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Cybernetic Limb Creation

The character with the cybernetic limb creation system must RP out 50 paragraphs for the creation. This may involve drawing blueprints and schematics for the limb, gathering materials, and creation and testing of the limb.

Logs of this RP must be sent to

Cybernetic Limb Attachment

The person attaching the limb must RP 20 paragraphs towards the attachment, and the person who is getting the limb must attached to them must RP out 10 paragraphs of RP. Typically, the attachment is a complex surgery requiring local or general anesthetic... but some chop-shops might settle for the patient to bite down on a leather strap and feel every excruciating moment.

You can attach a limb to yourself, but to reflect the incredibly increased difficulty of removing your own eye under local anesthesia, using only one arm, or being unable to walk around the area, you must RP 75 paragraphs of RP to attach the limb.

The doctor can charge the patient anything he or she wants. An average price is $500, but it is up to the doctor and patient to negotiate a price based on building the limb, attaching the limb, or any other factors.

You should send logs of all pertinent RP to

Weapon Building

The character with this skill can only build weapons that already exist in the game. This does not include grenades or Custom Weapons.

The required number of paragraphs are as follows:

Cost of Weapon Number of Paragraphs
$0-$100 5
$101-$200 10
$201-$300 15
$301-$400 20
$401-$500 25
$501-$600 30
$601-$700 35
$701-$800 40
$801-$900 45
$901-$1000 50
$1001-$1375 55
$1376-$1500 60
$1501-$1625 65
$1626-$1750 70
$1751-$1875 75
$1876-$2000 80
$2001-$2550 85
$2551-$2700 90
$2701-$2850 95
$2851-$3000 100
$3001-$3675 105
$3676-$3850 110
$3851-$4025 115
$4026-$4200 120
$4201-$4375 125
$4376-$4550 130

The RP must be logged and submitted to the GMs at if no GM is present at the time of the RP.

Explosives Building

What's better than blowing stuff up? Whether it's just for fun or in combat, grenades and other explosives are a devastating force. And that means people who have the demolitions expertise to make explosives are in high demand.

You need the Explosives Building skill to make any explosives. Every time you do, it requires a certain number of paragraphs of RP and an Int/Level/Luck roll. You need to do a certain number of paragraphs of RP in making the explosive, as per the following table.

Cost of Weapon Number of Paragraphs
$0-$150 5
$151-$300 10
$301-$450 15
$451-$600 20
$601-$750 25
$751-$900 30
$901-$1050 35
$1051-$1300 40

You roll halfway through the RP requirement. For example, if you need to do 20 paragraphs, you do 10 and then roll. If you make your roll, you do the rest of your RP to get the explosive. If you fail, you don't have to do the rest of your RP. If you do make the roll, you need to complete the rest of the paragraphs to have the explosive added to your sheet. Your success on the roll is based as follows:

Nat 1: You've crossed the wrong wires or mixed the wrong chemicals and blowsn your project sky-high. You take full damage from the explosive.

Nat 1-3: You've screwed it up and short-circuited a few critical components or contaminated some critical chemicals, and it is an automatic fail.

Modified 4-14: You've simply failed the attempt and wasted a little time.

Modified 15+: Success! You've successfully made your explosive, and can finish your RP to have the explosive added to your sheet.

Nat 20: This is a particularly good session, and you are so efficient, you do the work in half the time. You don't have to do the second half of the paragraph requirement.

You need a GM to monitor the roll. You can either have a GM monitor the RP or submit the logs to the GMs at

Armor Building

Nothing better than constructing the things that keep you living, breathing, and fighting. From basic makeshift shields made from car doors and leather to the most technologically-advanced Power Armor, you've got the skills.

The required number of paragraphs are as follows:

Cost of Weapon Number of Paragraphs
$0-$125 5
$126-$250 10
$251-$375 15
$376-$500 20
$501-$625 25
$626-$750 30
$751-$875 35
$876-$1000 40
$1001-$1125 45
$1126-$1250 50
$1251-$1375 55
$1376-$1500 60
$1501-$1625 65
$1626-$1750 70
$1751-$1875 75
$1876-$2000 80
$2001-$2125 85
$2126-$2250 90
$2251-$2375 95
$2376-$2500 100
$16376-$16500 660

The RP must be logged and submitted to the GMs at if no GM is present at the time of the RP.

Ammo Making

From high-explosive ammo to the high-caliber sniper rounds, you've gotten the basic formula for basic bullets, and ammo for various other projectile weapons.

It takes 5 paragraphs to make any set of ammo. The RP must be logged and submitted to the GMs at if no GM is present at the time of the RP.