has a chance to win and escape. Example: Bob is trying to sneak up on John. He rolls a 16, and makes it behind John. He then rolls a regular attack with his strength, and gets a 17. The kill is made.


Bob can't sneak for shit. He's spotted right before he made it to the target. The target draws a knife, and a regular fight begins. Or the target just runs, and the hit is unsuccessful.

2. Pistol/Handgun: An agility roll will be made to see how close the assassin can come:

1-5 Assassin is spotted a mile away, making for an easy escape if the assassin doesn't succeed in a single shot to take out the target.

6-14 Assassin is almost sneaky enough to get directly behind the target, but not quite. The assassin has two chances to either kill (nat 19-20) or disable (15+) the target. If both rolls fail, the target escapes.

15+ The assassin is almost right on top of the target. An easy kill. The assassin has four chances to make the kill, but due to close range, all it will take is one shot to end it all.

Example: Bob is sneaking up on John to kill him. Bob rolls a Luck/Level/Agility and gets an 18...Bob then rolls a regular attack roll with his pistol...and gets a 13. He has three more chances. He rolls again, and gets an 18. The target is dead, shot through the head.


Bob is sneaking up on John. He rolls an agility roll...and gets a 12. He's spotted and has two chances. He rolls a 13 on his first attack, and a 17 on his other. He has shot the target in the kneecap, and has stopped the target from running. Bob has four chances now to make one shot. If he fails all four, the target will still escape. If Bob were to hit a natural 19-20 on those first two attack rolls, the target would be dead.


Bob isn't sneaky at all. He's spotted, and the target takes off. Bob rolls a regular attack, and gets an 18. He shot the target in the leg, making it harder to escape. He has Four chances to make a successful attack roll to kill the target.

If all the kill rolls fail, a regular fight will ensue.

3. High powered sniper rifle: The easiest of kills. The only roll required is a regular attack roll with the rifle (which is issued by Cain and will be taken back after the hit).