# Makefile for the Vim message translations for mingw32 # # Eduardo F. Amatria # # Read the README_ming.txt file before using it. # # Use at your own risk but with care, it could even kill your canary. # # Previous to all you must have the environment variable LANGUAGE set to your # language (xx) and add it to the next three lines. # LANGUAGES = af ca cs de en_GB es fr ga it ja ko no pl ru sk sv uk zh_TW \ zh_TW.UTF-8 zh_CN zh_CN.UTF-8 MOFILES = af.mo ca.mo cs.mo de.mo en_GB.mo es.mo fr.mo ga.mo it.mo ja.mo \ ko.mo no.mo pl.mo ru.mo sk.mo sv.mo uk.mo \ zh_TW.mo zh_TW.UTF-8.mo zh_CN.mo zh_CN.UTF-8.mo PACKAGE = vim # Uncomment one of the lines below or modify it to put the path to your # gettex binaries; I use the first #GETTEXT_PATH = C:/gettext.win32/bin/ #GETTEXT_PATH = C:/gettext-0.10.35-w32/win32/Release/ #GETTEXT_PATH = C:/cygwin/bin/ MSGFMT = $(GETTEXT_PATH)msgfmt XGETTEXT = $(GETTEXT_PATH)xgettext MSGMERGE = $(GETTEXT_PATH)msgmerge MV = move CP = copy RM = del MKD = mkdir .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .po .mo .pot .PHONY: first_time all install clean $(LANGUAGES) .po.mo: $(MSGFMT) -o $@ $< all: $(MOFILES) first_time: $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(LANGUAGE) \ --add-comments --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ $(wildcard ../*.c) ../if_perl.xs $(wildcard ../globals.h) $(LANGUAGES): $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(PACKAGE) \ --add-comments --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ $(wildcard ../*.c) ../if_perl.xs $(wildcard ../globals.h) $(MV) $(PACKAGE).po $(PACKAGE).pot $(CP) $@.po $@.po.orig $(MV) $@.po $@.po.old $(MSGMERGE) $@.po.old $(PACKAGE).pot -o $@.po $(RM) $@.po.old install: $(MKD) $(VIMRUNTIME)\lang\$(LANGUAGE) $(MKD) $(VIMRUNTIME)\lang\$(LANGUAGE)\LC_MESSAGES $(CP) $(LANGUAGE).mo $(VIMRUNTIME)\lang\$(LANGUAGE)\LC_MESSAGES\$(PACKAGE).mo clean: $(RM) *.mo $(RM) *.pot