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Death is abundant in New Reno. Because of this, job openings for various fields are always needing filling. The shopkeeper that gets mugged, shot, and killed will have to be replaced. The prostitute that gets strangled will have to be replaced as well by her pimp. There is a neverending need for employees by employers of New Reno.

Those entrepreneurs who wish to work for themselves will find it an easy task to establish a small business on the street- drugs and prostitution are particularly profitable for those lacking any kind of morals. Whatever your specialty, whatever your skill level, you will find SOME kind of work in our 'fair' city.


Jobs require effort on the part of a player. They are centred solely around RP - QUALITY RP. If you feel you cannot produce roleplays up to the standard that we require, then Jobs are not for you.

To Apply for a Job: You must contact the the GMs with the Job you would like your character to have. Now, notice there is no list of Jobs. This is because you, the player, get to make up whichever job you would like your character to have. Be mindful of the setting and of your own character's skills. A GM will give you a response saying that either the job is acceptable or that you need to either modify the job description or find a new job.

Working: Once you have been approved by the Job GM, you can begin working whenever you like. Here are the guidelines:

    You must RP a minimum of 25 paragraphs to earn $50. The maximum you can earn in one day is $150 [75 paragraphs]

    Your paragraphs must be of high quality, meaning: approximately 4 medium-length sentences of properly punctuated, descriptive roleplay that is easy to read.

    You MUST log all your Job RP and e-mail the logs If you are unable to log for whatever reason, either cut and paste your RP or have someone who can log for your present in the room while your roleplay.
    Job RP cannot be used for Training RP, and vice versa.
    You can work every day if you so choose.

Contacting the GMs: Please e-mail all Job logs to They will be updated as soon as the GMs read the logs. If you cannot find a GM in the IRC channels, you can also use this e-mail address to request your character's job.