Using IRC

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New Reno is played via IRC - Internet Relay Chat. This means that you need to have a program (client) that can connect to an IRC server.

Some common IRC programs are: mIRC, pIRCH and snak (mac). They should be free to download.


1. Open mIRC, click on the hammer and folder icon (options)

2. Click on Servers on the side menu in the options screen.

3. Click on 'add'. Input the following information; Description: DarkMyst, IRC Server:, Port(s): 6667.

4. Click Add. Now you have the server added to your list. Make sure DarkMyst is selected on the second drop-down menu on the options page.

5. Click on 'connect'. Type in your nick in the nickname field. Make sure it says 'Server: DarkMyst' below the first checkbox. Now click 'Connect'. [Note: You can also click the lightning bolt icon to connect, as long as you have the right server selected.]

6. Now you're connected to the server! To join the New Reno out of character room, type /join #vault_13. Have fun!


1. Open pIRCh. Click on the computer terminal in the top left corner.

2. Click on Edit Server List on the new window that has popped up.

3. On the next window there will be four icons, click on the double computer monitors with the + sign next to it, this will create a new network, type in DarkMyst for the network.

4. Next, click on the single computer with the + beside it. Again, type in DarkMyst for the name, the address will be , and lastly, the ports should be 6667.

5. Okay, close just that window, click on the pull down menu that asks for the IRC Network, find DarkMyst, enter in the rest of your information, click Connect.

6. Now you're connected to the server! Type /join #vault_13 to join our out of character room.


Here are some common IRC commands:

/me [action] - displays text as an action. For example: /me walks into a wall displays as *YourNick walks into a wall.

/msg [nickname] [message] - private messages/whispers someone.

/join #roomname - joins a channel

/j #roomname - short command to join a channel.

/list - lists all active chat rooms on the server.

/quit [message] - disconnects from the server and displays a quit message. You don't have to type a quit message all the time.

/who - lists active users on the server.

/whois [nick] - lists a bit of information about that particular nickname, including what channels they're in and how long they've been idle.