Category Archives: Linux
using wget
wget is a very good utility to download large files or iso images. When downloading large file or DVD iso, you can use wget -c ‘url to iso file’ which you can resume download from where you left last time. … Continue reading
bypass port blocking of ISP using hamachi
Here we will be connecting two linux machines, of which ISP is blocking ports. On the machine behind the blocked ports: Download hamachi for linux. I have hamachi- Uncompress tar file with tar zxvf hamachi- -C /usr/src/ Change directory … Continue reading
Configure sifyconnect on linux- Auto Connectivity
Following steps will give you sify client on linux, working with an automatic connectivity, you need to be root. Create a directory where we will be keeping sifyconnect related files or scripts. mkdir /usr/src/sify Change directory cd /usr/src/sify Download sifyclient … Continue reading
Link Aggregation and High Availability with channel Bonding
Channel bonding treats multiple physical connections to switch units as a single logical link. 1. Create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 file with following entries: DEVICE=bond0 IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= BROADCAST= ONBOOT=yes GATEWAY= BOOTPROTO=none USERCTL=no 2. Create an ifcfg-ethn file for each interface in the … Continue reading
how to ssh without password
public key based authentication Objective: To run a command on a remote linux machine without entering a password. Remote Linux Machine ( Local Machine ( Steps for Local Machine: Generate a public key with command ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating public/private … Continue reading
rsync server.
I am adding very brief info here, will try to add details regarding options used when have time. Server= (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5) Client=any other unix based machine. On the rsync server Create /etc/rsyncd.conf uid = nobody gid = … Continue reading
installation of linux-heartbeat on rhel5
Linux Heartbeat “Provide a high availability (clustering) solution for Linux which promotes reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) through a community development effort.” As the linux-heartbeat is not yet shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, one can use rpm’s from the … Continue reading
vsftpd integration with xinetd on linux
The xinetd daemon is a TCP wrapped super service which controls access to a subset of popular network services including FTP, IMAP, and Telnet. It also provides service-specific configuration options for access control, enhanced logging, binding, redirection, and resource utilization … Continue reading
recover the lilo bootloader redhat linux 7.1 using knoppix
In new versions of linux grub( grand unified bootloader) works great. If your boot loader is corrupt or over written by dumb microsoft os there are many ways to recover e.g. using your linux boot media. In case you don’t have … Continue reading
Installation of java and Apache-tomcat on Linux
Installation of java and Apache-tomcat on Linux 1.Introduction 2.Installation of java 3.Installation of apache tomcat 4.References 1.Introduction: This document is meant for the installation of java and apache-tomcat over a linux machine. 2.Installation of java Download the JDK from Sun, … Continue reading