%{help=die}%{+n} %b/MSG%b %B %bDIE%b [message] This makes me die (quit irc and terminate). %{help=go}%{+o|o} %b/MSG%b %B %bGO%b This makes the bot leave a channel if not currently opped. %{help=help} %b/MSG%b commands for %b%B%b: All users: ADDHOST HELP IDENT INFO PASS VOICE WHO WHOIS %{+l|l} Channel/global halfops: HALFOP INVITE KEY %{+o|o} Channel/global ops: OP GO %{+m} Global masters: DIE JUMP MEMORY SAVE REHASH RESET %{+m|m} Channel masters: STATUS %{end} For help on a command, %b/MSG%b %B %bHELP%b .%{+m} You are a master. Many many more commands are available via dcc chat.%{-} There may also be additional commands provided by other modules. Admin: %A %{help=addhost} %b/MSG%b %B %bADDHOST%b This lets the bot recognize you from a new hostmask. The hostmask specified must not match the hostmask of another user. %{help=ident} %b/MSG%b %B %bIDENT%b [handle] This lets the bot recognize you from a new address. You don't need to specify a handle if your handle is the same as your nickname on IRC. %{help=info} %b/MSG%b %B %bINFO%b [channel] [info line] Whatever you set as your info line will be usually displayed when you join a channel, as long as you haven't been there in the past three minutes. It's also shown when a %bWHO%b or %bWHOIS%b. You may set an info line specific to a channel. If no channel-specific info line exists for a channel, your global info line will be displayed. %b/MSG%b %B %bINFO%b [channel] %bNONE%b This erases your info line. %{help=invite}%{+l|l} %b/MSG%b %B %bINVITE%b This will invite you to a channel (if the bot is on the specified channel). %{help=jump}%{+m} %b/MSG%b %B %bJUMP%b [server [port [server password]]] This will make the bot jump to a new server. You can optionally specify a server to jump to, in the form of 'new.server.com' or 'new.server.com 6667', etc. %{help=memory}%{+m} %b/MSG%b %B %bMEMORY%b This displays the bot's memory usage information. %{help=op}%{+o|o} %b/MSG%b %B %bOP%b [channel] Ops you on any channel where I have ops and you don't. If a channel name is specified, you will only be opped on that channel. %{help=halfop}%{+l|l} %b/MSG%b %B %bHALFOP%b [channel] Gives you halfop on any channel where I have ops and you don't have halfops. If a channel name is specified, you will only be halfopped on that channel. %{help=voice}%{+o|o} %b/MSG%b %B %bVOICE%b [channel] Voices you on any channel where I have ops and you don't have voice. If a channel name is specified, you will only be voiced on that channel. %{help=key}%{+l|l} %b/MSG%b %B %bKEY%b This will send you the key for a channel that is +k and possibly also invite you to that channel if it is +i (if the bot is on the specified channel). %{help=pass} %b/MSG%b %B %bPASS%b - This sets a password for your handle. You need a password to use most commands and/or chat the bot. %b/MSG%b %B %bPASS%b - Allows you to change your password. %{help=save}%{+m} %b/MSG%b %B %bSAVE%b This makes the bot save its userfile. %{help=rehash}%{+m} %b/MSG%b %B %bREHASH%b This makes the bot reload its config file. %{help=reset}%{+m} %b/MSG%b %B %bRESET%b [channel] This makes the bot reset its channel information, in case it becomes out of sync with reality. It isn't used much anymore. %{help=status}%{+m|m} %b/MSG%b %B %bSTATUS%b This gives you a short display of my current status. The status command in on the partyline is more informative. %{help=who} %b/MSG%b %B %bWHO%b This will show you a list of who is on the specified channel right now, and each person's info line (if they have one). %{help=whois} %b/MSG%b %B %bWHOIS%b Shows information about the specified handle.