Getting a Vehicle

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Here is a short version of these rules to get the basics.

The first step to driving a car is to get one. In New Reno, that is no easy task. Most cars are derelicts, mere skeletons that were looted of parts long ago. The only ones who can afford to drive a decent vehicle are the ones you don't want to cross by salvaging their parts. Everyone else who's lucky enough to have a beater that putters along holds that junker together with spit and hope.

Your best bet normally is to travel to the Den. They are the capital of garages. They have practically anything you could want there... as long as you want a beater of a car that you'll need to fix up yourself. They, of course, will fix it up for you, but it'll take time and money (see Services). Lots of money. Cars are rare, and so they're not cheap. You could also get one from a few other places, but different sources have different costs. Cheapest around are at Smitty's Garage in the Den.

You must spend a minimum of 20 paragraphs of RP getting to where you are getting your car, acquiring your car, haggling, and anything else that you would want to be involved, before you can purchase your car. Certain vehicles are more rare and may require more RP to acquire (e.g., the Chrysalis Highwayman is the most common type of car available, so it will require less RP than a limo or a speedboat), which is based on where you go to get it, what's happening in the timeline (e.g., wars have effects on vehicle availability), how rare the vehicle is overall, and extraneous random factors. Not all vehicles will be available at all times, either. Ask the GM monitoring this if more RP is required. If a GM is not monitoring, logs of this must be sent to You must also indicate what % of total running performace you wish your car to be at, and where you are getting the car from.

If your car has any running capacity, you may drive it back to New Reno. Most cars will go so slowly, though, that you might want to get a tow anyway. Keeps the raiders from spotting an easy target. It costs $100 to tow your car from wherever you get your car to New Reno.

Alternately, you could get another PC to build/fix/modify your car for you. That is between your character and the other player's PC, as is any cost of service. All other basic rules still apply.

Initial Car Cost

Cars are in high demand and low supply, so the costs are through the roof. Some places are specialized to get vehicles, and others are so far out that getting a car might literally cost you an arm and a leg. The initial cost of purchasing a vehicle is based on the following table. Total running performance is explained below.

Location Cost Multiplier
The Den x1
The Wright Garage x1.5
NCR Capital x2
Vault City x2
The Hub x1

The different garages will also do work on your car, getting its total running performance up... realigning the axels, putting oil into it, scrubbing off the rust from the brakes. Some will also do modifications to your car to make it more than just a rusting carriage with wheels (see Vehicle Modification/Detailing). For every 5% of the TRP that a garage performs on a car, it takes 1 day for that work to be performed. So, getting a 5% TRP car up to 100% would take 19 days. A little extra cash could be doled out to make the work go a little faster, of course... if done in the right way. Ask the monitoring GM if you wish to go this route.

If you get your vehicle worked on at a garage outside of New Reno, you must submit 20 paragraphs of RP getting to the location, haggling, and anything else you'd like to be involved before any work will be done on the car. If this is not monitored by a GM, you can submit the logs to

Different places have different specialties... with different prices.

Location Build/Repair: Cost Multiplier Modification/Detailing: Modifier to the listed modification price
The Den x0.75 x2
The Wright Garage x1 x1
NCR Capital x1 x1.5x
Vault City x2 x2
The Hub x1 x1

Certain detailing jobs (non-practical, aesthetic modifications to the vehicle) require GM permission. After the war, technology was recovered, but much of it was lost and had to be started again from scratch. Vehicle technology is no different... work has gone into improving vehicles so they can get across the wastes, so they can take an attack from a fire gecko... but next to no one has spent any time developing the equipment for such unnecessary things like a paint job, which will chip off under the gunfire your car will come under, or a stylish interior, which will be stained red with your own blood. Still, there are some places and some people that can afford such luxuries, especially for those to whom appearance means anything... like some of the mafia families, or the "rich and elite" in other, more developed places. This simply means to ask the VehicleGM or another GM whether getting a particular detailing job in a particular way is alright, which it most likely will be.

If you want your car to have more than practical attributes to it, you can travel to one of the above places to get this work done. You'll have to submit a minimum of 20 paragraphs of RP getting to the place and finding someone who will do that work; then you can purchase the detailing (with, again, GM permission as to which detailing can be done, based on your RP). They don't add any practical aspect to your car, but customization beyond rust and primer adds a feel of uniqueness to your vehicle.

You can, alternately, submit another 20 paragraphs of RP to be able to use the Vehicle Modification/Detailing skill to get your detailing work done (if you don't own your own shop or tools). This, essentially, will cover haggling with the shop owner to let you do your own work in their shop and/or paying the shop owners in FFRP (no money deducted from your sheet) to work on your own car with their facilities (this counts as using a Shop). You will still need to submit more RP for each detailing item, based on the rules listed in the Build/Repair rules. Logs of this also will be sent to, and the GM retains the right to require more RP for each of these.