%{help=act}%{+o|o} ### %bact%b [channel] Performs an action on the current console channel (or otherwise specified channel), as if the bot did it. This is just like the /me command in mIRC. See also: say %{help=adduser}%{+m|m} ### %badduser%b [!] [handle] Creates a new user record for a user on the channel, using their current hostname. It's similar to a user /msg'ing the bot 'hello', except that no information is sent to the user. If the bot already knows someone by that nickname, and the user on the channel doesn't have a bot record, then it does the equivalent of an 'ident' for that user--except that, again, no information is sent to the user. If the user is using a different nickname than the bot normally knows them by, you can specify their "handle" (the nickname that the bot remembers them by). If you want to add a user using a static hostmask, prefix their nick with a '!'. For example: .adduser !Lamer See also: deluser, +host, -host, +user, -user %{help=channel}%{+o|o} ### %bchannel%b [channel-name] Shows you an extensive display of the users on a channel, and the current channel attributes. By default, it shows you the channel you are currently viewing on the console, but you can specify another channel if you wish. The first line will look like: Channel #hiya, 36 members, mode +tnl 43: This means that the bot is on the channel #hiya, which has a total of 36 members (including itself), and the channel mode is +tnl 43. If the bot isn't on the channel it is supposed to be on, it will say "Desiring channel #hiya, 0 members, mode +:" instead. Next is a list of the users on the channel, with each entry looking like this: NICKNAME HANDLE JOIN IDLE USER@HOST @Wcc Wcc --- N Wcc@blah.atlaga.adelphia.net The "@Wcc" means that the user's nickname is Wcc and that he is a chanop. The second "Wcc" is the user's handle. Sometimes this will differ from the nickname a person is using. The time displayed is the time the user joined the channel. The next field is the user's status flag. These are the same as the flags listed in %b.help whois%b. Global flags are uppercase. Only the 'highest' flag is displayed. The last two fields are the user's idle time, and the user@host they are connecting from See also: console, whois%{m|m}, status%{-} %{help=deluser}%{+m|m} ### %bdeluser%b Deletes a user record for a user on the channel, using their current hostname. Channel masters can remove users so long as the user isn't a global master. See also: adduser, +user, -user, +host, -host %{help=dehalfop}%{+o|o} ### %bdehalfop%b [channel] Removes halfops (-h) from the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, halfop %{help=deop}%{+o|o} ### %bdeop%b [channel] Removes ops (-o) from the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, op %{help=devoice}%{+o|o} ### %bdevoice%b [channel] Removes a voice (-v) from the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console %{help=halfop}%{+o|o} ### %bhalfop%b [channel] Gives halfops (+h) to the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, dehalfop %{help=invite}%{+o|o} ### %binvite%b [channel] Invites someone from irc to given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. This is most useful when the channel is +i. A user with the +o flag can also request an invite from the bot with /MSG INVITE. See also: console %{help=kick}%{+lo|lo} ### %bkick%b [channel] [reason] Kicks a user from the specified channel with the with the comment/reason given. If a channel is not specified, the current console channel will be used. If you omit the reason, the default kick comment is "requested". See also: kickban, console %{help=kickban}%{+lo|lo} ### %bkickban%b [channel] [-|@] [comment] Kicks and bans a user from the specified channel with the with the comment/reason given. Your handle will be attached to the ban in the bot's internal ban list, and the ban will last for whatever time is set for the channel's ban-time. The ban will be a channel-specific ban. Use %b'.+ban'%b for a more permanent ban, which can be activated on every channel the bot monitors. Appending a prefix of - or @ to a nickname changes the banmask used: For example, with a hostmask of nick!ident@host.name.domain: Command Banmask .kickban nick *!*dent@*.name.domain .kickban -nick *!*dent@host.name.domain .kickban @nick *!*@host.name.domain Or with a host of nick!~ident@host.name.domain (strict-host set to 1): Command Banmask .kickban nick *!*ident@*.name.domain .kickban -nick *!*ident@host.name.domain See also: chanset, chaninfo, -ban, +ban, bans, stick %{help=msg}%{+o} ### %bmsg%b Sends a private message to a nick on IRC from the bot. See also: say, act %{help=op}%{+o|o} ### %bop%b [channel] Gives ops (+o) to the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, deop %{help=reset}%{+m|+m} ### %breset%b [channel] Clears out the bot's channel information and forces it to gather the information from the server all over again, as if it had just joined the channel. It's not really very useful, but it could be if an odd bug causes the channel information to get scrambled. You can omit the channel name to reset ALL channels. See also: channel %{help=resetbans}%{+o|o} ### %bresetbans%b [channel] Resets the ban list for the specified channel. Any bans on the channel that aren't in the bot's ban list (either the global list or the local channel ban list) will be removed, and if there are any bans in the global ban list or channel ban list that are not currently on the channel but should be, they will be added. See also: resetexempts, resetinvites, bans, +ban, -ban %{help=resetexempts}%{+o|o} ### %bresetexempts%b [channel] Resets the exempt list for the channel. This command behaves exactly like resetbans, except it is for exempts. See also: resetbans, resetinvites, exempts, +exempt, -exempt %{help=resetinvites}%{+o|o} ### %bresetinvites%b [channel] Resets the invite list for the channel. This command behaves exactly like resetbans, except it is for invites. See also: resetbans, resetexempts, invites, +invite, -invite %{help=say}%{+o|o} ### %bsay%b [channel] Sends the specified text to the given channel, as if the bot "said" it. If a channel is not specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, act, msg %{help=topic}%{+o|o} ### %btopic%b [channel] [text] Changes the specified channel's topic, assuming the bot is a chanop or the channel is not +t. If a channel is not specified, the current console channel will be used. If no text is specified, the current topic will be displayed. See also: console %{help=voice}%{+o|o} ### %bvoice%b [channel] Gives a voice (+v) to the specified user, so long as the bot has ops on the given channel. If no channel is specified, the current console channel will be used. See also: console, devoice %{help=irc module}%{+n} ### %birc module%b This module controls the bots interaction on IRC. It allows the bot to join channels, etc. The following commands are provided by the irc module: For channel ops: %bact halfop say resetbans%b %bdeop invite topic resetinvites%b %bop channel dehalfop resetexempts%b %bdevoice voice%b For channel ops or halfops: %bkick kickban%b For global ops: %bmsg%b For channel masters: %badduser deluser reset%b Config file variables for configuring the irc module: %blearn-users wait-info mode-buf-length%b %bbounce-bans max-bans wait-split%b %bbounce-modes use-354 bounce-invites%b %bmax-exempts max-modes bounce-exempts%b %bmax-invites kick-method modes-per-line%b %bkick-fun ban-fun no-chanrec-info%b %bctcp-mode strict-host keep-nick%b %binclude-lk prevent-mixing%b (Use %b'.help set '%b for more info) %{help=all}%{+o|o} ### %birc module%b commands For channel ops: %bact halfop say resetbans%b %bdeop invite topic resetinvites%b %bop channel dehalfop resetexempts%b %bdevoice voice%b %{+o} For global ops: %bmsg%b %{+m|m} For channel masters: %badduser deluser reset%b